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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 3, 2020

People are misreading the New York Times' article about Trump's taxes

On Sunday, the New York Times published a lengthy article based on Donald Trump's personal and business taxes.  It bears repeating here that this was grossly illegal conduct on the part of the person who gave the Times these taxes and, quite possibly, on the part of the Times itself, which, at the very least, aided and abetted a felony.  But to get to the point, the main thing every Trump-hater (and some Trump-supporters) took from the article is that Trump, the billionaire, paid only $750 in taxes for a couple of years.

Trump vigorously denied that charge and said he'd paid millions. The Biden campaign, however, ran hard with that $750 concept:...........

Let's repeat the bottom line: Trump did what the law allowed.  Trump did not have dealings with the Russians.  Trump did not pay only $750 in taxes in 2016 and 2017 but, instead, paid millions in taxes.  And one more thing: Biden, who sat in the Senate for over thirty years, was almost certainly involved in crafting and voting for the laws that enabled Trump to structure his taxes as he did.  If people think Trump paid too little, they need to blame Biden..............To Read More...


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