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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Scandal of the Day: Christian Heidi Cruz Says Christian Things

by David French February 11, 2016 5:23 PM @DavidAFrench
The scandal du jour, from the ignorant, anti-Christian sectors of the Left, comes courtesy of a brief excerpt of a radio interview with Heidi Cruz, Ted Cruz’s wife:.....For those who don’t have 92 seconds to listen, here are the quotes that caused Ken Meyer at Mediaite to call Cruz’s statements a bizarre rant: We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence.
Jon Green, a regional field director for Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign, also found this excerpt offensive:.......

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My Take - Once again the leftists trot out the "Constitutional" concept of the Wall of Seperation between church and state.  Well.....there is no such statement the Constitution.  All the Constitution says is, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof........"  It was Jefferson who said there should be a Wall of Seperation between church and state.  He made that statement to religious leaders of New England who were concerned the federal government could interfere in their exercise of religion.  Jefferson meant that wall  - "a very high wall"  - was to pervent the state from interfereing in church matters, not to prevent the church from involving itself in matters of government.  Even the courts misuse this statement. 

Education in American is a mess. 

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