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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Four Pillars of Modern Environmentalism

Junk Science, Regulatory Abuse, Secular Neo-Paganism and Insanity 

By Rich Kozlovich 

Make no mistake, the nature worshiping Druids of ancient times would have been totally comfortable with the greenies of today. The "modern" green movement has it's roots in the ancient pagan Druidic nature worship originating in the dark forests of ancient Germania. Embraced by 19th century German philosophers and codified into law by Nazi Germany. Irrational, misanthropic and morally defective. Actually, considering the Druidic origins of environmentalism, I should have made it the five pillars of modern environmentalism.  Junk science, regulatory abuse, secular neo-paganism, insanity and human sacrifice.

So, when I came upon an old article entitled, Global Warming must be true, Charles Manson believes in it , my first thought was......Manson was a greenie? Whodda thunk it? Well, maybe that's not as strange as it seems since the greenies and Manson have a common bond. Irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.

Here are some of his thoughts:

'Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere. ‘If we don’t change that as rapidly as I’m speaking to you now, if we don’t put the green back on the planet and put the trees back that we’ve butchered, if we don’t go to war against the problem...'….On the environment, Manson said: 'Sooner or later the will of God will prevail over all of you. And I was condemned as the will of God.' 'We are all martyrs. Love is a martyr... I am a martyr. But I am also a victim. And I'm a performer……I'm both. I am everything. I am nothing.'

Yup…. he’s qualified…..he’s a greenie. Crazy as a loon and vicious as a viper!

Much of what you see being touted by animal rights and green activists was first put into practice on a national level by the first green government, Nazi Germany.   Like the Nazi's, the greenies love the world, its people they hate.

When I read comments from “normal” people who "know" that global warming is "real" , even after all that has come out demonstrating all the junk science and political chicanery behind it, I wonder at which Temple of the Church of the Warming Globe do they worship, and is smoking funny cigarettes part of the worship service conducted by the High Priest, Al Gore?

Do I believe in global warming? Yes, and I believe in global cooling also. Why? Because we have more than enough historical data to show that the Earth has warmed and cooled often in its history. That record also shows huge swings in temperature, and mankind didn't have a thing to do with any of it.And that's the issue. Not whether or not it's happening or not happening. It's whether or not mankind is responsible.  We're not!

What about the disasters they're predicting for today?

Did any of the disasters they're predicting for our modern times occur when the temperatures during the Medieval Warming period, and the Roman Warming Period, where substantially higher than they are now? There is absolutely nothing in the historical record, or anywhere else, to show the warming doom they're predicting for today ever happened then! Why then should we believe they will occur now? We shouldn't! 

In fact, during those warming periods mankind was better off. It's the cold periods like the Little Ice Age during the 16th to 19th centuries that killed people. And mankind is in no way responsible for those periods either.

So, what's the "normal" temperature for the Earth supposed to be? No one can say.  No one has come forward with that temperature because there is no standard, nor is there any science to prove what should be "normal" for the Earth. However, for argument's sake, if we arbitrarily decide to make the Medieval Warming Period the standard for normal, we've yet to recover from the Little Ice Age. And not only has the warming stopped, over 20 years ago now, there's concern we may be heading into another , where temperatures will start dropping.

As for Ocean Acidification - that's just more horsepucky to push an agenda of global governance. If it isn’t CO2, it will be ocean acidification. If it isn’t that it will be some other high sounding complicated claim that will be as equally un-provable as all the other horsepucky they have spewed out over the decades.

This issue is singular. Does mankind have the ability to control the weather, let alone the climate, in any meaningful way? The answer is no! So why should we believe that the minute amount of CO2 mankind puts into the atmosphere will alter the climate, especially since we know from the data that the amount of CO2 has fluctuated dramatically over the eons. And data also shows that the CO2 increases did not precede the warming periods, it followed them. 

But hey! Charles Manson believed in global warming, right along with Prince Charles who talks to plants to make them grow better, and his father, Prince Phillip, who hoped after he died, and if he was reincarnated, he "would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." 

Well, that sure makes all the difference for me, how about you?

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