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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Why Wokeism?

Last Monday, Hollywood celebrity Whoopi Goldberg said on “The View” that Hitler’s mass murder of Jews during World War II was “not about race.”  She repeated this to Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show.” Whoopi was immediately denounced as stupid and anti-Semitic.  Although she made numerous public apologies, she was suspended from “The View” for two weeks.  However, Whoopi’s statements perfectly reflect the narrative of the “woke” black history and Critical Race Theory that saturates our public schools, colleges, media, and Hollywood/TV entertainment.

That narrative goes like this.: until about 600 years ago, most people in the world lived peaceful, comfortable, and environmentally sustainable lives. 

Then, in the 1400s, a bunch of white men in Europe went crazy.  While abusing their women, they built ships and weapons to attack and exploit the rest of the world.  These crazy white men exterminated Native Americans, enslaved black Africans, and impoverished Asians.  They also started wars and polluted the planet to cause the catastrophic “climate crisis” we have today.........

There are many similarities between what Germans believed in the years before Hitler and what “woke” culture is teaching black Americans today.  Black Americans today are systematically taught that:

  1. Every problem and failure in their communities is caused by somebody else, namely past or present “racist” whites.
  2. Skin color makes every black American a special person who cannot be understood or represented by anyone with a different skin color.
  3. Only black Americans suffered from slavery years ago and only whites were slaveowners.  Only black Americans suffer from rude or unfair treatment and insults. Therefore, black Americans can never be guilty of racism or bigotry.
  4. Political power, not education, training, planning, or discipline is the only way black Americans can succeed.  Since elections have replaced wars, the Democratic Party is today’s black army.  “Ballot harvesters” are today’s soldiers. 
  5. Black Americans are entitled to use political power, violence, or “any means necessary” take what they “need” from those with different skin color who have more.  That can be through looting, higher minimum wages, “redistribution” or “reparations.”

This thinking caused millions of Germans to embrace National Socialism in the 1920s and 1930s.  Once National Socialists had absolute political power in Germany, there was no peaceful way to stop them.  While this was happening in Germany, very similar events were happening in Italy and Japan.  This thinking caused 14 years of world war and the deaths of some 85 million people -- roughly 3% of the world’s population.  Sadly, this will happen again unless most Americans quickly understand and reject the lies and evil of this “woke” culture..............To Read More.... 

  • In an America full of craven Parises, be an Agamemnon - February 3, 2022. By Adam Vicari -

    Anyone who is even passingly familiar with Homer’s epic poem The Iliad knows that it is an epic tale of betrayal, war, and retribution...............If this sounds familiar today, that might be because we are facing our own Trojan War in this country today. 

    Their war on the rights and liberties of the American people, and their war on sanity, much like the Trojan War, has been raging for at least the past 10 years and, is only increasing in intensity as their impending defeat draws nearer by the day. 

    Our rights and societal sanity, or, you might say, our Helen, are slowly being eroded or stolen from under our noses every day by those who call themselves “social justice warriors,” as wel as school board members, and the president of the United States.  The radical left-wing agitators, violent thugs of BLM and Antifa, and neo-communists who call themselves “progressives,” are our country’s Paris............We must staunchly refuse to deny reality when a biological man asks us to use “preferred pronouns,” indulging his delusions further. We must signal to the neo-fascist occupying the White House that under no circumstances will we put drugs into our body because the government tells us we must. 

    We must purge the school board members and teachers indoctrinating our children to believe in the pseudo-intellectual garbage contained in the Communist Manifesto and the 1619 Project by voting them out of office............We must not allow the truth or liberty to be crushed under the weight of left-wing lies and tyranny.  We must defend all of our other constitutional rights, property, and safety of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors from the left-wing brownshirts that call themselves Antifa and Black Lives Matter. ........This year, we, the normal, patriotic, civilized citizens of America need to reclaim the Constitution, restore sanity, and demonstrate that left-wing authoritarianism will no longer prevail by making the mid-term elections.............

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