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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, December 18, 2015

Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs

My Take - Islam immigration in Europe is really not that big of a deal. Right? We know that because the leftists running Europe is making all kinds of concessions to them and are telling us that.  And we certainly can trust them….can’t we?  And since Obama agrees with them….it must be true….Right?  Of course their immigration policies are being implemented at the expense of their own people.  Does anyone besides me think that’s….well…..weird……even treasonous?   Do I detect a revolution brewing in the EU? Do I sense the demise of the EU for reasons that have nothing to do with economics? 

Let's get this once and for all. If Europe continues down this path it's doomed! Europe and Russia are breeding themselves out of existence, and their demographic pyrimid is totally out of whack.  Their immigrations policies are based on their faith in socialism, and their socialist leaders. All of whom are doomed! Target date - 2020. From that point on the world's economy is headed into a downward spiral and by 2030 Europe will cease to exist as we know it, whether they fix their insane immigration policies or not. What will be in question is who will be their next socialist leaders. Currently they're socialist leaders are internationalists as in multiculturalists. Will socialist leaders emerge who are nationalists, in the mold of Hitler and Mussolini? Either way - there's going to be bloodshed on a scale that's going to shock the world.
But otherwise - "the integration of migrants is going swimmingly"!

Migrants Storm Channel Tunnel Armed with Iron Bars and Hammers - Meanwhile, over in Europe, the integration of migrants is going swimmingly….Migrants Storm Channel Tunnel Armed with Iron Bars and Hammers,”

BOMB Disposed of by British Army in Popular Shopping Mall - Another test. Another form of terror —Police have confirmed a device that went off at a shopping centre in Preston was planted deliberately and was intended to endanger life.

Paris Synagogue Attacked with Chemical Poison - I had just finished writing this post on the now-daily wild and rampant Islamic antisemitic attacks, that are little reported and even less commented on, when this came over the transom: a Paris synagogue was attacked with a chemical poison.

Muslims Desecrate Polish Cemetery with Islamic Graffiti - In the wake of jihad slaughter, Western leaders and media elites hand-wring and rail over “fear of reprisals” against Muslims and islamofauxbia — myths designed to distract from jihad and defend the Islamic faith. When, in fact, it is antisemitic incidents, not anti-Muslim hate crimes, that are at record levels. Anti-Jewish attacks are daily now. No one says anything about that, because it is largely Islamic Jew-hatred. Respect it. Yesterday an elderly Hasidic Jew was attacked on a NYC street. Had he been a Muslim, Obama would have had him to the White House.  Imagine: Europe has allowed over a million of these barbarians into their countries.

VIDEO: Muslimas Curse and Beat Bus Driver - My Take - Maybe this dhimmi driver forget his place and had the nerve to ask them to pay? RK

Schoolchildren out, refugees in - Students in Bad Homburg are being thrown out of their classrooms and schools to make room for refugees in their school buildings. This is also happening in Nordhorn at the Anne Frank School. Yes, the Anne Frank school. The children will be moved to containers (mobile classrooms). Beginning February 1, 2016, the Anne Frank School in Nordhorn will become a refugee home for some 500 refugees.  For this, Merkel got TIME magazine’s person of the year.

UK Chief Rabbi: Teach Islam in Jewish Schools - This is a sickness, a moral sickness from which a large segment of my people suffer: the sanction of the victim. The number of reported anti-Jewish incidents in the UK has increased by more than 50%, driven by Islamic Jew-hatred. Anti-Semitism in the UK is rampant, with hate crimes against London’s Jewish community surging by 93%. Synagogues across the UK and Europe are targets of islamic attacks. And the chief rabbi in the UK recommends that we …. submit, and submit our children, no less. British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis recommended in an interview published Wednesday that Jewish schools teach Islam. Has this dhimmi rabbi actually read what the Quran says about the Jews?

Augusta School Board Buffoons Close School in Response to Parental Outrage to Shahada School Assignment - The Augusta School Board responded to the outrage caused by their school calligraphy assignment — write the shahada (did the kids have to say it too? If they said it three times, they are Muslims because that is required to convert) — by closing the school.  The shahada — that is what is on the black flag of jihad.  Did they have the kids recite the Shema? The Lord’s Prayer?

Obama says no ‘specific’ terror threat to US - In the wake of San Bernardino, Paris, UCMED, Garland, Chattanooga ….. Obama says that there is no “specific” terror threat to US, but calls for vigilance. Vigilance for what? Who? Wouldn’t it be deemed islamofauxbic?

‘American Hero of the Year’ Award Goes to ….. - This hero is not merely Texan of the year, he’s the American of the year. No clockmed invitations to the White House for this hero, no. Little praise has been heaped upon this giant. Perhaps because so many on the left wish the...

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