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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, January 8, 2024

The Nitwit Brigade On Parade

It turns out Rufo has a degree from Harvard, a night school degree, but according to this nitwit professor, "they are not the same as what we normally think of as Harvard graduate students".  Really?   In some way this contemptible academic thinks denigrating these hard working "night students'.....a blanket condemnation mind you..... is an acceptable and intelligent tactic in defense of an incompetent, corrupt academic.  Another over educated, over pampered, over catered to, and under smart Ph.D.  How stupid can she be?  And that opens up a can of worms.   We'll come back to that.

These nitwits are consistent though.  Logical fallacies, lies of commission, lies of omission, and projection are their stock in trade.  If they decided the sun shines at night, no amout of evidence will shake that view.   

It still comes down to this, and the author brings it up: Who cares what Rufo's education was?   There's only one thing that's important is his reporting. Was it accurate?  And it was!

All that other clabber is nothing but a red herring fallacy.  It's totally immaterial to the fact that Gay's plagiarisms were very real, very extensive, and could have easily been discovered long before she was even hired at Harvard, let alone given tenure.   And the same applies to Stanford, which is further proof of the depth of corruption at these "elite" universities. 

Over the years as an exterminator I've written extensively in defense of my industry, and the use of pesticides, and I will state openly over the course of my career I've found entirely too many people with advanced degrees aren't the brightest pebbles in the brook, and government grant money has made scientific integrity an oxymoron. 

But these comments bring up a serious side bar.  What if she's right?  What if these night students really "are not the same as what we normally think of as Harvard graduate students".   Because that statement leaves one of two conclusions: She's lying, or Harvard is committing fraud. 

Because if she's not lying, that means Harvard is peddling fraudulent degrees and knowingly offering less quality education?  If that's true, then isn't that deliberate fraud, and the last time I looked, fraud is a crime?   And if that kind of thing is prevalent throughout the world of academia, perhaps a RICO investigation is in order.  

Monica ends her article with this sentence:  Any questions as to what's wrecking Harvard and why that school needs a good hosing out?

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