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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The 'Constitutional Crisis' the Fourth Estate Birthed

By Clarice Feldman February 4, 2018

As the “Russian Collusion” story disintegrates, it takes with it any reason to rely on the Fourth Estate, which in large part assisted in Obama administration wrongdoing. It has proven to be a handmaiden of those who concocted a big lie to bring down a political opponent. Like Josephus said of Haman -- Antiq., 50:2, c. 6,) “without a remark upon the almighty power, and admirable justice of the wisdom of God; not only in bringing Haman to his deserved punishment, but in trapping him in the very snare which he had laid for another, and turning a malicious invention upon the head of the inventor.” This time, it’s not only Haman -- the FBI and DOJ officials involved in lying to the FISC and unmasking what they learned -- but their hangers-on in the press that are trapped as well.

1. Prelude to the Devin Nunes Memo’s Release
As she so often does, Kimberley Strassel nailed it: Kimberley StrasselVerified account @KimStrassel
  1. I've covered politics a long time. I've never -- never -- seen anything approaching the desperations Ds have to keep this memo quiet. And as we know that worry about law enforcement (Snowden/Manning) is not their biggest worry, this memo must be damning to the core.
  2. Have been in journalism all my life. Have never -- never -- seen the press corps fight so hard against transparency. Same media that after election wondered if it was out of touch with avg Americans, now ignoring the legit worries so many have about govt. accountability.
  3. Every journo should be asked if they'd be fighting this hard against disclosure if it was a Bush DOJ/FBI accused of wiretapping abuses. Of course not. They'd be leading the charge to put it all out. 4th estate is supposed to enlighten the people. Not cover for govt. officials.
Others took up the same tack. Notable among them was Mark Penn, a long-time Clinton pollster. He notes the shocking calls by the NY Times and Washington Post for prior restraint -- blocking the release of the memo House Intelligence Chairman Nunes prepared based on what witnesses told the committee and official documentation about the spying on the Trump campaign. The hypocrisy of their efforts are astonishing -- these are some of the same people who argued successfully that the public was entitled to see (and then to publish) the “Pentagon Papers.” Penn observes, as we must, that the dossier is nonsense, and has been discredited -- not as the press is wont to say, “unverified."...............

2. Panic and Hypocrisy on the Left...........
3.The Nunes Memo............
4. Upcoming.......................Here To Read More, Much More....

My Take - I think this is the best presentation of what's actually taken place, the parties involved, the hypocrisy, the outright criminal activity of members of the Obama administration and the FBI, and the real impact over releasing this memo. 

It's also clear this is the tip of the iceberg and it goes deeper and higher than what's been exposed.    It's also clear there's far more to come that will be far more serious than we've seen thus far.  It's also clear the Justice Department and the and the FBI are now harboring criminals and is in serious need of a good house cleaning.   

I would start by firing Rosenstein right now and then get rid of Sessions and bring in a new broom, because a new broom sweeps clean. 

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