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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Daily Greenfield

By Rich Kozlovich

For those who are daily readers of P&D you know I've been remiss in keeping up with Daniel's daily commentaries for a few days, as a result, this is a long list that will be broken up into two postings, but it's worth the time to explore his thoughts. 

 Enjoy today's offerings.

 Political Cartoons by Margolis & Cox

 As NYC Crime Rises 38%, Mayor Adams Focuses on Veganism 

Back when everyone was thrilled that someone non-crazy appeared to be on track to over New York City, I warned that Adams was a nutjob, albeit not the rigidly ideological one that De Blasio was.......... Yes, Adams running on a platform of actually having the police do their jobs was encouraging, but the NYPD has limited scope because of pro-crime DAs like Alvin Bragg in Manhattan. And the rest of the city leadership, particularly at the City Council level, has been locked by the Left.  But Adams can always go big on veganism..............16 comments

The Tyranny Must End So We Can Reimpose It At a Later Time

I predicted early last year that the end of the COVID state would arrive sooner than people thought. Irish Democracy was setting in and quoting Alinsky, the whole thing was becoming a drag. People, at least Americans, will only put up with so much and for so long. At the time it was fashionable for some in the conspiracy crowd to claim that this would be a permanent state of affairs. It was never going to be permanent in the sense of always living this way, but the public health machine is only coming around to lifting the restrictions because they would like to retain the ability to reimpose them again.........9 comments

Lockdown States Begin Lifting Mask Mandates, But Is It For Show?

Seeing a preference cascade in action can be a surreal thing that makes you question the nature of reality. What we're really seeing is a lot of repressed responses and people losing faith in the system. Now the lockdown lobby is rushing to get out ahead of the curve. But it's mostly too late for that........ 1 comment

Biden Admin To Give Free Crack Pipes to Black LGBT Crackheads

The insanity that is now riding high among the Democrats tops anything that even the most outrageous satire could have predicted.  About a million years ago (when it was still mildly funny), SNL's take on the Dukakis defeat included Joan Baez singing what was supposed to be an over-the-top version of insane lefty policies that the country had rejected. "Unilateral disarmament, abortion on demand, take everybody's guns away, and toss them in the sand. Free needles for the addicts, free condoms for the kids. We'll not blame the criminal for anything he did."..........25 comments

ADL Senior VP: 'Kudos To My Former Boss, George Soros'

Meet the Obama mentor and Soros lawyer heading up the ADL’s civil rights.  Obama's career of political activism began in some ways when he met Eileen Hershenov. He graduated from Columbia University, and as David Remnick put it, "got it into his head to become a community organizer." After a brief stint actually working for a living, he answered an ad and joined Ralph Nader's left-wing New York Public Interest Research Group.................45 comments

 $200 Million in Somali Welfare Fraud Paid for Trips to Mecca

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s favorite restaurant claimed to be feeding 6,000 kids a day. Feeding Our Future, the Minnesota food charity sponsor whose offices have been raided by the FBI over allegations of massive fraud that some estimates have placed in the hundreds of millions of dollars, claimed that it wants to make "the world a better place for all".  ........... 27 comments 

George Washington University Pres Vows to Go After Anti-China Posters

Criticism of China isn't just verbotten in Hollywood or the NBA, but universities, which serve as a Chinese Communist espionage tool, are increasingly banning criticism of the Communist dictatorship even as they celebrate the most extreme hatred of America and Israel. The latest case comes from George Washington University where President Mark Wrighton responded to posters criticizing China's human rights abuses in the context of the Olympics by apologizing and threatening those who had put them up................12 comments 

Hamas Celebrates Murder of 91-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor

When you're evil cowards, you take your wins where you can get them........A helpful reminder that Islamic terrorists are both evil and cowardly. And that there's no low too low for them to sink to.........11 comments

Biden Going to Israel is Bad News

Biden's approval ratings have crashed through the floor. The vast majority of Americans want him to focus on the economy, inflation, and crime. Instead, Biden has pushed Democrat election rigging and the Build Back Better hoax that would push us deeper into an impossible debt in order to give money to his Big Green donors...........A proposed trip to Israel is now on the agenda. Why Israel? A Democrat visiting Israel is never good news. And that's especially true of the Obama administration and its legacies.............. 11 comments

