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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Obama's Foreign Policy Rebuked – by His Own Intel Chiefs

William Tate

Barack Obama's foreign policy – and by extension Hillary Clinton's – received a stinging rebuke this week...from Obama's own intelligence chiefs. 

 Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, gave Congress an assessment of threats around the globe that amounted to a direct indictment of Obama's failed foreign policies. Clapper called the dangers currently facing the United States "a litany of doom." 

He told the Senate Armed Services Committee, "In my fifty-plus years in the intelligence business, I cannot recall a more diverse array of challenges and crises that we confront as we do today." Where have Obama's policies failed? You might as well put on a blindfold and throw a dart at a map of the world. On the nuclear accord with Iran, which Obama seems to think is his crowning foreign policy accomplishment, Clapper said that Iran could begin construction of a nuclear weapons program at any time. "Iran probably views the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a means to remove sanctions while preserving some of its nuclear capabilities, as well as the option to eventually expand its nuclear infrastructure.".........

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