By Rich Kozlovich
One August 19, 2022 Guy K. Mitchell, Jr. published this piece, Global warming is the greatest scientific fraud in history, starting with this quote:
“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be” ~ Albert Einstein
He goes on to say:
In 1912, amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson claimed to have discovered the ‘missing link’ between ape and man, known as “The Piltdown Man.” He had found part of a human-like skull in Pleistocene gravel beds near Piltdown village in Sussex, England. Dawson submitted the find to Arthur Smith Woodward, Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum. Smith Woodward made a reconstruction of skull fragments, and the archaeologists hypothesized that the find indicated evidence of a human ancestor living 500,000 years ago. They announced their discovery at a Geological Society meeting in 1912.
For the most part, their story was accepted as fact. However, subsequent chemical testing showed that the skull and jaw fragments actually came from two different species, a human and an ape—the conclusion: Piltdown Man was an audacious fake and sophisticated scientific fraud. Forty-one years elapsed between the discovery of the “Piltdown Man” and the determination that it was a fraud.
As the author notes it took 41 years to expose the Piltdown Man as a blatant scientific fraud, but the fact is, it took 41 years to "publicly" expose this fraud, because behind the curtain it was known from very early on this was a fraud, but that fraud supported their evolution narrative, so these "scientists" continued to perpetuate this fraud on the public. In short, scientific integrity went out the door to ideology. Ideology makes smart people stupid, and it makes scientific integrity an oxymoron.
Also, this was sent to me yesterday. Astronomers looking at Webb: What if the Big Bang didn't happen?, which
is causing quite a stir over the "Big Bang Theory". A theory that was
created to overcome the idea of a Creator, and a creation, in support of
"scientific atheism".
Personally, I never had an issue with that theory. While I'm a believer in creation, who can say how God brought this all into existence. My attitude was: Why not a "big bang"? But now their expanded astronomical search of the universe brings that theory into question:
"The dreaded conclusion could turn out to be that the big bang theory is wrong and it may never have happened." .............That’s a problem for the big bang theory. If the universe was born in a monumental blast with everything traveling outward at incredible speed, all of that matter should still be traveling and expanding. But it doesn’t appear to be. In fact, the universe might not really be expanding at all.
Which now leaves the one question this theory evolutionists and scientific atheists attempted to overcome:
And if it’s not expanding, then it probably didn’t come from a massive explosion at a single point in the void. If that’s the case… where did all of this stuff come from?
On May 15, 2022 Hunter Kallay asked this pertinent question: Can you even have science without God? saying:
Looking at the roots of science has freed us of the political baggage of the phrase "trust the science." Science depends on two prior assumptions about the nature of the universe: that there is an order to the universe and that humans have the cognitive ability to discern that order. Ironically, a materialistic view of the world provides no reason to "trust the science," for materialism does not account for the order or the intelligibility of the universe. By contrast, Christianity provides the fundamental assumptions that make science possible.
You may wish to view my annual piece, Shall Every Knee Bow

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