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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, December 6, 2021

Does England Really Need a Royal House?

By Rich Kozlovich

I've been reviewing old posts in order to get tags on them, which I foolishly didn't do going all the way back to 2007. I still have about three years to tag, but one of those years has almost 5000 its a bit of a task.  But its also been interesting to see things from those years as related to now, and I would like to toot my horn a bit because everything I stated all those years back is now coming to pass.

I came upon this one, which I think is pointed since this was 9 years ago and everyone's still alive, going green has proven to be a loser and the green mantra of disaster caused by Anthropogenic Climate Change, formally known as Global Warming, has been exposed for the scientific fraud it is.  Yet Bonnie Prince Charlie still touts the same clabber he did nine years ago, and actually further back than that, which his father also bought into.  Now we know Liz, trying to protect the family business, is buying into it also.  

Mankind must go green or die, says Prince Charles, By Jonathan Brown Friday 23 November 2012- The Prince of Wales has warned that mankind is on the brink of “committing suicide on a grand scale” unless urgent progress is made in tackling green issues such as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, intensive farming and resource depletion. Adopting uncharacteristically apocalyptic language, the Prince said the world was heading towards a “terrifying point of no return” and that future generations faced an “unimaginable future” on a toxic planet......

I will say this.  It may seem strange, but I pity the man for a number of reasons, but it doesn't change the fact that Bonnie Prince Charlie is a loon.  They're claiming he has not been over the top in the past, and yet he has declared “tipping points” that have come and gone.  This is a guy that apparently doesn’t read very much or only reads what supports his personal mythology as to how the universe functions, and is desperate to justify his pampered existence. 

As for  his father, what was his afterlife hope?  "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”  Wow! And now we have Covid 19! Is it him? Nah, he was just another delusional pampered loon!  It must be genetic. 

I am inclined to think that the English people agree with me since there was a poll that says “the public just can't warm to idea of Prince Charles in charge.”   The article goes on to say; “Less than half of the British public believes the Prince of Wales should ascend to the throne”.  Apparently the British are happy that there is longevity in the women of his family as his grandmother, the Queen Mother, lived to be 101, and his mother is 95.  I wonder if the Brits are thinking of Spock's Vulcan greeting for Queen Elizabeth II.  Live long and proper!  
That may keep this loon at bay for a while, but does it matter as it appears Liz is in the same mob.  However, maybe it's really immaterial if the British retain this farce of British Royalty or not, since the greenie claptrap these loons embrace is going to bankrupt England anyway.  Even more destructive  is that England has totally embraced multiculturalism, and all the social disasters that have gone with it.  Unending list of whining here,  Grooming Gangs Here, Crime, much of which the British leaders are ignoring and worse yet, covering up. 
The country isn't going to exist much longer as England......but as Englanistan.
So does it all really matter? 


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