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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 21, 2020

Advice for Blue State refugees

August 19, 2020 By Michael Gray

Despite the demonstrable fact that dying from COVID is about as likely as you getting a birthday card from a one-armed Himalayan banjo player you've never met, pinhead state governors, city mayors, and local officials all the way down to dogcatchers still insist on maintaining the fiction that merely catching the beerbug is a death sentence and that squashing the things until none of them are left is some sort of life-or-death priority.

 These "officials," self-liberated from the burden of actually consulting with others in the give-and-take inherent in representative government, are on power trips that no doubt give them a buzz. (And this isn't confined to the USA; in a satellite feed from Australia, stamped on the wall at least ten times behind their own vacuous version of our equally vacuous governor of California, was an inspiring motto meant to get Aussies through these rough times: "Staying Apart Keeps Us Together" -- definitely one for Orwell.).............. To Read More.....

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