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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Daily Greenfield

By Rich Kozlovich 

This picture is a clear depiction of just how out of touch with reality this administration is.  Whether it's domestic or foreign policy they see through reality through a distorting lens, and those distortions impact virtually everything they say and do.  Leftists are ruling America, and ruling badly.  Why are we surprised? Dystopia follows leftism as faithfully as Sancho Panza followed Don Quixote, a madman.  That's history and that history is incontestable.  

 Political Cartoons by AF Branco

A Reckoning Approaches for Obama's EPA Abuses -The Supreme Court's willingness to consider West Virginia v. EPA strikes at the original beating heart of the power grab perpetrated by the Obama administration. The media is vehemently denying that West Virginia v. EPA is still relevant. The Biden administration claims that it has no intention of resurrecting its abuses. Yet in a legal environment and court environment where the abuses of the Obama administration have often been quickly buried, the determination to keep pursuing West Virginia v. EPA is laudable............. 8 comments

Cuomo Runs An Ad Campaign Against Himself - Cuomo and Putin: two men treated as political geniuses until they became politically erratic. The New York Don gave in to pressure to leave office (even though he could have held out like his counterpart in Virginia) and is now using his massive war chest to relaunch his political career by going after a politician who isn't even running against him..........0 comments 

Biden’s Supreme Court Pick is a Racist Attack on the Constitution - It’s not about gender or race: it’s about power.  When Biden announced that he would only consider black women for the Supreme Court, the vast majority of Americans rejected racial gatekeeping for the highest court in the land. 76% of Americans wanted him to consider all candidates regardless of their race and gender. Less than a quarter of the country wanted Biden to limit the nomination by race and gender. Even 54% of Democrats rejected Biden’s identity politics quotas and only 28% of non-whites were on board with his pledge to reject all other potential nominees based solely on their skin color.......leftists wanted a nominee “willing to expand the meaning of the Constitution without constitutional amendments”.........1 comment 

Counterpoint: What If This is WW3? - In previous articles and posts I made the case that this is by no stretch of the imagination World War 3. Despite Putin’s saber rattling, this is an attempt by Russia to reclaim another vital chunk of its former empire and the Soviet Union.  It may be more grandiose, but still limited.  This counterpoint contemplates another possibility. Russian military doctrine thrives on the maskirovka. The obvious manifestation of this came when the Russian regime insisted repeatedly it was not about to invade Ukraine, right before it invaded Ukraine. Observers have noted Russia’s stumbling military tactics in the invasion, particularly the lack of proper air power deployment.  It’s inconceivable that the Ukrainian air force should be operating at all at this late date, and yet it is. ..........4 comments 

Widely Hated Leader of Economically Troubled Nation to Speak On "Optimism" - Not Putin, Biden. Biden's domestic message for the State of the Union is going to be "optimism". Considering that Biden is hated by the country, which is deep in inflation, debt and general unhappiness, that's like the punchline to a Borsch Belt joke. A pity that Jackie Mason is no longer around to tell it. I can't think of any issue that Biden has less credibility on than optimism. And that's saying something. Worse still it smacks of a Carteresque moment.  Americans don't hire leaders to tell them about optimism.  Inspirational messages are nice, but when detached from real action, are just hollow posturing ................1 comment 

Biden Wants to Declare Victory on COVID. He Can't - Before Ukraine became the big story, the centerpiece of the Biden State of the Union address was supposed to be the declaration that the war on COVID had finally been won.  Of course the war had not been won. The rapid collapse of mask mandates is not the result of some massive breakthrough in science, it’s the result of polling which firmly established that the majority of the country was sick and tired of the public health security state. And those polls followed severe political defeats in elections, particularly Virginia, brought on by the bottomless greed of teachers’ unions which insisted on shutting down schools. That’s not a plan, it’s a retreat.............2 comments

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