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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 6, 2025

One Racist Replaced by Three Racists

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK


Why was there so much celebration when news broke that MSDNC (officially MSNBC) cancelled Joy Reid’s low rated show? Even progressive locusts couldn’t stand listening to her nightly rants, seeing racism everywhere!  Joy Reid, Al Sharpton, Joe Biden and many other Democrats see racism in everything, everywhere, every day. Maybe they have a point: 

  1. For more than 200 years, vanilla has been the most popular ice cream in the United States. Why isn’t chocolate the most popular flavor? 
  2. What about people who refuse to drink their coffee black? 
  3.  Why is blackboard ONE word and white board TWO words? This is how racism indoctrinates our children in schools! 
  4. White chocolate is a delicious treat but why isn’t it called “chocolate white?” 
  5. Why didn’t Disney call the movie “Snow Black and the Seven Dwarfs?” 
  6. In 2024, the most popular colors for cars were: white, black, silver and gray. Why wasn’t black the most popular color? Obviously, all those car owners with white, silver or gray cars hate black people. 
  7. Why isn’t blackberry as popular as iPhones? 

Pure racism! Suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and finding racism in everything, Reid couldn’t maintain a respectable progressive audience. But before you cheer at Reid’s cancellation, note that she is being replaced by THREE “people of color” who graduated from Maxine Watters University: · 

  1. In “the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree” category is Alicia Menendez, the daughter of Democrat felon and ex-New Jersey senator Bob Menendez.
  2. In the Bernie Sanders communist category is Symone Sanders-Townsend. She worked on Bernie’s 2016 campaign and then Joe Biden’s 2020 dementia campaign. Then cackled for a while on Vice President Kamala Harris’s staff.
  3. In the RINO category (although he is now an independent), is former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele. Progressives like Steele because he is a former Republican. Steele is to Republicans what hydrants are to dogs.

If only MSNBC could have found a half-White, half-Asian, trans midget, they would have completed the panel of progressive lunatics.

To share your thoughts with MSNBC: Email: -  Phone: 866-787-6228 - Write: 30 Rockefeller Center, New York, NY 10112 

Read Bezo’s Announcement re WaPO Opinion by Sally Zelikovsky.


How the Media Killed Itself

By Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog


Over the last twenty years, the media, an institution that had defined American politics in the twentieth century, began a decline that has wiped out its influence, its finances and its future.

Ask anyone in the media what happened and they will blame the internet, social media, disinformation, echo chambers and other tired buzzwords directing the fault elsewhere.

The reality is that the media killed itself.

The media lost its influence because it believed so much in that influence that it became convinced that it was no longer subject to the gravity of public opinion, but defined public opinion, at exactly the time when its future was most at risk and its influence was most in doubt.

It wasn’t the internet, but the media’s reaction to it that put it on its current pathway to oblivion. Rather than responding to the increasing competition resulting from a low barrier to entry by maximizing its appeal, the media radicalized until it could only appeal to niche audiences.

The media complains about echo chambers and disinformation, but it chose to become a very expensive echo chamber filled with disinformation appealing to a shrinking audience. Now it’s struggling to compete with much cheaper echo chambers filled with disinformation.

When faced with this reality, the media insisted that it had an entitlement to monopolize the market and demanded that Google, Facebook and other major monopolies subsidize its content and suppress the content of its competitors because it was in the ‘public interest’. The media’s rent seeking did not save it, it only slowed the rate of decline until it became irreversible.

The media traded its old product, news coverage, for political advocacy, a product that most people don’t want and refuse to pay for, and it is running out of ways to make money from it.

The Obama campaign marked a decisive turning point in the media’s shift from a bias to a narrative. The editorial and reporting of most media outlets became indistinguishable. The objective voice fractured into agitprop. Internal fact checking was dismantled. What had once been a distinctive, albeit flawed, institution became a shareholder and taxpayer-funded component of the Obama campaign, the Democratic Party and the larger leftist movement.

Not only conservatives, but independents and old school liberals dropped their subscriptions. The media went on blaming the internet, but its content had become interchangeable with what the Obama campaign was already putting out on the internet. Following a party line made the media boring. Its take on any subject was predictable. The only people listening already agreed.

Without critical commentary of the Obama administration, the value proposition of the New York Times or the Washington Post had become negligible to any intelligent reader. Even liberals grew tired of reporters finding new ways to gush about Obama. Unable to criticize its own side, the media’s only ‘vibrant’ content came from its politically motivated attacks on Republicans.

The Trump era revived the media’s business model by allowing it to focus almost entirely on those attacks. While viewership and readership continued to drop over the long run, national media outlets found a revenue stream from a wealthy niche of leftists who believed that they could pull off a new Watergate and take down Trump. Local newspapers rotted on the vine, but the Washington Post and the New York Times began making money from digital subscribers.

But once Trump was gone, the subscriptions and the money also began to trickle away.

Hillary’s claim that the election had been rigged by Russian ‘fake news’ gave the media a casus belli for what they had wanted all along: a social media marketplace rigged to favor them. Congressional Democrats pressured Facebook into favoring media content and creating a ‘fact checking’ sinecure that paid the media to suppress the content of its political opponents.

But once the pressure faded, Facebook lost interest in subsidizing the media. Worse still, Zuckerberg cut the ‘gordian knot’ by rigging the algorithm to deprioritize all political content. This was a catastrophic blow for conservative digital media, the intended target, but it also helped kill Buzzfeed and other leftist digital media, and also slashed news consumption on social media.

Online news consumption should have risen since 2017, instead it dropped off by 10 to 5 percent in different age groups by 2024. The media had set out to throttle conservatives, but it also throttled its own growth as the largest social media entity ceased to be a news platform.

The media’s central role in the Trump wars left it with no plan for what to do after him.

Despite obvious misconduct by Biden, the media remained unable to report on its own side, burying the largest story of the decade, the president’s senility, preceded by burying the story of his son’s crimes, because it was in the messaging business, not the journalism business.

Readers and viewers turning to the media for meaningful coverage of the Biden administration got White House press releases thinly disguised as news stories. By the end of his term in office, the media was spinning the ‘unspinnable’, denying that the economy was a disaster, that inflation was devastating American families and that the man at the top was completely out of it.

The media took to urging Americans to get over it and accept high prices for a ‘good’ economy, ridiculing them as malcontents who were unable to appreciate how much better off they were.

This was not a winning strategy either politically or for retaining the trust of the audience.

The media’s coverups for Obama were justified by the historic nature of his candidacy, his charisma, his burden of racial guilt, and his transformative politics, but Biden had none of these. When the media covered up for a confused old white man in the White House because he happened to be a member of its party, it destroyed the last shreds of its credibility.

When the media lied about Biden’s fitness, it wasn’t lying to the rest of the country who did not believe it anyway, but to Democrats and liberals who blame it for their 2024 election defeat.

Now Trump is back, but the media isn’t profiting from it anymore. The readers who once poured money into the Post and the Times, who tuned into MSNBC, are continuing to stay away. The media had spent too many years promising what it could not deliver: a Trump takedown. And just like donors are reluctant to donate to the Democrats, they’re reluctant to fund the media.

The media’s audience shrank from a nation to a party and then to a fringe of the party: the one that believed men should be able to use the ladies room and that there was no such thing as objectivity, and then that fringe tuned out and unsubscribed leaving the media with nothing.

A Pew survey reported that less than half of working age adults said that they followed the news all or most of the time in 2016. By 2022, it was a little over a quarter. The trust ratings for the media are about as low as they could possibly get. Leading media figures are leaving newspapers and cable networks to start up their own Substacks and vanity projects.

The coming collapse of network television and cable is likely to finish off traditional network news and cable news media institutions, and the newspaper collapse has long since happened. Traditional media properties are being spun off into channel packages that have no future or publications reliant on backing from billionaires who will tire of subsidizing dying enterprises.

The media is panicking, but it isn’t learning. Efforts to recenter CNN and the Washington Post led to uprisings that ousted the new bosses. Unions have formed not to advocate for staffers, but to police their politics. These political networks are trying to run the media the way they did a decade ago, but without any ownership or plan for its future beyond more leftist agitprop.

Talking to increasingly smaller audiences is fine for podcasts, but not for the media. Without institutional authority, the media is little more than podcasts and blogs with million dollar brands that are no longer making money anymore. And then why should companies bother with them?

The media’s talent exodus is a warning of things to come. Major names are leaving newspapers and cable networks because they see which way the wind is blowing. And they’re getting out.

The news business no longer makes financial sense and it’s not a prestige product anymore. Media companies ‘bundled’ news coverage as part of networks or channel packages, but in a streaming environment, there’s no longer any public demand for adding on news coverage.

The entire infrastructure of channels, newspapers, journalism schools and brands that we call the media is teetering on the edge of a cliff. By the end of the decade, it will be over it.

And the media is to blame.

The internet did not have to kill the media. The media chose to kill itself.


Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donationThank you for reading. 

