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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Daily Greenfield

By Rich Kozlovich

This cartoon isn't just about this Russian/US/Ukraine/NATO "crisis".  Take any issue Daniel addresses below, or any other time, or any other issue or that matter, and the phrase, "Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid", applies.  This is the Biden Consequence. 

 Political Cartoons by AF Branco

Afghan Refugees Rape Because It's In The Koran (VIDEO)

On this episode of the Glazov Gang, I joined Jamie to discuss the recent case of an Afghan refugee who had sexually assaulted a child. The media and the authorities insist that this kind of crime is an isolated incident, but we discussed its grounding in the Afghan culture and Islamic laws and traditions. To see more episodes like this, subscribe to Jamie's Rumble channel.............

CNN Is Purging the Deadwood Under the Guise of Scandals

CNN is in bad shape. The news network needs a reboot and it's pivoting to a paid online app and recognizing that its old core business is on the way out. That means jettisoning much of the leadership and public-facing personnel. And scandals can help serve as a convenient tool for the purge.  The affair that serves as a pretext for ousting CNN boss Jeff Zucker was public knowledge and had been reported on as far back as 2017, but like the Cuomo scandal, it's a convenient way to get rid of deadwood who have been here past their sell-by date. With Zucker gone, it'll be much easier to clean house, bring in new executives and talent, and do it all under the guise of dealing with a scandal.  It may also save money on Zucker's severance package depending on the nature of his deal........2 comments

My Take - Once again Daniel sees behind the curtain, and this fits in with my views as stated in my piece,  Zucker and Schadenfreude,  and I agree with Meghan Kelly, more shoes are going to drop before this is over, for Zucker and others.

 Political Cartoons by Margolis & Cox 

And, who knows, it may not stop at CNN.  The phrase "be careful for what you wish for" seems particularly poignant now since Whoopi has been "Woked", and this might become the left's own self created nightmare. 

The LA Dem Standard: It's Okay Not To Wear Masks If You're Holding Your Breath

If you wonder where someone as graceless, charmless and tone-deaf as Kamala Harris could have come from, the answer is California politics where a rigged one-party state has freed Democrats from having to do anything except be puppets of a political machine. Governor Newsom leads a particularly charmed life, having imposed ruthless measures that he never bothers living by, and then responding with the dumbest possible excuses, but Garcetti, who's being dispatched as ambassador to India, because Biden hates Modi, is making him hold his mask and his beer.......... 6 comments

Amnesty International: Jews Have No Right to Live in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem

This Lazar Berman interview with Secretary-general of Amnesty International Agnes Callamar and advocacy director Philip Luther is getting attention for the double standard on China and Israel ............But another exchange captures the basic antisemitism which insists that Jews have no right to live in Jerusalem, including in the Jewish Quarter............. 6 comments  

While Biden Does Nothing in Response to Attacks, One American Hacker is Fighting North Korea

While North Korea's hacking attacks on America aren't occurring on the same scale as the massive Chinese and Russian wave of thefts and espionage, (the largest Nork attack was launched against Sony over The Interview), the Communist regime finances itself in part through attacks, including ransomware, in which cryptocurrency ransoms are extracted from American companies. The Biden administration has done nothing about Chinese or Russian cyberwarfare, it goes without saying that it will do nothing about North Korea. But this is the incredible story of one man going after a Communist dictatorship's internet capabilities from his living room.............6 comments

Pelosi to U.S. Athletes: "Do Not Risk Incurring the Anger of the Chinese Government"

Speaker Pelosi's comments are being played up as doing the bidding of Communist China. In some ways they're actually worse than that.............Keep in mind who this is coming from. The House Speaker is next in the line of succession. If Biden and Kamala Harris were on a plane and it crashed, there would be a President Pelosi................. 1 comment 

Meta is a Scam: Facebook's Collapse is the Real Deal

Of all the Big Tech giants, Facebook is the most vulnerable. Amazon and Google have built powerful monopolies. Apple's branded overpriced hardware still has a lock on the hearts and minds of people with limited experience and liking for computer technology. Netflix has thrown so many billions at content creation that no one can compete.........Mark Zuckerberg has played a weak hand as well as he could, but Facebook is ultimately doomed and he knows it........4 comments

Biden and Dems Keep Trying to Talk About Gun Control... Instead of Crime

When Democrats have to talk about cracking down on crime, they invariably pivot over to gun control. Gun control, unlike locking up the criminals rampaging around American cities, is a popular Dem move because few liberal elites own firearms (though some of their security forces have them), it's also for the most part a distraction. The War on Drugs took on a key asset for organized crime. Guns are largely tertiary. Most of the gangland shootings that pump up urban homicide numbers involve clumsy shootouts and drive-bys by black gang members. The problem here isn't the guns, it's the gangs............2 comments

The Truth About Biden’s Fake War With Russia

The “war” with Russia is as real as Russiagate. Biden tried to be FDR and failed at that. Now he’s settling for playing a senile elderly JFK. If you watch 5 minutes of CNN or any cable news network, you might believe that we’re on the verge of war with Russia. That’s what the same people who claimed that President Trump was working for Putin want you to believe. Their new war with Russia is as real as Russiagate. Democrats want to fight Russia to the last Republican. ........... 55 comments



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