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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

An Updated Analysis of the 2024 Senate Race

By Rich Kozlovich

On February 14, 2024 I posted this An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More.  I've updated that piece regularly leaving all the speculations and potentials in place to show the events and the time line even though some of it's meaningless now.   It appears to me, as of right now anyway, the most of Republican seats will remain Republican, but not all, even if there are different faces.  

As I pointed out there are 33 United States Senate seats up for election in 2024. There are 3 Independent seats (who always caucus with the Democrats, which is why the Democrats have a majority in the Senate) 20 open Democrats, and 10 Republicans.  That seemingly gives the Republicans an edge, 23 Democrat/Independents, versus 10 Republican seats up for grab.  

I believe there will be 5 Democrat seats that will go Republican one Republican seat that will go Independent, and three that's 50/50, and two of those are Republican seats.  Right now there are 48 Democrats, 3 Independents, and 49 Republicans in the Senate, giving the Democrats a one seat majority.  

If the Republicans take the five I'm calling for them, and the three that are tossups go to the Democrats, along with the Independent taking a Republican seat, that will make the Senate a 50/50 tie, meaning the Vice President would be the tie breaking vote in the Senate, and I've come to the conclusion some of these seats will have to be taken on Trump's coattails.   

But since the Democrat/Independent contingent will vote in lock step, and there are so many RINO's who will typically vote with the Democrats, the Democrats will still control the Senate.  The realistic numbers?  50 Democrat/Independents, anywhere from 6 to 10 RINO's at any give time,  leaving 40 to 44 Republicans.  That gives the Senate a potential 60/40 edge over the Republicans, even if the Senate leader is a Republican, and it won't be Mitch McConnell. 

As for the House, my view remains the same.   The Republican House is filled with brainless, gutless, and feckless nitwits.  Not as bad as Liz Chaney, but I think there are a lot of borderline Liz Chaney's in the House.   Demonstrating that was the fact it took two attempts to impeach Mayorkas, who was clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.  As a result, they could lose the House.    

I initially thought the Democrats would believe they were going to lose the White House, so all their chicanery and massive voter fraud schemes in this election that would focus on the down card.  That doesn't appear to be the case, as they're all in for Kamala, who they all thought was an nitwit before Biden in effect made her the candidate when he withdrew.  An action interpreted by many, and rightly so in my opinion, to punish the Democrat machine for pushing him out, and he keeps doubling down on that with his "support".  

The really big take away is the Democrats are a disaster, and are clearly working to destroy America, and it's institutions, and more are coming to that conclusion. The question is: Can Democrats muster enough fraudulent votes to overcome a massive voter rebellion against their party, and will there be a massive voter revolt against Democrats?

What about October Surprises?  Well, it will be interesting to watch in the next few days what happens over these two October Surprises.  Usually they've been against Republicans, but yesterday Kamala has been exposed as a plagiarist,  a seriously bad plagiarist, and the day before Walz was accused of being a homosexual pedophile

But, hey, everyone has flaws, and besides, they're Democrats, so what's the big deal?   Right?  As Whoopie said about Roman Polanski having sex with a 14 year old girl, it's not like its rape-rape.   What a strange moral universe they live in, how will that play out, and will all that effect the down card?

As the journalist in Charlies Wilson's War said: We'll See!

Kamala’s Existential Crisis: Minority Voters Edging Toward Trump

Identity politics was always risky. Now it threatens to come apart at the seams.  

By | Oct 14, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags,  Articles, Opinion

Eight years ago, it was all but unthinkable that Donald Trump could count on any significant support from two constituencies traditionally hostile to Republicans and crucial to Democrats. After his trip down that golden escalator, he delivered remarks about illegal immigrants that were widely viewed as insulting. They would be replayed over and over, destined to live in infamy. Most observers believed that he had permanently repelled minority voters and that the minimal support Republican presidential candidates had received over the years from Latino and black voters would shrink even further to almost undetectable levels.

In his victorious first run for the White House in 2016, Trump’s minority support was indeed shallow with only 6% of blacks and 28% of Latinos pulling the lever for the bombastic billionaire, according to the reputable Pew Research Center. In 2020, despite falling short in his bid for re-election, Trump improved his standing on the margins by about one-third, attracting 8% support from blacks and 36% from Latinos. But in 2024, multiple surveys are suggesting levels of minority support for the 45th president that have not only risen substantially, but threaten to actually realign the electorate.

While conservatives engaging in wishful thinking had speculated over the years that Trump could make serious inroads with minority voters, their wishes now seem to be coming true. Even writers at Washington’s most famous liberal newspaper have been forced to report that something substantial or even game-changing could well be in the works. In their story with the teaser “Trump polls better than ever with Black, Hispanic voters” they admit that “[b]oth numbers — and especially that for Black voters — could set modern-day records for a Republican in a presidential election.”

The numbers they reference are perhaps surprising with regard to Spanish-speaking voters, but downright shocking when it comes to African Americans: 42% of Latinos and 20% of blacks plan to vote for the 45th president. Rewinding to the day in 2015 when he first entered the political stage, who would have imagined this? How is this even possible? Is it only because of their rank disappointment over the failures of a president, Joe Biden, who for most of his career enjoyed high levels of popularity among black voters?

Any way you cut it, this is a hair-on-fire crisis for Kamala Harris and Democrats across the land, with that same DC newspaper admitting the possibility – or even likelihood – that “we are headed for a sizable realignment in how non-White voters cast their ballots.”

Minority Voters: Want vs Need

Trump does not need to attract a majority of black and Hispanic voters, so he can pick his spots in micro-targeting certain issues and areas that appear promising. He would be overjoyed to attract the growing slice of minority votes most polls are finding these days, as it would almost certainly grant him the title of 47th president.