Media Collapse is Inevitable, and it's a Good Morning in America! Part IX

By Rich Kozlovich, Tags: My Media Commentaries, The Democrat's Palatine Hill, and The Seven Hills of Rome

In this series I will be dealing with CNN and MSNBC separately because the amount of information I have stored is large, but I combined AP, CBS, and NBC in this series and could have added CBS in that piece, but The View is part of CBS, and it is in my opinion one of the most vile and intellectually degenerate shows on TV, and I wanted to do "justice" to them.  ABC, where The View contaminates American television, was defined by one writer as: 

"one of the most insufferable programs on daytime television, the mecca from where the most miserable, wine-drinking liberal women come to cope and seethe about a second Trump presidency. It’s also prime territory for epic meltdowns, abject stupidity, racism, and all-around strangeness, so we’ll watch it for you."

And that was where Stephen A. Smith, a sports commentators for ESPN, "took Joy Behar to the shed regarding the 2024 election" over her claim Trump doesn't have a mandate.   He took her to task line by line to demonstrate how wrong she is.  

Joy Behar Left SPEECHLESS After Stephen A. Smith Calls Her Out for Denying Trump Won in a Landslide

His specialty is supposed to be sports, and hers is..... allegedly... social commentary, which would include politics and history, neither of which she demonstrates an iota of competence, and he trounced her.  Why?   Her politics, and her commentaries, are so slanted, bias, and intellectually and historically corrupt, truth has no bearing on her views, so it was easy for a sports commentator to shut her down.  

She insists Trump isn't really President of the United States, Musk is, and Trump only ran for President to stay out of jail.  Not only that Trump isn't bright enough to be President, and Elon Musk in pro-apartheid.  She had to walk that back or get sued. 

That's why that show has all far left women, and even the alleged Republican is not conservative, because if they were forced into a balanced group of men and women from each side they'd be immediately exposed for the nitwits and far left pawns and lackeys they are.    Leftists hate competition in everything because competition destroys them and everything they touch.  

Sunny Hostin, is touted as their "legal analyst" claiming the January 6th demonstrations, which they classify as a riot, was "comparable to the Holocaust and slavery".  She also melted down when Trump won saying Kamala ran a flawless campaign.  So, we know two things about Sunny.  She's not sunny or bright, and she pays no attention to any news that conflicts with her "truths"  I call it preconceptual journalism, which is like preconceptual science. That's where you reach a conclusion, usually predetermined, before the facts are in and then ignore anything that contracts those conclusions. 

Sunny claims being  anti woke is ungodly, and it's not Christian.  That's pretty bold for someone who's part of a movement that's functionally and irrevocable atheistic working 24/7 to destroy the Judaic/Christian ethic of western civilization, and use Jane Fonda as the example of how one should think.  And she's going to lecture Christians about being Christian? 

This is just one more attempt by leftists to use our own values against us.  But that's not our values.  If a Christian wishes to support the things they support, many of which are detrimental to society, that's their business, but no where in the Bible does it require Christians to give their money in support of the "charitable" views of others, and it especially does not require Christians to support views and actions that violate their Christian conscience, in fact just the opposite.  

Whoopie Goldberg, a total nitwit, called the Trump-Zelensky meeting ‘one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen’.  So, what can we glean from that? She doesn't watch The View.  This is the intellectual giant that said Jill Biden should have been made Surgeon General because she's a great doctor.  Her doctorate is in education.  This is the same genius who said Pete Hegseth, didn't know anything about the military, in spite of the fact Hegseth is a highly decorated retired a combat veteranBut Whoopie played a bartender on Star Trek, so she's knows better?  Whoopie and AOC, bartenders with big mouths and small thoughts.    

The View and a host of others demonstrate that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing -- and no knowledge is pernicious - False knowledge is damning.  Most sentient people know that the long-running daytime television program The View is television for stupid people.  They do not watch it, and are aware of it only for the clips other outlets show for pure mockery.  Its founder, Barbara Walters, was a fine and intelligent woman, a superb interviewer, but the show has devolved into gibberish with hostesses who are quite literally dumb as rocks. Over the years, there have been some intelligent conservative women on their panel, but they do not last. They are hounded off the show or quit for obvious reasons – there can be no rational conversation.

It wasn't that long ago The View was forced to read legal notes over their comments and now ‘The View’ hosts have been told to cool it with their unending rants against Trump, but it gets better all the time.  Now 200 ABC staffers lost their jobs, the 538 polling group has shut down, and the entire ABC News network is imploding.   

Only in America.

Big Media and USAID Backed Globalist Journalism Network

What the usual suspects – Soros, Gates, et al. – are up to now.

By | Mar 5, 2025 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags: Articles, Media, Opinion

 Big Media and USAID Backed Globalist Journalism Network

Another trip down the USAID money trail reveals astonishingly intimate big-box media ties to a global progressive establishment enterprise funded by taxpayer dollars. It raises the question: How can active participants in a politically biased Swamp spending spree be trusted to objectively “report” on the Department of Government Efficiency’s efforts to turn the cash spigot off?

Here’s a devastating quote that should tell you all you need to know:

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) “has supported [the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project] as a partner on grants from the [George Soros] Open Society Foundations and the US Agency for International Development [USAID] that focus on investigative reporting, technology development, and regional capacity building.”

This comes directly from the website of an organization that boasts of its multiple “partner networks” spanning the globe. “We are proud to be the premier journalism ‘network of networks,’” ICFJ declares. How ominous does that sound? This is what USAID and the US State Department have helped build.

Biden Media Buys?

“The Biden State Department initiated $19.1 million worth of new grants to nonprofits using the key words ‘journalist’ or ‘journalism,’” Parker Thayer at the Capital Research Center reported on Feb. 13. “A total of $6.2 million was awarded to the International Center for Journalists for a wide variety of programs. One $986,500 grant went toward combating ‘technology-facilitated gender-based violence’ against female reporters in India and Nepal.”

We’ll get to more flagrant examples of bias below. First, let’s see who joined USAID in propping up this Soros-affiliated global journalism entity.

NBC News Senior Vice President of Politics Carrie Budoff Brown chairs the Board of Directors for ICFJ. Politico‘s senior managing editor, Sudeep Reddy, is a board member.

A further glance at the board finds executives from the Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Google, Hearst Newspapers, Meta (parent company of Facebook), The New York Times, and media conglomerate Scripps Howard.

A list of 2024 “Friends and Supporters” of ICFJ includes the above media names along with CBS News, CNN, Dow Jones/News Corp (Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, The New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal), and the Gannett Foundation (owners of USA Today and more than 200 US publications).

The (Bill) Gates Foundation is a top-tier donor. USAID and the US State Department are, of course, listed as supporting government agencies.

Cocktails Courtesy of Rupert Murdoch

Dow Jones/News Corp has been a repeat donor to ICFJ since at least 2018, the earliest year to have a detailed list on the group’s website. Why is Rupert Murdoch, the man who owns Dow Jones/News Corp and whose family controls Fox News, financially supporting the following in conjunction with Bill Gates, George Soros, and USAID?

“[President Donald] Trump has unleashed the worst hatred and has given force to racism and xenophobia,” Mexican reporter Carmen Aristegui stated in her address to the ICFJ as she accepted its 2016 Knight International Journalism Award. “He has opened the door to the worst demons. That is why the world is so frightened, and why we must use the tools of democracy and human rights to face the time that is approaching.”

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Things haven’t gotten any better since then.

Look how cozy it all is. NBC News star anchor Kristen Welker hosted ICFJ’s 2024 awards gala. Mary Fitzgerald, director of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and Dickens Olewe, program officer at the Gates Foundation, served as judges in selecting the awards alongside personnel from CBS News, CNN, The Miami Herald, the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Politico CEO Goli Sheikholeslami, and Reuters Executive Editor Simon Robinson.

Dow Jones/News Corp served as the official “Cocktail Reception Sponsor” for the evening. You can’t make this stuff up.

It’s a tight-knit network, and it’s been running together for years. In 2017, ICFJ Vice President of Programs Patrick Butler served as official “rapporteur” – designated reporter – for a United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Symposium on “Hate Speech against Migrants and Refugees in the Media.” Soros agent Giulia Lagana, senior policy analyst of European Union Migration and Asylum Policies at the Open Society European Policy Institute, sat on the panel.

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The topic under discussion? “Media and the Rise of Populism.”

“We live in a post-truth world,” Lagana asserted. “We live in a world where 55% of the British population think that the government is lying to them about the number of migrants in the country.”

Imagine faithfully “reporting” such nonsense in your official UN-appointed role. It makes a fine metaphor for what the dominant US media outlets financially backing ICFJ do every day.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

Read More From Joe Schaeffer Political Columnist

Is Some Honesty About To Come To Government Economic Statistics?

A recurring theme at this blog over the years has been the rank dishonesty of many of our government’s economic statistics. Rather than being neutral indicators of the state of the country and its economy, the most important government statistics have been crafted and manipulated to maximize their usefulness to advocates for increases in the size of government and in government spending. Here is a particularly detailed post on this subject from back in December 2016.

The two main areas of focus here have been the statistics on GDP and on poverty. Both of those come from the Commerce Department.

In the case of GDP, the biggest issue is that government spending on goods and services is counted as a 100-cents-on-the-dollar addition to GDP. That means that the most wasteful spending gives an apparent but false boost to the economy; and even more importantly, that any cut to government spending, no matter how wasteful the spending may have been, gets portrayed as a hit to the economy and a harbinger of recession.

