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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Tantrum, The Debate, Coronavirus, The Insurgency and the Election

Rule 28:  In a war between the barbarians and the wimps, the barbarians will win every time.

 By Rich Kozlovich

On October 4, 2020 Clarice Feldman posted this piece, The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump, saying:  

It’s quite obvious to me that the Deep State and the Democratic Party that staffs it never got over the fact that their nefarious misuse of our intelligence agencies and hoodwinking the media didn’t work any better than their constant efforts after his election to remove Donald Trump from office and continue their autocratic grifting. This week was no exception. Indeed, I have to agree with Roger L. Simon that “In the aftermath of Trump’s contracting Covid-19, they are reelecting him.”........

(Editor's Note:  This is also part of the piece by Simon she didn't quote, but worth reading.  Normally, Trump would win on the issues. He’s right on almost all of them. In fact, you could remove the almost. It’s hard to know where his opponent, Joe Biden, stands on things. It’s probable, deep down, he doesn’t even know himself. Or doesn’t care. Whatever works. RK)

Also on October 4 Matt Rowe posted this piece,  Is the United States in the Midst of an Insurgency? with these thoughts: 

The violence and rioting in the US result from far more than just dissatisfaction with the police. Extreme ideological social justice movements today are more likely to carry firearms than items for a food pantry. We currently face nothing less than the early stages of a socialist insurgency.  Insurgency is an organized rebellion to overthrow a constituted government by undermining its legitimacy through protest and disinformation, and ultimately through armed conflict......... 

Insurgents use propaganda and political efforts to exploit this atmosphere, creating more significant discontent that discredits the government. BLM and ANTIFA have made it abundantly clear that they believe the existing government and socio-economic system are unjust and exclude them. 

 It’s well known that leftists intimidate people, so they refrain from presenting counter-factual arguments. Then, by spinning the narrative for high-profile events, they build credibility and feed the general sense of public dissatisfaction....(To see the "insurgency pyramid".)

While this piece clearly shows the nation is facing an organized insurgency, and recognizes the need for better public relations to overcome the propaganda they spew out, and rightly recognizes hardcore Marxists will never be satisfied,  he then offers solutions that are completely wrong:
To defeat this insurgency, we must eliminate the dissatisfaction that drives the largest groups of actors.........they must be led to understand that their current problems are the result of old behaviors. They require new solutions that will reintegrate them into society to give them a genuine stake and the ability to exercise legitimate influence. 

What dissatisfaction does he have in mind exactly?  We already have a system in place that's brought more people out of misery, suffering, squalor than any system in the history of the world. Under our system, if you make the effort to get an education, get a job and work hard at it, a success  life is yours for the taking.  We call it capitalism. 

Now, if he's focusing on fixing the national disaster we call public education, then he's on the right track.  But the truth is, it's clear he hasn't any idea what to do as he goes on to say: 

We must redirect cultures that have a history of welfare dependency; single motherhood, depriving children of fathers; skyrocketing numbers of high school dropouts who are unprepared to meet the needs of an increasingly technological society; higher risks of drug use and dependence; the extraordinarily higher crime rates with community members as both predators and victims; and the isolation and utter hopelessness that comes from being trapped there.

Good families, good educations, real opportunities, and the hope that every person can achieve the American dream are not racial or police issues. What we’re currently seeing is a halfway completed insurgency. If we are to end this unrest, we must face these truths and develop longer-term solutions immediately. Otherwise, judging by socialist “successes” worldwide, the suffering could increase exponentially for all of us.  

Mouthing leftist platitudes and narratives aren't the answer, and the history of the world demonstrates that beyond a doubt. 

How exactly are we to direct cultures if we they don't want to stop what they're doing?  It's clear to the most casual observer welfare dependency, single parent homes, dropping out of school, skyrocketing drug use and criminal behavior is absolutely disastrous for any society, yet with all the evidence of decades that this bad behavior is disastrous, we have whole groups failing to amend that behavior.  


Because we fail in two areas as a society.  Areas that were foundational to creating the most successful society the world has ever known.  First, we've abandoned the strong moral foundation built on the Christian/Judaic principles and values that we universally accepted, and: Secondly, we destroyed an education system that reinforced those values replacing them with leftist insanity. 

Otherwise, he's offering nothing more than the same idiotic sound bites offered by the very leftists who are rioting and their supporters.   Which is: Change without values, philosophy without form and incompetence without consequence.

And that's how they expect to beat Trump?  Nah, voter fraud is how they expect to beat Trump!  What they really want is to destroy the Constitution, destroy the American Character, destroy the American identity, and destroy our capitalist economy and replace it with leftist dystopian tyranny.  And understand this if you understand nothing else:  That goal isn't going to change no matter who wins the White House, the Senate and the House.

Sound like a radical, irrational conspiracy theory to you?  In this piece by Troy Smith,  To Squash Civil Unrest, the USA Must Remember Its Virtuous Roots, he states:

In a recent speech at Hillsdale College, prominent historian Victor Davis Hansen made the case that the "2020 election is about civilization vs. anarchy."  It's no accident that he discusses heavily how media, academic, and political institutions have sided with, funded, or simply attempted to justify the looting, violence, and the suppression of competing ideas is effecting not just the election, but the culture.  

The goal, he states, is to transform "the structure of America so that it can't revert back to America."  He clarifies the statement by predicting that should the radical left take control of the presidency and Senate, the abolishment of the Electoral College, the packing of the Supreme Court, removal of the filibuster in the Senate, and perhaps even altering senators to be redistributed via population instead of two per state would soon follow.

In the meanwhile, if we wish to end this insurrection, perhaps we need to embrace Tennessee's Senate Bill 8005.

But understand this: Leftism is like rust. It never sleeps, it never stops, it will never give up, and it never really changes, except like Satan, leftism keeps changing itself into an angel of light in order to fool humanity.

Let's try and get that, can we? 

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