A truly evil man named Noah Harari, a futurist advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), told the forum that they must become the majority and leave the rest behind. He was saying we don’t need regular folks. We don’t need carpenters, plumbers, hairdressers, mechanics, automobile workers, farmers, and ranchers. They are all lesser lights. What we want to accomplish on this planet is all for us.
Harari is a true Communist. Fascists desire to stamp out the rest of us. His type has been around almost from the beginning of time. President Kennedy recognized this evil, and perhaps it was one factor that led to his assassination. He said the following during his Presidency:
“We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies and secret oaths and secret proceedings, but we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of elections on intimidation instead of freedom of choice.”
“It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources for building a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed and not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. Confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.”
Fortunately, only a numerically small group of people have benefited immensely from the lies of Lysenkoism described in part one of this essay. The rest of us are intended to suffer while being obedient. One of the most effective weapons the political left possesses today is its perceived appearance of popular support when it instead depends entirely on institutional authorities to force its delusions down American throats.
The left’s control is a complete and utter charade. The prevalence of the left’s worldview is an illusion constructed on lies told over and over by people in positions of power, authority, and influence. When the left’s sacred tenets are questioned, belittled, or mocked, their legitimacy unravels quickly. Positive signs now exist with recent developments.
One was a Supreme Court decision called West Virginia versus the EPA. West Virginia won a verdict that may disrupt the entire deep state. The global warming movement has succeeded with a friendly regulatory and judicial culture to back it up. This is soon to change.
When Congress passes legislation like the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act, the language is often very vague, allowing an agency with jurisdiction over air or water to fill in the blanks. They write the rules and regulations, which then have the force of law behind them. What this Supreme Court ruling effectively did was end the ability of unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats throughout the federal government, whether it’s EPA, FDA, CDC, or any agency such as the Department of Transportation, to make rules and regulations which control our lives but are not described in the new legislation. This is really the deep state we have heard so much about. It has never been a deep conspiracy against the public; it has been running our lives directly in front of us.
The Supreme Court decision in West Virginia v EPA ⏤ told the EPA they no longer had Congressional authority to regulate emissions from specific power plants. If they wanted that authority, they would have to go to Congress to get it.
The phrase that the Supreme Court used was that if rules and regulations have a significant economic impact, they must be approved by Congress. We know that any law and regulation implemented by federal agencies have a significant economic impact. These agencies no longer have the power to control so much of our lives. This is a new precedent set by the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has thus restored the division of powers envisioned by the founding fathers. They meant for three branches of government, the executive branch, legislative, and court systems, to share control of the country. None of these three was allowed to be dominant over the others. It was entirely up to the legislative branch to enact laws, not the executive branch.
The precedent set here will be far-reaching because it will go way beyond the power plants of West Virginia. It will enter into all regulatory debates occurring in the Federal bureaucracy. While the court is composed of the justices currently sitting on the bench, it is going to be extremely difficult for these unelectable unaccountable administrative agencies to do what they have been getting away with as what we called the deep state going back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal.
It was a substantial setback to this administrative, regulatory state, and it was a victory for the Constitution and the Rule of law. Fred Smith, the founder of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, once said, “the US Constitution isn’t perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot better than what we have now.” Well, Fred Smith was referring precisely to the phenomenon of unconstitutional regulations being imposed on the populace by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. They have now been sharply curtailed. It is indeed a very popular, very positive development.
You will see it play out in the near term when other cases come before the Supreme Court when bureaucratic agencies have gone beyond what Congress authorized them to do. One of those cases which bear directly on the climate debate will decide efforts to impose restrictions on water use.
An EPA rule called Waters of The United States (WOTUS) is a scheme for the federal government to take control of more land under the guise of protecting bodies of water initially thought to be navigable. EPA and Army Corps of Engineers have jurisdiction over navigable waters of the US and the discharge that goes into those bodies of water. Over time the word navigable was allowed to be ignored thanks to the vague language contained in the Clean Water Act (CWA). The Obama Administration supported this overreach, Trump canceled the rule, and Biden put it back. It amounts to Federal zoning on private land all over the country,
It violates all property rights and helps suppress energy production on private land because a case will be made that fracking operation or the extraction of oil or gas endangers a nearby body of water which could be 100 miles away and therefore in violation of the (CWA).
This will end in front of the Supreme Court in the future.
This positive development coincides with the resistance to the deep state breaking out at the local level against various pieces of regulatory control both in terms of the climate debate and the fallout from our disastrous experience with battling COVID-19.
We will topple the Left and its evildoers at the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and dictatorial governments worldwide.
Under pressure, the Left will melt.
Read part one of this series: How The Left Succeeded
NOTE: Bonner Cohen, a Senior Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, contributed to this article.
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