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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The No Labels Party

By Rich Kozlovich

Every Saturday I receive an e-mail from John Mauldin involving economics called Thoughts From the Frontline, and as I've explained in the past, I like his stuff because I can understand what he's saying, which I address later.  He briefly discussed the No Labels Party, and in somewhat glowing terms.  I responded. 

No Labels Party? You don’t really believe that do you? Recently there was a discussion among those who comment regularly on American Thinker, and I’m one of them, regarding Nikki Haley’s slave comments. That was why over blown by the way. There's more than enough to destroy her credibility that’s legitimate. That was a load of media driven hog swallow. I addressed this in my article, Nikki Haley, Slavery, and Our Democracy saying:

The fact is the argument over the cause of the Civil War has been whether it as state rights issue, or slavery.   And the answer is? Yes!   States rights and secession wasn't just a Southern states issue.  In years earlier the New England states threatened to succeed over tariffs. But tariffs isn't a hot button issue, and probably not to most of the citizens in those states. But make no mistake, slavery was. Tariffs was an economic issue, but slavery was a moral issue of massive proportions..... If slavery didn't exist in America would there have been a Civil War? The answer is No!

So, what has this to do with the No Labels Party?   What do they believe in?  Moderation?  What's the difference between a No Name political candidate and a moderate?  It would seem they're living in the middle of the road and traffic is coming at them speedily, with no brakes. 

As I'm sure you know the only successful third party in America has been the Republican party and it was formed to end slavery.  That was the emotional drive for it's creation and success.  Economics can't even begin to generate enough emotion to drive their success, any more than did the Reform Party.  

And anyone who tells me they're a "No Labels" political entity, I already know one of three things.  They're lying, they're delusional, or their stupid.  I find the lying part especially applicable when looking at their donors list.  They want to win?  Really?  How delusional is that?  The best they can hope for is to be spoilers. 

I promote you in my articles, and even forward your missives to friends, and I don't always agree with you, which I will address later.  The reason why I read and promote you is because I can actually understand what you're saying.  I define both economics and statics as arcane sciences, both of which are full of jabberwocky, since you can make either of them say whatever you like.  And some of it, all of it, or none of it may be right.  The trouble with economists is they talk to other economists entirely too often. 

It's not recession that should be your concern, it's total worldwide economic collapse what should be.   

You've discussed books on historical cycles, and I've read three recently, all of which were more than capable of making my eyes roll up into the back of my head, however, there is one thing they all conclude and agree on.  We're now at the end of a worldwide historical cycle.  And all end cycles are filled with massive economic downturns and violence.  If the EU is till in existence in five years I will be shocked. 

Since it makes you feel good for "longtime readers and friends tell me how I have helped them", please allow me to help you in return.  Taxes aren't the answer, spending cuts are, massive spending cuts, right along with massive cuts in the size of government and the end of the Chevron rule.  Focus on that, not of adding new forms of taxes as the fix to our national debt or to meet our obligations. 

Editor's Note:  He's in favor of a VAT tax, which I think is insane.  RK

For those interested, I always get what appears to the an automatic e-mail thanking me for my interest and that my e-mail will be forwarded to John.  I've never heard back directly from Mauldin, so I'm of the opinion my e-mails are forwarded to the computer circular file. 

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