He stole it once, and got away with it...Why wouldn't he do it again? Which is the unfortunate conclusion from Mollie Hemingway in a new report in The Federalist.
Joe Biden has a new plan to rig and steal the midterms. He's not only doing it now, he's been working on it for a while. Hemingway notes that it probably isn't legal, given that the executive branch has no right to get involved with elections. As a result, Biden and his Democrats are really determined to keep news of its basic details from the public:
President Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to. All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information.
When President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021, Republican politicians, Constitutional scholars, and election integrity specialists began to worry exactly what was up his sleeve.
The short way of describing the plot is that Biden has asked any federal agency that delivers government services of any kind to voters to be converted into a voting operation.
Any government jobs center is now converted to a voting registration or voter "outreach" center. Ditto for any health care agency, any college, any housing agency.
Worse still, the Biden plan involves "partnering" with NGOs, which are partisan in the extreme and not subject to government rules against partisanship or political campaigning to get the dirty work done:
Conservatives may be in the dark, but left-wing activist groups are fully involved in the plot. The left-wing dark money group Demos put out press releases immediately after the executive order was issued, saying it would be happy to work with federal agencies on the project.
And then the group admitted publicly that it “organized agency-based working groups and met with the staff in these agencies to provide technical expertise as they developed their initial voter registration plans, to ensure those plans reflect the knowledge and priorities of various agency stakeholders.” It also admits it “developed research and resources to assist and advance agency efforts to implement robust voter registration opportunities, including a slide deck explainer of the agencies’ potential for impact, best practices for conducting voter registration at federal agencies, and recommendations for modernizing and improving the accessibility of Vote.gov.”
All of that information should be available to oversight authorities in Congress and the American taxpayers paying for its implementation, not just the left-wing groups that produced it. Yet as of this publication date, none of it has been shared.
Bitter, hateful, ultra-partisan Obama-era leftist Susan Rice, who is now Biden's "chief domestic advisor" is reportedly running this scam and keeping news of it from the public, with presumably Sorosian NGOs serving as her handmaids. Anyone who thinks a federal agency that doles out benefits can't pressure recipients into voting the way they want them to vote is naive in the extreme.
No wonder Joe doesn't want anyone to know. Hemingway points out that NGOs played a pivotal role in swinging the 2020 election far enough into Joe's column for all the cheating efforts to make it come out a victory for him.
Now the Democrats have got a "playbook" and instead of retreating for a while now that word is out, they have stepped up their activity, yet shut down any inquiries about the legality or propriety of these projects. In short, that is rigging an election, which may well explain why Joe is so confident that Democrats in this swing year, where all polls show the public against them, will somehow come out on top, keeping the Senate and House.
Hemingway reports that among problems with this still-unresolved secret plan, which is being challenged by electoral integrity groups, thus far to little avail, are the implication of keeping the public in the dark:
Whatever the case, Americans have a right to know whether these bureaucracies that are meddling in elections have experts in for each state’s election laws, what type of training is going on to ensure that state laws are being followed, whether they are allowing inspections and oversight to ensure no illegal activity, how they are determining whether a third-party group is genuinely non-partisan, whether they are allowing state investigators to approve money, and how much is being spent on this federal takeover of elections.
It's outrageous. It's little more than Hugo Chavez-style rigging, a sure sign of a deteriorating democracy. Beneath the dotardly grandfather image is a completely unethical and evil old man, surrounded by corrupt minions.
If the courts can't bust open this sleazy conspiracy with Joe's busy little minions at work, what chance do we as voters have? Perhaps only that if the midterms are not close, they can't cheat. Pray it is not close.
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