The Inevitable Cuomo Comeback

There was no reckoning for the monster in Albany, not for the nursing home deaths or the blatant discrimination against religious Jews.  Instead, local Dems ousted him with some weak #MeToo allegations because they wanted to avoid political collateral damage. It should surprise no one, least of all them, that Dracula wants to make a comeback............8 comments 

You Can Call White People Evil, But Don’t Criticize Affirmative Action

What the suspension of a law professor reveals about Georgetown’s double standard. Georgetown University professor C. Christine Fair tweeted that "white men" who defend Justice Kavanaugh, “deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps” and then “we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”..........41 comments

Americans are Pulling the Plug on China's Genocide Games

Two things.

1. Sports ratings are down across the board. The collapse seemed to seriously take off with the anthem protests and turn even more catastrophic with the pandemic. Professional sports have alienated a big chunk of their male audience and that doesn't leave much. The lack of audiences and the pandemic gimmicks have really undermined the entire big business model of the NFL, NBA, MLB, and so forth.

2. Americans don't like Communist China. And they have little interest in a cheerful brotherhood of nations routine in a Communist dictatorship that originated the pandemic and has profited massively from it.............13 comments

Recall of Soros DA Gascon Wins Support of Hollywood Liberals

The Gascon recall would test the spending and culture powers of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and George Soros. But the LA Mag suggests that supporters of recalling the pro-crime DA now include a healthy chunk of Hollywood................14 comments

Gov. DeSantis and Texas Pressure Forces GoFundMe to Release Freedom Convoy Cash

The two positive outcomes of this episode are that...

1. Every conservative now knows not to use GoFundMe. The tech platform has a long history of banning and discriminating against conservatives. This time its overreach went into the millions. 

2. Florida and Texas flexed their newfound legal muscle at a tech company and it backed off. GoFundMe is much smaller in scale than the real monsters like Google, Amazon, and Facebook, and lacks their layers of lobbyists and paid politicians. But it's mid-size enough to make for a good field test...........5 comments

Biden Sanctions Waiver Allows Foreign Companies to Work on Iran's Nuke Program

The Biden administration already offered Iran backdoor sanctions relief. And promising a whole lot more.  In May 2021, Malley was offering Iran relief equivalent to $7 billion, nearly equal to the budget of Iran’s entire conventional military for 2022. As Iranian negotiators stonewalled — they have not sat down with Malley or his team but instead insist on talking through intermediaries — Malley’s team upped the ante. Today, the Biden administration appears poised to provide Tehran with $12 billion, equivalent to a quarter of Iran’s total budget at the real exchange rate. ................2 comments

Somali Muslim Gets Probation for School Arson During BLM Riots

 The Feds are really throwing the book at these folks.............That was the summer of 2020 during the Trump administration. He entered a guilty plea last spring. Now he ended up with... probation.............3 comments

International Olympic Committee Launches Takedown of Video Mentioning China's Persecution of Minorities

The International Olympic Committee has always been corrupt, but the genocide games are really bringing out the best of every dirty player colluding with Communist China from NBC to the IOC...........Despite all the cash NBC paid, it doesn't own its own commentary at the Olympics. And the IOC is owned by the ChiComs. But so is NBC..........4 comments 

Mayor Says Diversity is Our Strength After Muslim Caught Vandalizing Chicago Synagogue w/Swastikas

"I hate Illinois Islamist Nazis." Not everything that looks like "white supremacy" in the Whoopi Goldberg sense is.  Hitler and the Nazis remain quite popular in the Muslim world. They like the fascism sure, but it's the antisemitism that's really popular........59 comments
Reversing Trump, Biden Doubles Amount of Chinese Solar Cell Imports 

10% for the big guy. There's been a pitched battle in and out of the Biden administration about whether to keep President Trump's solar tariffs in place. John Kerry was the biggest advocate for taking them down in order to "save the planet." While the tariffs are staying in place on paper, Kerry got a lot of what he wanted. So did Communist China...........9 comments


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