In the case of poverty, the issue is that the official measure of “poverty” counts only cash income, while almost all government “anti-poverty” programs provide in-kind goods and services (think Medicaid, food stamps, public housing, etc.) that don’t get counted. Well over a trillion dollars of annual “anti-poverty” spending thus somehow never reduces the number of people in “poverty” by even a little; and advocates point to a continued high “poverty” rate to demand yet more spending.

For today, I’ll consider the GDP statistics. As Trump 2.0 and the Congress move forward with what will hopefully be large cuts to the most wasteful of government spending, some smart people have figured out that any such cuts will in the first instance get recorded as a shrinkage of GDP. Will this mean we have entered a “recession”? You can be sure that the legacy press will loudly proclaim that proposition. Indeed, get ready for that.

To their credit, some of the top administration people have figured out that this is coming. And thus in the past couple of days you have some of them getting out front on this issue. In a wide-ranging interview on Fox Business on Sunday (March 2), new Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick said:

“You know that governments historically have messed with G.D.P.,” he said. “They count government spending as part of G.D.P. So I’m going to separate those two and make it transparent.”

(The quote appears in the New York Times at this link.) Lutnick’s statement echoed a similar remark from Elon Musk on his X platform on Friday (February 28):

A more accurate measure of GDP would exclude government spending. Otherwise, you can scale GDP artificially high by spending money on things that don’t make people’s lives better. For example, you could shift everyone who is building cars to working at the DMV. That would result in no cars and a much worse standard of living, but GDP would appear to be the same!

Those two remarks inspired a spirited pre-emptive rebuttal from the New York Times today (March 4). The theme: Trump and his people plan to “interfere” with federal statistics. Excerpt:

Comments from a member of President Trump’s cabinet over the weekend have renewed concerns that the new administration could seek to interfere with federal statistics — especially if they start to show that the economy is slipping into a recession. . . . It wasn’t immediately clear what Mr. Lutnick meant. The basic definition of gross domestic product is widely accepted internationally and has been unchanged for decades. . . . “The implication is that it is OK to manipulate economic data for political gain,” said David Wilcox, a fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and director of U.S. economic research at Bloomberg Economics.

Good try. It’s the now familiar theme that there is something illegitimate about the elected President and his people seeking to run the executive departments of the government. How dare they “interfere” with the completely neutral and non-political efforts of the expert permanent bureaucracy!

The problem, of course, is that the efforts of the permanent bureaucracy are the opposite of neutral and non-political. I’m not sure that the initial decision to include government spending as a 100 cents addition to GDP was dishonest. But once that decision was made, it became catnip to functionaries advocating for bigger budgets for themselves and/or resisting any and all cuts.

As prime examples of wasteful government spending going at 100 cents on the dollar into GDP, consider USAID grants to NGOs funding Hamas and Black Lives Matter protests; or Inflation Reduction Act subsidies to wind turbines. The latter would amount to hundreds of billions of dollars if they go forward, clearly a net negative to the people’s well-being, yet counted at full value as an increase to GDP.

At his Substack called The Honest Broker yesterday, Roger Pielke, Jr., takes issue with Lutnick and argues for continued inclusion of government goods and services spending in GDP:

Remember that GDP is simply a summary of economic activity, not the worth of its components. There are longstanding debates over how to interpret and value government spending, but its inclusion in the top line GDP measure is standard practice — Users of GDP numbers are of course free to redefine the metric however they like.

Pielke correctly points out that the Commerce Department provides detailed GDP reports (here is the latest one for the full year 2024), that break out line items for all the components, including the government spending. Thus, if a user wants to go to the details to see how the economy would have changed without the changes to government spending (on goods and services) it is possible to do that.

The problem is that almost nobody goes to that trouble, most particularly the media that breathlessly report on the latest quarterly GDP statistics. The extent to which GDP changes are an artifact of changes in government spending generally gets completely lost.

What Lutnick could do that would be a real service would be to change the Commerce Department’s communications with the public to emphasize the changes to GDP excluding government spending, and to de-emphasize the changes in government spending and/or the figures that include that spending. It’s the one-page press release that counts. Nobody reads the twenty pages of detailed charts of numbers that follow.

I should note that even if Lutnick accomplishes what I suggest, that would only address a part of the problem. The portion of GDP recorded as federal government spending is only about $1.9 trillion (see page 9 at the link), out of a GDP of $29.2 trillion (page 8 at the link). The federal government spent some $6.75 trillion in fiscal 2024 (which ended on September 30, 2024); and since spending only goes up, it undoubtedly spent even a little more than that in calendar 2024 that ended on December 31. So what happened to the other almost $5 trillion of government spending? Is it somewhere in GDP?

I don’t know the answer completely, but the big pieces are (1) interest on the national debt at about $1.1 trillion (not counted in GDP), and (2) transfer payments (social security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc.). These latter items add up to at least $3+ trillion. To avoid double counting, they are not counted in GDP under the federal spending category, but rather are counted as personal expenditures by the people who receive them and spend them. Thus, if some substantial reductions can be achieved in the transfer programs (as for example by identifying and eliminating fraudulent payments to illegal aliens or others), that will turn up as a reduction to GDP under the personal spending categories. Maybe Lutnick has some way to avoid this outcome, but if there is a way, I haven’t learned of it yet.

Meanwhile, next they should get to work on fixing the poverty statistics.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Democrats: Is That All You Got?

First, these speeches before Congress by the President of the United States are mostly theater, with one side jumping up and applauding enthusiastically, and the other side sitting glumly on their hands, and this one was the worst displays of that ever seen, and I find it all irritating to tell the truth.  
However, Charlton Allen called his speech a masterclass in leadership, political theater, and well-timed traps for the Democrats, who—true to form—walked right into them", demonstrating they're not the party of solutions, they are the "Party of Perpetual Grievance" sitting there "all puckered and miserable."  They hate the idea that Zelenskyy has capitulated to Trump, but it's happening, along with Canada, Mexico, and believe it or not....Europe.... at least behind closed doors.  
Europe's leaders puff out their chests and prance about saying they're going to fund Ukraine's perpetual war for as long as it takes, and even send troops.  But behind closed doors where there are no journalists to overhear them say what they really think; they know this war can't go on, it can't be won, and they want it over and will eventually capitulate to Trump.  
What were their reaction to any economic news Trump presented that was positive?  They were grim faced, especially when he announced more tariffs are on the way, for Europe.  NATO, you have a problem, and the Dems hate all of that.  They want Trump to fail, and to take the nation down with him.  

As for his oratorical skills, the author defines them in this manner.  

Trump delivered one of his best speeches—stirring, historic, and strategically effective. He keeps setting rhetorical traps, and Democrats can’t help but walk right in. It’s chess versus checkers—while the Democrats are still trying to play Old Maid. Trump flipped the script, positioning himself as the one restoring democracy while the left embraces censorship, lawfare, and bureaucratic overreach.


The Democrat solution?  Have that nitwit Al Green stage a humiliating cane waving grandstanding tantrum that got him thrown out of the chamber, and it appears that stunt may get him censured by the Congress.  What that means is he will have to stand quietly in front of the body while the censure is read.  How much do you wanna bet he refuses, or if he does he starts another tantrum.   Why did he act in such a bizarre manner?  Well, his explanation is as bizarre as his actions.  If this nitwit is the brightest pebble in the brook in his district, that's a sad commentary on the collective IQ of those living in his district. 

When the Democrats refused to honor angel families and a child with cancer Mad Maxine with a full display of her intellectual viscosity saying he '“misused” some of the guests at his speech Tuesday night — including the angel families who lost their loved ones to illegal immigrant crime and the young boy battling brain cancer.......... implying that Trump does not actually care about these individuals".  If Biden had done that she would have praised him for being humane, compassionate, understanding, and kind.  There's a reason they call her Mad Maxine.

Eric Utter went deeper into this (read the whole article) saying Trump’s address to Congress reveals Democrats to be even more repulsive than we thought regarding their refusal to honor those mentioned, and noted their hypocrisy of wearing pink ribbons in support of women's rights, which was rich since one and all voted in favor of trans men in women's sports.   They ended up looking childish, vulgar, crude, rude and stupid.  

Woman Who Doesn’t Believe Women Exists Wears Pink to Protest Trump

 Andrea Widburg calls this the best State of the Union speech ever, even if it really wasn't a SOTU speech officially, it really was.  The big value to this speech is it was a true separation of the sheep and the goats.  The Democrat party looked pathetic against a President who in less that sixty days has accomplished more than any President in the nation's history. 

Their rebuttal?  President Trump doesn't believe America is an exceptional nation.  That's it? That's all you got?  And they think that idiotic statement will resonate with America?  

Good luck with that in 2026, because America disagrees.

There Won’t Be Peace in Ukraine

By Daniel Greenfield, @ Sultan Knish Blog

In recent years a conviction has taken hold among some on the right, usually held by the left, that wars were an unnatural state of affairs that would not exist without conspiracies by the military-industrial complex, profiteering defense contractors, warmongers, covert interests looking to spread chaos, and everyone and everything except the actual causes of wars.<>Most wars are fought to seize territory. They arise from tribal tensions between ethnic and national groups that provide the underlying impulses for the conflict.

Everything else, including geopolitical tensions and defense industries, are layers on top of this underlying reality of human nature as it has been for thousands of years.

