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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

P&D Today

De Omnibus Dubitandum

By Rich Kozlovich 

Nothing about China is ever as it appears, including their "technological advancements". If they don't steal it, they have to buy it, and that's from a nation filled with very smart people living with a political system that stifles innovation.  So let's start out with this Video: China and Semiconductors. No matter what's said or printed, China isn't an economic powerhouse, and as George Friedman notes in this free article,

Still a Unipolar World:

Still, the worst mistake Putin made concerns the U.S. relationship with China, a country in deep economic crisis. Moscow could neither hurt nor help China. The U.S. can do both – help by increasing investment and buying more goods, and hurt by blocking the sale of, say, certain microchips. 

China believed it did not need the United States to recover, and it convinced itself that Washington could be intimidated by naval and related power. Instead, Beijing discovered that its threats around Taiwan and other areas simply generated more vessels and weapons to be deployed against it. The utility of an alliance with Russia was shattered by the realization that the U.S. could respond militarily in Ukraine and, simultaneously, in the South China Sea.

We must never overlook the fact everything is "the basics" and everything that comes out of China and Russia is a lie, and much of what we see in the media, at all levels, is a load of horsepucky.  Once we can accept that, everything becomes easier to understand.  

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