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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Liberals Always React Like Third-Graders

No one likes it when things don’t go their way. Whether it’s a being passed over for a promotion at work or the dissolution of a long-term personal relationship or a financial reversal, a setback is never welcome.  What defines a person’s character is his reaction to adverse events. Mature adults will stop, take a breath, internalize the misfortune, evaluate their options and calmly pick a corrective course of action, with a minimum of hyperbolic arm-waving and verbal histrionics. Young children, of course, haven’t attained this level of personal composure and they react with gut-level emotion, stamping their feet, shouting out excuses and rationalizations, and just generally blaming everyone and everything for their predicament, pointedly and unjustifiably.

Liberals have the emotional make-up of 8-year-old children. Almost to a person -- whether they’re elected politicians, pundits, journalists, or simply rabidly partisan voters -- liberals are absolutely incapable of rationally accepting an undesired outcome and dealing with its consequences in a mature and measured manner.

There are countless examples. Here are two: liberals’ refusal to accept the 2016 election results and their dismissal of John Durham’s recent findings that implicate Hillary.

Stunned and horrified over Hillary’s unexpected, shockingly humiliating loss in 2016 -- perhaps the biggest upset in American presidential political history -- liberals at every level, in every position, went on a four-year temper tantrum of irrational, hysterical rejection of reality. Democrat politicians refused to work with President Trump, rebuffing his numerous efforts to forge compromise and move his Pro-American agenda forward. For elected Democrats, trying to deny President Trump any political success whatsoever was far more important to them than actually delivering benefits to the general population.

Liberal pundits and media reporters followed in lockstep. Negative report followed negative report. At one point, the Media Research Center said that over 90% of the TV network reporting on President Trump was negative..........Now that John Durham has released his report that casts Hillary and her 2016 campaign acolytes in what can be charitably termed a “very precarious ethical position,” the liberal media are dismissing and pooh-poohing the findings with predictable childlike obstinacy.  Like any embarrassed, humiliated young person, the liberal media simply refuse to acknowledge reality, insisting that what is real doesn’t actually exist.

The proof, of course, is the cliché that once a liberal is confronted with undeniable facts and logic, they will resort to personal, vitriolic attacks. Having lost the argument on its merits, liberals default to their, “Well, you’re an idiot, so shut up” position. That is essentially what they say when they are challenged...........To Read More....

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