Denying one of the most basic patterns of human history is an ideological fantasy. Hate the players like Putin or Zelensky, but the game is an old one that goes back hundreds of years. And it isn’t getting resolved today, tomorrow or a hundred years from now unless everyone dies.

Regardless of their leaders, the Ukrainians and the Russians have proven willing to fight and soak up hundreds of thousands of casualties. If they weren’t willing, then one side or the other would have collapsed by now. We know how quickly armies that don’t actually want to fight fall apart in the face of attrition. We’ve had recent examples of them in Afghanistan and Syria.

The Russians and Ukrainians want to fight each other because they genuinely hate each other. Anyone truly familiar with the region has already experienced that.

And anyone who hasn’t seen that hatred doesn’t understand the reality of the war. Anyone who does not understand this, who wants to pretend that the only reason these wars keep happening is because of Putin, Zelensky, NATO, the EU or some dark unseen force has no understanding of the region, history or human nature. There are local and global factors that led to this particular outbreak of fighting, but the current war is just the latest round of killing.

And as horrifying as the loss of life is, there’s something admirable about both sides sticking it out on the battlefield. Western Europeans, who were once willing to wreck a continent over territory and nationalism, now freely surrender their cities, homes and daughters to invaders. Imagine if the French and the English had the spine to fight off the invaders flooding their nations instead of asking how they can change their culture to better please these new arrivals.

War is to be deplored, but there are worse things than war. Like defeat. Or abject surrender.

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse,” John Stuart Mill wrote.

The same sentiments that lead young men to die horribly on the battlefield also make patriotism and nationalism more than mere words that cynical college professors roll their eyes at in class.

Once upon a time we used to admire generals and soldiers who fought well, regardless of the side, before we were taught to view wars as a global shell game with the men fighting and dying as mere puppets of international bankers, and the whole thing not worth a single drop of blood.

That corrosive attitude, carefully nurtured by Marxists, almost doomed Western Europe before WWII, and drank it dry during the Cold War leaving men who would no longer fight for anything.

It was the Marxists and other Socialists who taught that war was a conspiracy of bankers, that nations were puppets of industrialists and capitalists starting senseless conflicts for profit and to distract the working class from the revolution. Eventually this cynical posture came to be widely accepted, spread by academia and the entertainment industry, and is now everywhere.

Westerners gave up on fighting, but no one else except a handful of other first worlders did.

Wars aren’t going anywhere. We’ve just forgotten how to fight them. And especially win them. We have ‘endless wars’ because in the twentieth century we came to believe that governments mattered more than nations and peoples, and that if we exchanged bad non-democratic governments for democratic ones, all the wars would end and endless peace would reign.

The same folly that started with WWI, the War to End all Wars, to ‘Make the World Safe for Democracy’, continued on through the ‘Nation Building’ democracy wars of the 90s and 00s.

We stopped fighting wars for clear national interests and with clear goals. So the wars became endless. But they never ended because they were not fought to be won and were never won.

The pursuit of ‘endless peace’ led to ‘endless wars’ and both are a myth. War is a natural condition of mankind. Peace isn’t. Nations and peoples fall from one into the other. Accepting this common sense reality will help us see the world as it is, rather than as a bunch of 19th century socialists decided that it ought to be seen, and will help us make good choices.

We can’t end wars or bring peace. We can choose to intervene in a war but we should do so if it serves our national interests not because of some fantasies about ending all wars. Just because some nations somewhere are fighting does not mean that we have to step in and do something.

Whatever we do in Russia and Ukraine will only lead to a temporary cessation of hostilities. If we respect the sacrifices both sides have made on the battlefield, we should understand that. We may have an interest in intervening to prevent further conflicts or we may not, but whatever we do will be a bandaid on history that will be torn off sooner or later by the peoples at war.

History, as even Hillary Clinton learned in Geneva, doesn’t come with a ‘reset button’.

Perhaps the best thing that the Trump administration could do is to step away from the war. If the Western Europeans (and some of the Eastern Europeans) really want Ukraine to win, then let them do what they can. A war may do for their backbones what generations of peace did not. And maybe they will even find the courage to clean the Augean stables of Jihad in their capitals.

Stranger things have happened.

Trying to bring peace to the Russia – Ukraine war is an even worse mistake than the war itself. Whatever their virtue, wars can at least be won, but peace is a choice for both sides. And we cannot choose for them. That is more nation building. Only they can choose their own futures.


Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donationThank you for reading. 


Elect Mike Morrell CAGOP Chairman

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

CALIF GOP: In 2025, we need new leadership. Elect Mike Morrell CAGOP Chairman. 

In a few weeks, the Republican Party of California (CAGOP) will be holding its convention to elect a new chairperson. Patriot Neighbors endorses Mike Morrell for CAGOP Chair!

Since 2019, the CAGOP has been led by Chair Jessica Patterson and Vice Chair Corrin Rankin. Many America First Patriots have been very disappointed with their leadership. Now Vice Chair Corrin Rankin wants to be elected chair. As Albert Einstein famously said of stupidity: “Doing the same thing and expecting different results.”

The current Patterson/Rankin establishment leadership is not what California needs today. Here is one of many examples that show how out of touch Patterson and Rankin are with their base. This is from Steve Frank, editor of California Political News & Views, the leading site for California politics. 

In September 2023, the California Republican Party held a convention. The agenda was to be voted on for approval. A motion was made to amend the agenda, to allow a vote to ENDORSE President Trump. I now have a copy of the record of the vote. Every delegate who voted, shows either a YES, to allow the endorsement or NO to OPPOSE the endorsement. Here is how some in the leadership

Jessica Patterson—NO, to OPPOSE endorsement
Corrin Rankin—NO to OPPOSE endorsement
Shawn Steel—NO to OPPOSE endorsement
John Dennis—NO to OPPOSE endorsement
Harmeet Dhillon—YES, to allow endorsement
Laurie Wallace—YES to endorse
Randall Jordan—YES to Endorse
Randy Berholtz—YES to Endorse
Johanna Lassaga—Yes to endorse

This will give you an idea of who supported Trump, by vote and who did not vote for him, when it counted.  The CAGOP needs new leadership in these dynamic MAGA times. Let’s elect Mike Morrell chairman at the state’s March convention!

Click here to learn more about Mike Morrell!

Stacey Abrams: Still Crooked After All These Years

By Susan Daniels Mar 04, 2025 @ Susan's Newsletter

Georgia Republicans now want to investigate the shady Stacey Abrams, who ran twice for governor of the state. What took so long?

According to Capitol Bear News Service a special Georgia Senate committee wants to look into a settlement in January between groups involving Abrams and the Georgia Ethics Commission.

“I think we ought to get to the bottom of these allegations,” Sen. Bill Cowsert, R-Athens, said Feb. 28, explaining why he had introduced Senate Resolution 292 the day before.

“The New Georgia Project and a separate fundraising arm, the New Georgia Action Fund, agreed to pay $300,000 for failing to disclose $4.2 million in contributions and $3.2 million in spending during the 2018 election cycle on behalf of Abrams’ unsuccessful bid for governor.

“It was the largest fine ever assessed by the Ethics Commission.”

From an AP story: “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lee Zeldin that $2 billion was improperly given to a coalition of groups trying to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Abrams worked with one of the groups until the end of last year.”

I tried to tip everyone off about Abrams with a story I posted in American Thinker in August 2020:

When Stacey Abrams was running for Georgia governor, she had an impressive list of social changes she wanted to make. People paying their bills didn’t make the cut.

Abrams was $228,000 in debt during her 2017 campaign for Georgia governor, including $50,000 to I.R.S. Despite that, she managed to loan her campaign $50,000. She also owed $76,000 in credit card debt and $96,000 for Yale Law School.

Abrams claimed that family obligations and a misunderstanding of how credit cards worked as the reason for her financial mess. This from a woman who is a tax attorney who wanted to be the vice president of the United States.

Abrams claims the concept of handling money seemed to escape her. She wrote that when she was at Spelman College, she got her first credit cards but was unaware that they would be “yoked to something called a credit score.” She also learned that if you don’t pay your rent, you get evicted, the way she was in 1994 from the Oaktree Apartments in Decatur, GA just like she and her sister, Andrea, did.

In a continuing effort to blame others for her failings, Abrams claimed some of her financial problems stemmed from when she helped her parents in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina hit Mississippi. She is one of six children, including a sister, Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed to a federal judgeship by Barack Obama. How did her parents’ debt become only hers to carry and how was it still around twelve years later in 2017, especially when she was able to loan her campaign $50,000?

Abrams, a tax lawyer, who graduated from Yale in 1999, with $96,000 in student loan debt, still had repaid none of it almost twenty years later when she ran for governor. She even got jammed up by the I.R.S. in 2010 when she declared her parents as dependents on her tax filing.

She justified this in an interview:

“Abrams, 44, has talked publicly about her struggles with mounting credit card debt dating to when she was a student at Spelman College. And she said she "stretched every penny I had" to help her parents after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005.

“She cited those expenses in her decision to work out a payment plan for the $54,000 she owes the IRS. She’s also said a previous federal income tax lien of nearly $30,000 was filed erroneously in 2010 when she was trying to claim her parents as dependents as they faced mounting medical issues.

"While delaying tax payments wasn't my smartest move, it allowed me to take care of the parents who'd sacrificed so much for me and my siblings..."

