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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

I am not sorry and I do not care

Back in the mid-80s, when Madonna exploded onto the music scene, I despised her. I was a serious musician back then, playing drums professionally (something I did from my teens until my early 30s). However, I’ve never forgotten how Madonna handled the fact that, in 1985, photos surfaced revealed that, when Madonna was 19 years old and first came to NYC, she posed for Penthouse.

When those photos were leaked, Madonna’s reaction was pretty much (and I’m paraphrasing here, not quoting), “Yeah, I did that. I needed the money. The end.” The scandal disappeared in two days. Although I am back to not liking Madonna again because of her pink pussy hat, blowing up the White House thing, the 1985 Madonna had it right.

If I see one more hostage video of someone offering up a sniveling, groveling apology for something he said or did years ago that was taken out of context, I am going to vomit. The latest was Joe Rogan.....To Read More....


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