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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: Cancer on the body politic

April 1, 2020 By Patricia McCarthy

"Nancy Pelosi is a cancer on the body politic."

Those are the words of Mark Levin, and he is profoundly correct. It is actually an understatement. This woman has dedicated her entire recent term to impeaching President Trump over a phone call. She stupidly bought into Adam Schiff's lunacy that they had the evidence that the president had threatened the president of Ukraine with a quid pro quo -- either investigate the Clinton campaign's meddling in the 2016 election or else. None of that was true, any more than the Russia collusion hoax, but Pelosi still gambled that she could take out Trump with that phony ploy. It was Biden who threatened Ukraine with an actual quid pro quo -- either fire the man investigating my son or lose a billions dollars in U.S. aid.

Then came the Wuhan virus. Oh my, were the Democrats thrilled. This would be the crisis they could use, manipulate to their desired end. This is how utterly stupid these Democrats are! This is how malicious they are; they are ready and willing to destroy the United States economy to take down a president they abhor. Why do they loathe him so? Because he is effective and successful. The American people, those not members of the political/academic class, love this man. They love him for a myriad of good reasons. Chief among them is that he recognizes and respects them, unlike the partisans of the left who view most Americans as nothing more than flotsam and jetsam, inconveniences they must tolerate. So superior to the worth of most citizens do the likes of those who inhabit Pelosi's circle of pals see themselves, they suffer no unease over dismissing us as invalid. That so many of us love and revere President Trump makes us all the more worthy of their dripping disdain............To Read More....

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