She neglected to mention that when she was hired out of law school in 1999 by a law firm in Atlanta, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan, that paid her $95,000 a year, but Abrams she still wasn’t paying her bills.

On Abrams’ 2018 Financial Disclosure Statement filed for her run for Georgia governor, Section X shows she listed receipts of $909,006.89 in money received from twenty different companies.

Since there was nothing listed in Section X on her 2015 filing, it was curious what the listings were two years later. An email received from the GA Gov’t Transparency & Campaign Commission said: “Section X deals with payments by the state [sic] of Georgia to an entity that is controlled by (or substantially owned by) a candidate.”

Another email explained that the money listed on the X Section of her statement was received from the Department of Community Affairs and given to the Small Business Credit Cooperative Inc. (SBBCI) and the Trade Credit Guaranty Corporation (TCGC). It also said: “There were no payments directly paid to Stacey Abrams at any time.” Word play at its finest.

Both SBBCI and TCGC received money from the state to distribute by a company called NOWaccount Network Corporation to companies seeking loans. Abrams was identified as an officer for the NOWaccount Network.

That organization loans money to approved entities. The twenty companies listed on Abrams’ Financial Disclosure received almost a million dollars in 2016 from NOWaccount.

Stacey Abrams helped incorporate NOWaccount in 2010 and received a salary of $80,000 as senior vice president and $60,000 a year through 2015, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But she was also an officer in both the SSBCI and TCGC from 2016 to 2018. In other words, she controlled the money NOWaccount received, helped decide who got the money and how much they would get. Of the twenty companies who got money via Abrams, eight companies were dissolved between 2016 and 2018.

A request for a list of companies that did not repay their loans was ignored. The SBBCI was a one-time program that terminated in September 2017.

Few elections have cost more than the one Abrams ran against Brian Kemp. The cost of Abrams’ race for governor exceeded $100 million and was financed by out-of-state money from mega-donors like George Soros and Tom Steyer. As of April 2020, Abrams was still under investigation for ethics violation pertaining to the campaign money she received. Despite losing by 55,000 votes, she still insists that she won, in the mode of Hillary Clinton.

She started paying IRS $1,000 a month toward her $50,000 debt in 2017 but magically all her debt disappeared by May 2019. Did she use her campaign money to pay off all $228,000?

Despite her financial problems, Abrams was able to buy a townhouse in Atlanta in 2004 for $246,300 and a house in Stone Mountain in 2019 for $370,000.

What’s interesting is that in 2019 she was slapped with her seventh tax lien against her non-profit, Third Sector Development, since 2014. Between then and 2016 the Georgia Labor Dept. issued $13,000 in tax liens for unpaid employment contributions. In a Daily Caller story: “Abrams has blamed third-party-clerical errors for all the issues.”

Also from the 02/13/19 story: “Nonprofit work has paid Abrams handsomely over the years. Third Sector Development and Voter Sector Institute -- two groups founded by the Democrat (Abrams) -- have paid her nearly half a million dollars over the course of three years. Both organizations raked in $12.5 million in donation between 2013 and 2016. However, she has remained quiet on the sources of the donations.”

Although Abrams considered herself a contender for Biden’s VP, no one else did. Biden insiders talked to the New York Post about her:

“No one takes Stacey seriously. And her public campaigning for the job seems more like a hostage negotiation than an actual attempt to get the job,” a Biden insider told The Post. “Biden is an old school guy and will always be. Picking Stacey would be like picking [Sarah] Palin. He doesn’t need to throw a Hail Mary. He wants a good governing partner.

“Internally, her star has fallen with the onset of the coronavirus as concerns grow about her preparedness.

“Stacey isn’t ready on day one. Even she knows that and it’s why she’s engaging in this dance. She might get perfunctorily better, but she’s not a serious pick for him. And her campaign is viewed as much as promotion for her book as it is for being chosen as Biden’s VP,” the insider continued, referring to Abrams’ forthcoming book “Our Time Is Now.”

So it seems that Joe Biden could have done worse. Though perhaps not by much.

Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

Politics like we have never seen.  Recommend Susan’s Newsletter to your friends.



Media Balance Newsletter (March 3, 2025)

Free... Twice-a-Month...What you won't find in one place, anywhere else. 

By John Droz, Jr., Physicist & Citizen’s Rights Advocate 

 {Sorry for the delay but Google censored me today for sending a "bad link" (evidently in a prior Newsletter). I have no idea what they are talking about as they didn't say where or when — they just disabled my Newsletter email account...} 

Enjoy the latest edition of our free, critically thinking Media Balance Newsletter...

We cover Climate to COVID, Elections to Education, Renewables to Religion — showing you what the lamestream media has revised or filtered out ...If you missed it, here is the prior Newsletter.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Democrat's Palatine Hill, and The Seven Hills of Rome

Government can be defined in two words.  Corruption and Compromise.  Corruption on it's worst days, and compromise on its best days. 
By Rich Kozlovich
Palatine Hill?  What's the significance of that?   Of the Seven Hills of Rome, the Palatine Hill, was the center most, and is considered to be the most ancient parts of Rome.  It's also where the wealthy, privileged, and powerful built their palaces, surrounded by six hills filled with the lesser classes.
Think of Washington DC as America's Palatine Hill, and the center of America's administrative state, filled with the ideological "palaces" of the elite, powerful, and privileged, surrounded by lesser mortals whose views are dismissed .... arrogantly. 

On December 2014 Thomas Sowell published one of his many outstanding, "Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene", saying:

When the political left wants to help the black community, they usually want to help the worst elements in that community -- thugs they portray as martyrs, for example -- without the slightest regard for the negative effect this can have on the lives of the majority of decent black people.....
If anyone in the mainstream media is at a loss for what New Year's resolution to make, try this: Stop "spinning" or censoring stories about race, and try telling the plain truth, if only for the novelty of it.....
There are few modest talents so richly rewarded -- especially in politics and the media -- as the ability to portray parasites as victims, and portray demands for preferential treatment as struggles for equal rights........ 
Has anyone asked the question, "How could so many people across the country spend so much time at night marching, rioting and looting, if they had to get up and go to work the next morning?"........ 
Republicans complain when Democrats call them racists. But when have you ever heard a Republican counterattack? You don't win by protesting your innocence or whining about the unfairness of the charge. Yet when have you heard a Republican reply by saying, "You're a lying demagogue without a speck of evidence. Put up or shut up!"...

That was ten years ago, and things have changed.  For the left, all things are either racist, or Islamophobic, but this administration, conservatives, and the alternate media aren't letting that slide.  They're attacking!  What must really be driving the left crazy, especially the media, is that conservatives don't care what they think or what they're saying.  They're either attacking the left and humiliating them, or worse yet, laughingly at them with a "no one cares what you say attitude" because you're certifiably nuts.   

After 2008 the track was cleared for total big government tyranny with the election of Obama. The Democrats were always able to hide who they really were with the support of the Pravda media, and get elected via voter fraud, but it was clear where Obama was taking the nation, and if Hillary had been elected, it might have even been worse. After Biden it was impossible to claim otherwise, and they’re not even trying to hide the tyranny they wish to impose on the nation…. not to mention bankruptcy.

Here’s where I’m going with this. They have no bench. Not one of those who could be the nominee in 2028 can ever portray themselves as anything but far left tyrants who would destroy the Constitution, including former VP candidate Tim Walz, who unlike the rest of them is incapable of hiding the fact he's nuts.  Josh Shapiro was their best bet, but, now there’s a murder case in his state in which he may be implicated. A case where a woman was stabbed 20 times, once in the back, and it was called suicide. And he was their best bet?

As for the 2026 midterms, if the administration goes after all the states for their voter fraud issues, I’m convinced the House Democrats will lose massively, and it’s possible the Republicans can get 60 seats in the Senate. But the nationwide criminal network for voter fraud must be crushed, and as many as possible end up in jail for it…. a massive RICO investigation is warranted, and things are changing at the grass roots, and seemingly among a significant number of young people who are moving to the right.  This last election drove home how the Democrats made a "hot mess" of just about everything, and are clinging to their "hot mess" because to change would mean telling the world they're wrong on everything they support, and become conservatives.  They would have to become the kind of people they hate and despise beyond reason.  They won't change because they can't change, they can only be crushed.  These are the hills the Democrats will die on.

After reading what I've listed here I think it's incumbent on everyone to ask, and answer, two questions, especially after Trump's address to Congress.  Do these people sound and act sane, and if not, does treason qualify as a mental disorder?  As for sane, here's one of their heroes who thinks Trump is actively trying to destroy the nation because he hates America.  I think that answers the sanity part at any rate.

