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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Barack Obama’s Legacy is Benghazi

No—this is not going away

It’s time for Barack Obama to pay for the murders of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, USFS Sean Smith, and contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Sean Smith. Obama thinks he is home free, but he is not. We the People are not going to let it go.

When President Barack Obama was fraudulently elected using a stolen Connecticut Social Security Number, he faked the oath of office, too. In fact, he had to do it a second time the next day because he screwed it up at the Inauguration ceremony.

He let four men die on September 11, 2012, and he should have both been charged with a crime. It’s not too late.

Everyone knows about the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi. There was a local militia protecting Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith, but they ran off when the attack began. CIA contractors a mile away from the compound were ordered to stand down twice. Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty refused and went to help Stevens and Smith.

But why was Stevens and the CIA in Benghazi? Renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh cited an anonymous former senior Defense Department Intelligence Official, saying "The consulate's only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms. It had no real political role." The attack allegedly brought an end to the purported United States involvement, but did not stop the smuggling according to Hersh's source.

The attackers used rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles, 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, truck-mounted artillery, diesel canisters and mortars. This was no casual mob and it sounds like Hersh was right.

Despite the weapons involved, and with the Obama administration knowing within 24 hours that it was not a “spontaneous” attack, they sent professional liar Susan Rice to five different Sunday news shows to peddle that lie. The impetus for the attack was allegedly some short video from a previous year about Mohammad. No one bought her bullshit.

John Nolte at Breitbart (September 27, 2012) shared that point of view:

“The false White House narrative blaming the murders on a protest gone bad over a YouTube video never really passed the smell test. But Obama maintained that illusion straight through to his speech before the United Nations two days ago, even as reports surfaced that our government knew al-Qaeda was behind the attack within 24 hours. Apparently, this has become too much to sweep under the rug for some of the mainstream press and Democrats.

“The behavior of Obama and Secretary of State Clinton over the past 14 days is a scandal of the highest order. Lies, cover-ups, and neglect for security of American intelligence and personnel that borders on criminal.”

As Gary Graham said in November 2012, in Breitbart: “Diversion, distraction, smoke-screen obfuscation…one thing you can say about our newly re-elected President, he has more moves than an NFL open-field running back.”

The attack started at 3:42 p.m. E.S.T. (9:42 p.m. Benghazi time) and lasted more than eight hours. Before the attack, a Turkish diplomat, Consul General Ali Sait Akin, left the embassy unharmed. He saw men amassing nearby but was allowed to freely pass. The first alarm to Washington of the attack came at 4:05 p.m.

Obama had a pre-scheduled meeting at about 5:00 p.m. and was made aware of the attack in the fifteen to thirty-minute meeting.

Later when questioned if requests for help were denied, Obama responded: “The minute I found out what was happening, I gave very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to.”

Karin McQuillan noted it all in American Thinker (November 2, 2012). She added that (Obama) gave the order to the military, the CIA (who was in an annex one mile away) to everyone….”

“Yet the undeniable fact is that nothing was done…So if the President is not lying about his directives….” everyone disobeyed the order of the commander in chief. “And that as commander in chief, Obama did nothing in response to their dereliction of duty.”

Obama disappeared for the rest of the night while the attack continued. He did not ask for an update on the attack. He was next seen the following morning as he was boarding a flight to a fundraiser in Las Vegas.

Help could have been sent immediately to Benghazi. There were substantial U.S. forces at Aviano Air Force Base, Italy. With a refueling in Sigonella, Sicily, F-16s could have arrived in Benghazi in three hours. Former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty fought for eight hours.

A source who was in a squadron at Aviano said: “There were people everywhere. That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go. Only they were waiting for the order. It never came.”

Was this also another Obama plan that failed? The speculation is that it was to be a simple kidnapping of the ambassador. Obama, with the election only two months away and with tanking poll numbers, needed action to make him look like a tough peace negotiator after a disastrous first four years.

The grand scheme, in which some believe Obama took part, was that Stevens would be kidnapped and traded for Omar Abdel-Rahman, the “Blind Sheik,” who was jailed for the attack on the Twin Towers in 1993. Islam militants wanted him released.

But the Obamaites underestimated the stupidity of the attackers—members of Ansar al-Sharia. They were supposed to use gasoline to start a fire, which would drive occupants from the building into the courtyard, but instead they used diesel fuel. It causes black smoke, making it impossible to see or breathe, and can render someone unconscious within minutes. Gasoline emits a lighter smoke, and people can escape from it. Stevens and Smith were in a safe room but could not see to find their way out. Smith’s body was found; he died from smoke inhalation. Stevens was already dead when his body allegedly was left at a hospital. Other reports said he was found in a ditch.

Outrageously, three weeks after the Benghazi attack, the Obama administration still wanted to release the Blind Sheik from jail. Only a letter from the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith stopped it from happening. He died in jail in 2017.

During the attack, Woods and Doherty, under the impression that help was on the way, painted the enemies with lasers to show their location. In doing so, they gave their position away and were killed. They thought help was coming and it should have been.

Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor confirmed Obama was not available when the attack was in progress. When asked by the IndyStar (May 8, 2014) where Obama was, he responded: “‘Dude, this was like two years ago.’ Vietor’s juvenile comment…plunged jaws from coast to coast.”

Vietor said he was in the Situation Room that night but Obama wasn’t. When asked again where Obama was, Vietor said: “In the White House but not in the room I was in. I don’t have a tracking device on him…” (This jerk was 34 years old and sounded like a Valley Girl.)

“‘We’ve no info. on the whereabouts of the president the night of the Benghazi attacks,’ one top House staffer (said). “Wish we did.”

In February the 2014 The House Armed Service’s Committee released Majority Interim Report: Benghazi Investigation Update. In it then defense Secretary Leon Panetta and U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff “testified they had no further contact with the President (after their earlier meeting), nor did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ever communicate with them that evening.”

It’s time to find out why Obama ignored his duty, his sworn oath, to protect our country and our people. Perhaps president-elect Donald Trump can solve the riddle with the “President’s Daily Diary,” where people signed in. Although people visiting Obama were known not to sign in as required.

From writer Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post, dated May 12, 2014: Outside the Oval Office is the Outer Oval, where staff members keep logs of visitors, length of stay and topics covered. “They even record the president’s bathroom breaks (They write ‘evacuating” into the log.)”

But Thiessen writes there is also a career National Archives employee called the White House Diarist. “This individual preserves them as a minute-by-minute historical record of the presidency for future use by presidential scholars.”

Why did the White House fail to provide the information on Obama? A new congressional select committee on Benghazi needs to subpoena all records. The White House Visitor’s log for September 11, 2012 shows three people meeting that night in what appeared to be a campaign debate session: Michael Donilon, David Ginsburg, and Ron Klain. Subpoena them, too.

As Theissen says: “During Watergate, Richard Nixon. has his infamous 18 1/2 minute gap. When it comes to Benghazi, Obama has an eight-hour gap. That gap needs to be explained.”

Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

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