By Steve Schow — April 5, 2017
The antibiotic chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin) was isolated from a culture of Streptomyces venezuelae in 1947. During a large typhus fever outbreak in Bolivia in December 1947, Doctor Eugene Payne from the pharmaceutical firm, Parke, Davis & Company, arrived at La Paz General Hospital carrying a small supply of a new drug. Four patients who were sick with typhus and presenting signs and symptoms of probable death were chosen to receive the limited supply of drug.
A death certificate, complete except for date, had been made out for Case 10, a man named Gregorio Zalles, and arrangements made for his burial. He had been in a coma for three days when he was given an injection of the drug chloramphenicol. Forty minutes later he asked for water. While many others died, Zelles was well in a few days, as were all the others treated with the drug. It was the first use in man of Chloromycetin, resulting in this handful of patients surviving their near-death experience with typhus........To Read More....
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