And With That Number, the Democrats Are the Party of Antisemitism and Hamas - Either I missed the polling, or one was never done. It’s likely the former; sorry, folks, I’ve been enjoying the winning and return to normalcy under Donald Trump that I missed this shocking, though also unsurprising poll regarding the Democrats’ attitudes toward the State of Israel. The party was once a bastion for Israeli support, but that’s changed since the “woke” zombies took over. All I can say is that’s a lot of Democrats who hate Jews. Also, the donkey party is now the one which supports Hamas, antisemitism, and let’s say it—neo-Nazism. ......
Hollywood Hates Jews - “I’ve had someone say to me, ‘Let’s not forget what Hollywood is made up of. Be careful,’”  Guy Pearce told a Jewish writer at Vanity Fair in response to a question about his attacks on Israel.  In an industry where talent has been cancelled for the most minor perceived offenses against political correctness, Pearce’s remarks went unnoticed and he was rewarded with an Oscar nomination for playing an antisemite on screen in The Brutalist and in real life. Contrast that with the backlash against ‘Karla Sofia’ Gascon, starring in Emilia Perez, the Oscar frontrunner, over old Spanish-language tweets speaking out against Black Lives Matter and Islam, which he has already apologized for several times..........
Israel again incurs the world’s ‘outrage’ - One of the things that’s a hallmark of a world without a moral compass is that it’s lost touch with reality. We see that in America with the insistence that sex is a mental construct, not a biological reality, a fantasy that’s led to child mutilation, adult mutilation, women raped in prisons, and a general unleashing of immoral insanity across America’s institutions. Germany’s unhinged Jew hatred also led it to the madness of genocide and a destructive belief that it could use its military to conquer the world.......


The Bottomless Pit of Leftist Liberal HatredDemocrat Jasmine Crockett from Texas is "rooting" for Mexico and Canada in sports because Donald Trump is president, and she despises Donald Trump. Actually, she hates Donald Trump because she hates America. So she can't.................

Democrats swear to swear - Once a politician crosses the nuclear threshold, their equally TDS afflicted followers, who can never be satisfied only temporarily mollified, will never allow them to back down.........  

Tampon Tim Claims America Was Stolen by “Fascists” and “Nazis” - Former vice presidential candidate and Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz was caught claiming that America is being stolen by “fascists and Nazis,” according to an alleged recording of his statements. Walz defended the Democratic Party’s loud protests against President Donald Trump and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) overseer Elon Musk by stating that his party wants to protect the U.S. from so-called “Nazis,” according to a recording obtained by Alpha News. The outlet claimed to have received the recording from Republican Minnesota State Sen. Nate Wesenberg, who said the remarks were made at a Minnesota Nurses Association event......

Former Cackling Kamala Comms Director Thinks Andrew Cuomo Would Be a Good Presidential Candidate in 2028 - Jamal Simmons, who served as communications director for former vice president Kamala Harris, is now pitching disgraced ex-New York governor Andrew Cuomo as a top Democratic contender for the White House in 2028........

Nobody likes Brandon -Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago is getting a quick lesson on performance approval polls. It turns out that lousy mayors and governors get bad approval numbers. Here is the story: In January 2023, shortly before the February Chicago mayoral elections, former Mayor Lori Lightfoot had a dismal 22% approval rating. Current Mayor Brandon Johnson’s approval has now sunk even lower, to only 6.6% in the latest poll, as issues such as rising crime concern residents of the Windy City. In the latest poll from M3 Strategies, which surveyed 696 likely Chicago voters Feb. 20-21, 67% said that crime was one of the top three issues facing Chicago, followed by high taxes at 54% and inflation at 41%.  Who knew that voters concerned about crime, high taxes, and inflation would say "thumbs down" when talking about their mayor?.............

Carville: Trump 'Collapse' Is Already Underway - During an appearance on Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” long-time Democrat strategist and media commentator James Carville declared the collapse of President Donald Trump to be underway already. Carville, who predicted former Vice President Kamala Harris would be elected to the presidency last November, cited polling and urged Democrats to “just sit back” and let the so-called “collapse” take place.............

Clooney: ‘No Rules Count Anymore’ Under Trump - Actor and Democrat activist George Clooney recently lamented that “no rules count anymore” under President Trump. Speaking with the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd, Clooney said that Americans have fallen for made up narratives divorced from facts.......

Dem Rep Reveals the Party's Grand Plan to Defeat Donald Trump -  Democrats could quickly turn things around if they focus on job creation, fairer trade deals, and not being weirdos. They may be past the point of no return, as they claim the work that President Trump and the Department of Government Efficiency are doing is unpopular—it’s not. Now, we talk of oligarchies and other messages that are still clearly aimed for the elitist wing of the party. .........

Easy to be stupid - Leftists have traditionally clung to at least some degree of power by making it really easy to be stupid. Why bother going to the trouble of taking care of yourself when there’s usually some kind of “social” program that can better do that for you? Back during the “Great” Recession of 2008, Nancy Pelosi expressed the epitome of this kind of thinking: “For every dollar we spend on increased unemployment benefits, the economy expands by $1.25.” Really? Were that anywhere close to true, we’d all be better off by just staying home, watching TV, and guzzling beer. Oh, yeah… who’s going to produce the TV shows and brew the beer?.......
Hakeem Jeffries Had Yet Another Bad Sunday Show Appearance -  As we covered at the time last week, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) certainly floundered during his Sunday show appearance on ABC News' "This Week" during his interview with Jonathan Karl. Jeffries kept ranting about prices, even when confronted by Karl about President Donald Trump's high approval ratings. Another Sunday, and another Sunday show appearance has gone by, with Jeffries once more being confronted about approval ratings, this time for members of his own party......

Same Ol' Situation, Same Ol' Democrat Party - believe one of the reasons why these leftists come up with this tomfoolery is to hide their history, which is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism. None of these S-words have had any positive benefit on the Black community and America as a whole. The Democrat party has been and continues to be, a party that is focused on the two forms of enslavement—physical and economic. It is a party that embraces a principle of totalitarian control over the lives of the individual, something antithetical to the American experiment of self-governance and individual sovereignty. I mean, who else would reject the ideals of natural rights theory and see it as a threat? And if you really want to laugh, watch the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, then-Senator Joe Biden, question SCOTUS nominee Clarence Thomas on Natural Rights Theory.

This is the Left Mark Lewis - We know that, in principle, theory, and dogma, the Left, the modern Democratic Party, is a Marxist, anti-traditional American, anti-God, amoral movement.  It’s not just politics; it is an entire worldview.  In this article, I’m not going to explain the philosophic underpinnings of Leftism (I’ve done that in countless articles before); I intend to list some specific and very clear examples of what Leftism has produced—in word and deed.  This is the Left.  This is what they actually do and say........
Are some Trump voters really already tired of winning? - Sadly, many folks actually do get tired of winning. Or, more accurately in this case, many simply get exhausted by the rapid pace of change that President Trump has brought to the otherwise bloated, stale, entrenched, and corrupt government. Many voted for “hope and change” in the guise of Barack Hussein Obama, and never had a problem with him weaponizing nearly every federal government agency against his political opponents, because he did so surreptitiously, behind the scenes, hiding this from the citizens he supposedly served. Trump, on the other hand, and his right-hand-man Elon Musk, have been in-your-face transparent. This blitzkrieg push for efficiency and transparency is exactly what the country needs, yet has left some folks feeling overwhelmed. And it has, predictably, led to Democrats, Deep Staters, and mainstream media outlets alike going ballistic and — in some cases -- threatening violence and civil war against the administration.
Naive Liberals - We do not live in an entirely peaceful or civilized world.  Conservatives realize that fact and wish to prepare for the worst by strengthening our military, shoring up the value of our currency, and ensuring economic prosperity.  In contrast, liberals live in a fantasy land, in which everyone is presumed to be “nice” and no other nation wishes to harm us......

Democrats in the Wilderness - The Democrat party appears determined to spend the next 40 years wandering in the wilderness. There have been no fruitful reflections leading to productive responses to the drubbing Democrats took in the 2024 national elections. The few Cassandras who think some change in course is required are considered by Democrat elitists to be dinosaurs worthy of disdain.......

The Soul of the Democrats - As Japan’s defeat during World War II became obvious, many of its soldiers performed harakiri -- a ritual suicide by disembowelment using a sword -- as an honorable alternative to surrendering. Perhaps one of the most notable moments of a U.S. presidential candidate performing political harakiri occurred in March 2004.   Explaining his vote in support of $87 billion for our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Democrat candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass) responded, "I actually voted in favor of the $87 billion before I voted against it." His words famously became reduced to “I was for it before I was against it.” Critics had a field day with this, accusing Kerry of wanting to have it both ways in trying to be everything to everybody. The flip-flop effectively derailed his campaign......
Democrats fecklessly continue to sabotage themselves - Democrats are hysterical over Trump’s response to Zelensky’s bad manners and decision to scuttle the rare earth minerals deal he had agreed to sign.  They claimed, instantly, that Trump was responsible for the blow-up, but that is nonsense.  Trump reacted to Zelensky’s insolent eye-rolling and constant interruptions like a normal person; like a good parent to a rude and incorrigible child.  He did not let Zelensky get away with his overt disrespect in the White House.......
LeftSpeak - Leftist newspeak and wordsmithing have evolved to the point that a new English-to- LeftSpeak dictionary need-be established should any communication between the left and traditional English speakers be salvaged.  For starters:  Democracy:  Government by a permanent, unelected, leftist bureaucracy.– Fascism: Any leadership not subservient to the progressive deep state. – Constitutional crisis: Anything said or done by the Trump Administration.– Existential threat: Any challenge to the progressive agenda......(and much more)


Clinton Foundation’s USAID Fraud: Billions of US Tax Dollars Are Missing From Haiti Relief Projects -  There are those that say all government aid is a scam in one way or another, and so far the revelations surrounding USAID are proving those people right daily.  Democrats and the establishment media, in a bid to muddy the waters and save face, continue to claim that there was never any fraud at USAID and that the Trump Administration is simply labeling projects they “disagree with” as suspect.  Of course, spending American tax dollars on projects the public never asked for............

Democrats defend the indefensible - In less than a month after his triumphant return to the White House, President Donald Trump has turned the Washington, D.C. establishment on its head. We have never seen a new administration act with such gusto while delivering on so many campaign promises in such a short period of time. So far, Trump has effectively sealed the Southern border; deported thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records; eliminated Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs in the federal government; protected female athletes from competing against males; unleashed the American energy sector; and exposed just how rotten and corrupt the federal bureaucracy has become.............
This Article Only Makes These Whiny Federal Workers Look Worse-The Department of Government Efficiency and Elon Musk will continue to be attacked by the media, but it will do no good. Americans support their work in uprooting government waste and potential fraud. They want the DC workforce slashed. Yes, Democrats, this is what we voted for; you just weren’t paying attention.............The latest Axios article tries to drum up sympathy for these people facing layoffs, but it won’t move the needle. It will only elicit feelings of schadenfreude or anger: millions of people have endured job loss and anxiety associated with it. Government employment was never meant to be permanent or protected (via Axios):
Democrats Won’t Fund Government Unless Trump Stops Overriding Congress - Representative Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) said Democrats will not vote to fund the government unless President Donald Trump stops overriding Congress spending. Auchincloss said, “Checks and balances, the separation of powers is going to be the dominant theme of this first year of Donald Trump’s presidency — the presidency. Article 2 is in a boxing match with Congress. Article 1 and the court’s Article 3 over our ability to prevent an imperial presidency. The Supreme Court has, at least here, held its own in round one. Round two is going to be Congress and the presidency boxing over appropriations. Congress has claim on the power of the purse. Speaker Mike Johnson is definitely not a prize fighter. And so Democrats are going to have to step up and insist that to fund the government this spring the president needs to respect the fact that one, he cannot use emergency powers to spend money that we did not appropriate. And number two, he  has to appropriate the funds that we have called for. That is the power of the purse. That is not up for debate.”........
Is DOGE negativity being overhyped by the Dems? - AMAC Newsline columnist Andrew Shirley pointed out an interesting bit of forgotten history about Bill Clinton’s reduction of the federal workforce.  It seems Bill Clinton made even more extreme cuts to the federal workforce during his second term in office than has the Trump/Musk DOGE team.  This history has apparently been conveniently forgotten, or purposely buried, by the mainstream media so they can continually b...last anyone and everyone connected with DOGE like it’s causing an end of the world disaster.
Hakeem Jeffries Was Asked to Provide Evidence of GOP Cuts to Medicaid and His Answer Was a Train Wreck - House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries has the same problem many a Democrat has right now: he can deliver the talking points, but when pressed, he collapses into a mumbling mess. It was a marvel to witness. The New York Democrat was doing his part, trying to gin up fear about the budget reconciliation process, which cleared its first big hurdle this week. Speaker Mike Johnson got all but one of the defecting Republicans back on board, which was enough to pass the resolution with a 217-213 vote. We still have a ways to go, but this was a huge win. Yet, Democrats insist that Medicaid will be cut. ......


Axios: Wrong (again) on Trump tax cuts -So much misinformation.  Hard-left Axios  has taken on the Trump/Republican tax cuts, and as usual, it either misses the point or wittingly presents falsehoods to its readership in service to its DNC masters............In years past, we might have expected, and certainly experienced, the typical response, but as we’ve seen with Trump 47, the  typical response  has been thrown out the window. Axios knows, or should know, that lower tax  rates, as instituted by Trump 45, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and John F. Kennedy increased (not decreased) federal revenues.   Lower tax  rates  stimulate investment and growth (GDP).   Revenue is the result of Rates x Investment x Growth.  .......

The radical left is boycotting companies abandoning leftist insanity - Today might be a great day to go shopping. If you’ve already been to Walmart, Target, or other major retailers, you might have noticed that the people there looked...well, normal. No blue hair. No nose rings. No giant holes in their earlobes. No tattoos. No “Free Palestine” t-shirts. No bearded men in dresses and heels. It might have looked strangely like shopping in 1985, at the height of Reagan’s America....
Liberal Celebs Push “Economic Blackout” to Tank Economy - The “we love this country so much we want to destroy it” crowd is back at it. An effort to encourage U.S. consumers to participate in a day of protest by not spending money Friday has picked up momentum online, with thousands of people across social media saying they plan to take part in the “economic blackout.” Started roughly a month ago by John Schwarz, a Chicago-area meditation and mindfulness educator, the idea has taken off on social media, where searches for the term surface hundreds of posts of people sharing screenshots of infographics and encouraging others to participate in the protest. Google’s search data shows queries for “economic blackout” have surged in recent days........
Harris Faulkner Asks Democrat Contributor What Ideas Democrats Have to “Improve the Economy” -  Fox News host Harris Faulkner suggested to Democratic contributor Leslie Marshall on Tuesday that the Democrats had not offered any ideas to make the economy better, even as they criticized President Donald Trump.  Some congressional Democrats have plans to bring egg cartons highlighting the increased price of eggs, noisemakers or signs opposing the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to Trump’s Tuesday night address to a joint session of Congress. After Faulkner asked Marshall about the reported antics, she then brought up whether Democrats had any proposals to address the economy.

“What should Democrats be doing? I mean, I understand the guest situation, but they have a lot of media today,”..... “All day long there are those of us in the media business that are talking to anybody who wants to come up to the microphones and get the story before the president speaks. Why no positive messaging from Democrats?”......

The (Trans) Ladies Doth Protest Too Much"Daily Dose of Reason"Why all the violence for "transgender" rights? The men who dress like women and want to be called the gender they prefer to be called on the whim of the moment surely are a violent bunch. Latest example: Iowa yesterday,...........
GOP Congress: Let’s protect women’s ‘Gaines’ in sports -Democrats wear white to presidential speeches to show “support for women,” but vote against women’s interests. Let’s show them how it’s really done tonight, and dress up for Riley Gaines when President Trump addresses Congress....
 Democrats Choose Fake Women Over Real Women—Again -  The Democratic Party has once again shown us exactly where their priorities lie—and it's not with protecting women and girls. On Monday, Senate Democrats banded together to block a common-sense bill to keep biological males from invading women's sports.  The Republican-led Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act fell short of the 60 votes needed to overcome the Democrats' filibuster. Every single Democrat who voted opposed the bill. Sens. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) didn't even bother to show up. Apparently, protecting girls and women from having to compete against biological males with inherent physical advantages isn't important enough for Democrats to support.......
Senate Dems Unanimously Vote to Keep Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports - A U.S. Senate bill to prevent men from participating in women’s sports failed to overcome the 60-vote threshold needed to pass the filibuster on Monday night.  The bill came down to a strict 51-45 vote along party lines, with Democrat Sens. Elissa Slotkin (MI) and Peter Welch (VT) abstaining. Per Fox News:............

Your ‘inseminated person’ should know - They are crazy up in Wisconsin, especially at the Governor’s office.  What are they smoking or putting in their coffee?  Your guess is as good as mine, but the governor is proposing a change to how we refer to “mom,” having decided that “inseminated person” is a better descriptor.  I couldn’t believe this story and had to read it twice to make sure it was true. On the other side, here comes Doug Schoen, a sane Democrat who probably sends his mother a card purchased in the Mother’s Day section at your favorite store, has a message for the Democrats.  This is the story:....

Donald Trump takes down Maine's Governor - Donald Trump is unlike any previous politician. He’s certainly unlike any previous President. Politicians, particularly at the highest levels, normally keep hard realities and words behind closed doors. Quizzed later, they characterize such confrontations as “frank and productive exchanges.” Riiiight. This has been so partly to support the idea that politicians are uniformly wise and benevolent statesmen, people whose only concern is the welfare of their constituents. They’re beings of superior intellect and morality, above the failings of lesser beings, perfect in form, style, function and intention..............
A majority of Democrats believe there are more than two sexes -poll - A survey by Quinnipiac, taken Feb. 13-17, revealed that 96% of Republicans agree with President Trump’s executive order affirming that there are only two sexes, while an astounding and depressing 77% of Democrats oppose the order, apparently believing there to be God-knows-how-many different sexes. Only 14% of Democrats support the order. 59% of independents support the order.
Maine Needs A New State Slogan - Maine is one of those delusional states that refuses to get out of its own way. The state slogan is Dīrigō, which is Latin for "I direct" or "I lead," based on its once being the only state to hold its elections in September.  Those days have long passed, and Maine, based on recent decisions within the state, needs to adopt a more realistic slogan. Something closer to the truth would be ignorantia, meaning ignorance and want of knowledge, or more appropriately, inscitia, meaning ignorance, folly, inexperience, incompetence, incompetency, and want of skill. Maine, you see, is one of those states that has evolved into a state of an alternative reality. ..............

Ousted Kennedy Center President Defends Drag Queen Performances Following Trump Criticism - The recently-fired head of the Kennedy Center has defended the federally-funded institution’s decision to put on drag queen performances — including shows aimed at minors — following President Donald Trump’s promise to rid the organization of wokeness and restore its former glory......

Judge Spars with DOJ Atty over Pronouns at Trans Military Ban Hearing - A U.S. District Judge sparred with an attorney representing the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday over the use of pronouns pertaining to President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender people in the military.....

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers Supports Bill Replacing ‘Mother’ with ‘Inseminated Person’ -  Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) supported a Democrat Senate bill that would replace the word “mother” with the word “inseminated person,” and replace the word “husband” with the word “spouse.”.

It Appears Democrats Have Finally Picked a Hill to Die On - Democrats are doubling down on left-wing gender ideology despite their viewpoints being increasingly unpopular with the average American. The vast majority of Americans support reversing the Biden administration’s extreme approach to transgender issues, including barring biological males from participating in women’s sports. But Democratic lawmakers, including those representing congressional districts President Donald Trump won in November, are continuing to push left-wing stances on transgender issues that are seemingly at odds with their own voters...........“Every Democrat who voted against keeping biological males out of girls’ sports is showing the American people that they care more about bowing to the radical left than protecting young women,” Congressional Leadership Fund spokeswoman Maureen O’Toole told the DCNF.

After This Vote, the Dems Show They Really Haven't Learned Anything From Their 2024 Loss - It’s pretty simple: men shouldn’t be playing in women’s sports. The Left can say that trans women are women all day—it doesn’t negate the fact that they’re dudes. It’s science fiction. It’s also veered into a bizarre cult-like obsession. It didn’t take long for this issue to become virtually 80/20 in support of keeping males out of these competitions. We won’t uproot societal order to cater to a small minority; they will have to deal with it.....

Birthright citizenship and Democrat hypocrisy  - Congress passed the 14th Amendment on June 13, 1866, more than a year after the Civil War ended. It then required three-fourths of our states to ratify it. This occurred on July 9, 1868, with South Carolina being the 28th state. Most everyone (except those who prefer white robes and hoods) agreed that the 14th Amendment was the right thing to do to help our nation heal after the bloody Civil War. Doing more than giving former slaves citizenship, its impact is still felt today. The 14th Amendment: .......

Clyburn: Woke and DEI Are Substitutes for N-Word - On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Laura Coates Live,” Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said Gen. CQ Brown was removed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff due to his race and responded to pushback that other officials who are white were dismissed by stating that Brown got called “woke” and “DEI” and “they are substituting these acronyms for the n-word. So, why would you apply the term woke to Gen. Brown? What does that mean?” Clyburn began by saying,” I believe that everybody knows what an outstanding soldier Gen. Brown is and has been, for many, many years. He has a 40-year career in the military. Nobody has found any fault with him. Because of his skin color, he has been declared DEI or woke.”..........

 Van Jones: Brown Was Fired Due to ‘Slander that He’s Woke and DEI’ - On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Laura Coates Live,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser Van Jones said that the only reason he can find to dismiss Gen. CQ Brown as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is “this slander that he’s woke and DEI. Well, if you are the head of a military that is multiracial and multicultural and you want it to be cohesive, you need to have policies in place to help that happen.”.....

“DEI Isn’t for Us”: Black-Owned Businesses Say Diversity Policies Don’t Work - Some black-owned businesses are blowing the whistle on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies, telling Reuters that the initiatives have not been effective in helping out black people and other minority business owners. Black business owners are now saying that they have not benefited much from diversity efforts intended to help them, and are largely unfazed by the Trump administration rolling back DEI programs nationwide, Reuters reported on Tuesday. The report comes amid President Donald Trump’s ongoing efforts to crack down on DEI initiatives in the U.S., including in universities and across the federal government.............

The radical left is boycotting companies abandoning leftist insanity - Today might be a great day to go shopping. If you’ve already been to Walmart, Target, or other major retailers, you might have noticed that the people there looked...well, normal. No blue hair. No nose rings. No giant holes in their earlobes. No tattoos. No “Free Palestine” t-shirts. No bearded men in dresses and heels. It might have looked strangely like shopping in 1985, at the height of Reagan’s America.......

E pluribus, infirmitas? - I always do a mental double-take when someone says, “Diversity is our strength.”  Perhaps it depends on context.  Our military, for instance, includes men and women of various races and religions, yet their training emphasizes conformity to ensure unity and effectiveness.  Historically, the most stable societies share customs, language, and cultural norms — at least enough to function cohesively.  Differences exist, of course, but when they become too extreme or numerous, friction often follows, sometimes escalating into civil unrest.  Tensions between Asians and African-Americans in certain U.S. jurisdictions illustrate this dynamic........

The Democrats These Last 75 Years -The Kennedy years are often called Camelot. However, it was not quite the romance. The long Cold War had begun; a failed attempt to put Castro out of business at the Bay of Pigs was planned during the Eisenhower administration but was reluctantly carried out by Kennedy. JFK was hesitant only because he didn't want the world to know what was already common knowledge: the United States was planning and carrying out a coup in Cuba. Later, the Cuban Missile Crisis was a contest to see who would blink first.............

Dumping Donkeys: How America ‘Divorced’ the Democrat Party - Here’s a hypothetical that, oh, pretty much everyone can relate to: You’ve just shut the door on a tumultuous, chaotic, messy relationship. (Doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship: Could be an intense, demanding friendship or even trauma-bonding in the workplace.) It was one of those exhausting situations where your brain, heart, and soul felt like punching bags..........


Susan Rice misleads Americans again - Susan Rice was the UN Ambassador and behind the scenes Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) whisperer who blatantly lied about the Benghazi attack. She claimed the murder of multiple Americans was just a protest over a video that got out of hand. Rice was quickly forced to admit she made a harmless little mistake and didn’t mean to mislead anyone. As the BBC noted at the time “Republicans were unconvinced.” So was anyone with a functional BS detector. Americans weren’t buying her lies then any more than they are now.....

The viral lie of how censorship is a ‘vaccine’ to freedom of speech - “Freedom of speech is a virus. Censorship is the vaccine.” This chilling mantra, echoed in the corridors of power throughout Europe and the UK, has become the unspoken creed of a globalist left eager to maintain control. It serves as a seductive soundbite for those who fear the chaos of open discourse—a justification for silencing dissent under the guise of protecting the public. But beneath its clinical facade lies a profound betrayal of the principles that shaped the modern world. If freedom of speech falters, it won’t be an isolated casualty; it will drag down every other right with it...........
Sky High Lies: Cuck Schumer Says Trump Is Crashing Planes to Further Enrich Billionaires - Senator Chuck Schumer touched down in the Senate today to spread more lies about FAA cuts. Schumer is trying to link Trump to recent plane crashes. He says crashing planes puts more money in billionaires’ pockets. No, it’s not supposed to make sense. It’s just Democrat desperation..........


Van Jones: Brown Was Fired Due to ‘Slander that He’s Woke and DEI’ - On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Laura Coates Live,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser Van Jones said that the only reason he can find to dismiss Gen. CQ Brown as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is “this slander that he’s woke and DEI. Well, if you are the head of a military that is multiracial and multicultural and you want it to be cohesive, you need to have policies in place to help that happen.”.....

Clyburn: Brown Was Fired Along with White Officials Because He's Black - On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Laura Coates Live,” Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said Gen. CQ Brown was removed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff due to his race and responded to pushback that other officials who are white were dismissed by stating that Brown got called “woke” and “DEI” and “they are substituting these acronyms for the n-word. So, why would you apply the term woke to Gen. Brown? What does that mean?” Clyburn began by saying,” I believe that everybody knows what an outstanding soldier Gen. Brown is and has been, for many, many years. He has a 40-year career in the military. Nobody has found any fault with him. Because of his skin color, he has been declared DEI or woke.”.......

‘Grinding the Democrats Down’: Sen. Markwayne Mullin on Trump’s Cabinet and the GOP Game Plan - The following is an edited transcript of an interview between Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief John Bickley and U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) on a Sunday edition of Morning Wire. So far, President Trump is batting a thousand on confirmations for his cabinet secretary nominees. Just this week Kash Patel was confirmed as Director of the FBI while Labor Secretary Linda Chavez-DeRemer seems to have secured the support of the Senate. This is the fastest pace since 2001. Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin joined Morning Wire to discuss Trump’s cabinet nominees, the Senate’s strategic approach to the confirmation process, and the significance of the GOP’s “Big Tent” strategy in uniting diverse political factions within the Republican Party...........
 Why Republicans’ Old Tricks Aren’t Working On Trump This Time -  Donald Trump has spent eight years in and around Washington. Though he has persuaded a fair number of congressional Republicans to adopt a new tune, he has had a harder time getting them to change the lyrics. They still did much of what they wanted, even as they picked up a few new slogans. Lukewarm Republicans clung to the Bush-era policies Trump specifically ran against, but most learned to dress up their views in pro-Trump language and gestures.
Trump’s common sense revolution: Transformation and revelation Trump’s common sense revolution is transforming the Republican Party.  By transforming the Republican Party into the party of common sense, Trump is making it the natural home of any American voter who cares about America.  But what he is accomplishing does not stop there.   His revolution has also brought about an astonishing revelation.  With Trump’s help, more and more Americans are realizing that the Democrat party is the party that rejects common sense — and with it the American idea......