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But Harris must secure the traditionally overwhelming support Democrats have always been able to count on from minorities, or it’s all over for her. Consider that in 2016, Hillary Clinton lost to Trump despite massive minority support. In 2020, Biden’s numbers were down a bit but still more than acceptable among blacks and Hispanics, and he eked out a victory that would have gone to Trump with the reversal of fewer than 50,000 votes in three swing states. With such support plummeting first for Biden and now for Harris, unless the many polls on this subject are wrong or these voters return to the fold at the last minute, the vice president has an existential crisis on her hands. She has brought in the heaviest of hitters to try and repair this fissure, but he may have only made matters worse.

A famous TV ad from the 1980’s for an anti-perspirant advised: “Never let them see you sweat.” And yet, the Harris campaign is openly and profusely sweating about these two crucial constituencies – particularly black men – that most people assumed she would have all wrapped up by now. It seemed that Joe Biden’s problems attracting a sufficient percentage of black men should have disappeared when a woman of color was selected to take over the top spot.  Apparently not. After a massive ad campaign targeting black men failed to move the needle, the campaign brought in former president Barack Obama to make a case that the vice president has been unwilling or unable to make for herself.

Obama’s speech in Pittsburgh last week was some piece of work. He lectured, prodded, and shamed black men for not automatically coming to the aid of their fellow person of color, and accused them of sexism:

“The women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time … When we get in trouble, and the system isn’t working for us, they’re the ones out there marching and protesting. And now, you’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you because you think that’s a sign of strength because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down? That’s not acceptable.”

Even reliable liberals seemed appalled at Obama shaming his fellow black men. Nia-Malika Henderson, columnist for Bloomberg and one-time senior political reporter for CNN, was blunt:

“Don’t be sexist. Vote for Kamala Harris. That’s one heck of a bumper sticker message … Obama has frequently singled out Black people for reprimanding … Harris supporters were out post-speech doing damage control … … Jesse Jackson, who, more than anyone, paved the way for the Obama presidency, famously said that Obama talked down to black people … Black men don’t need to be torn down. They don’t need to be condescended to. They don’t need to be scolded. What they need is a president who sees them, hears them and makes their lives better — just like every other American.”

The Collapse of Identity Politics

This ongoing crisis is a textbook example of the problem with left-wing identity politics. After a while, voters become fully aware that they are being prodded to vote for a candidate because of the color of her skin rather than the content of her character. Demanding loyalty to their race is downright insulting. Joe Biden got away with such patronizing when he said in 2020, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” Trump, on the other hand, made a simple appeal to downtrodden black voters wary of more broken promises from drive-by Democrats: “What the hell have you got to lose?” Perhaps these voters are now starting to buy that argument.

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Would Donald Trump demand that all white voters support him because they are also Caucasian? Imagine the reaction if he said that. For all the explosively controversial remarks he has survived since entering the political realm, he would almost certainly lose the election with such a statement. And yet, Obama has done exactly that. Essentially, he is lashing out at voters who, like everyone else, can hardly afford groceries, gas, or home heating as they fall further into debt since Joe Biden became president, while the neediest among them are being shoved aside for the sake of millions of illegal immigrants who stormed the country once Biden opened the border.

There is scant evidence that this type of tactic is effective. Obama and Trump are alike in one respect. They are both larger-than-life figures whose appeal does not translate to substandard candidates they endorse. While Obama was instantly electric in his appeal to both black and white voters and scored two decisive victories, Harris dropped out of her 2020 campaign before the first vote was even cast. This brings to mind the massive rally in Philadelphia with Obama and seemingly every important Democrat and left-leaning celebrity on the night before the 2016 election. It didn’t work, in large part because the candidate could not close the deal by herself. The contrast between Obama and Clinton just reminded people of how weak a candidate Clinton was. Voters, especially those who are undecided, prefer a candidate who asks for their vote herself. If she doesn’t, it signals a lack of capacity to persuade, a crucial skill for any prospective president.

If this election does turn out the way Republicans hope, one can imagine a casual conversation sometime in the future about minority voters, and someone mentioning the second term of Donald Trump. And one could envision a response along the lines of, “Oh yeah, 2024 – wasn’t that the year when black and Latino voters finally refused to continue their blind loyalty to the Democratic Party?”


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Read More From Tim Donner

The US Air Force Is Doing Some Rearranging

Will re-optimization of Air Force units meet the China threat while capacity goes down?

by | Oct 14, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags, Articles, Military Affairs, Opinion

After eight months of planning, the US Air Force’s reorganization is moving forward, albeit slowly. Six Air Force and joint bases have been identified for re-optimization to meet the China threat. However, significant questions remain as to how the new unit construct will meet the global challenge posed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

US Air Force Not Ready to Defeat China

When the Air Force first announced its initiative to reorganize, Liberty Nation News explained what it was about in as much detail as was available. The Department of the Air Force (DAF) has decided to reorganize with a program called “Optimizing the Air Force for Great Power Competition.” From the first day he took office on the fourth floor of the Pentagon’s E-Ring, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has sounded the alarm that the US Air Force is not ready to take on China and win.

“As I’ve said many times, it has been clear to me for over a decade that China is intent on fielding a force that can conduct aggression in the Western Pacific and prevail even if the United States intervenes,” Kendall wrote in a Sept. 5, 2023 memo to all Air Force members. So, molding the DAF to achieve victory against the People’s Liberation Army should be no surprise. Yet molding it how and why remains an issue.

It’s been over eight months since Secretary Kendall revealed the re-optimization initiative. Still, there have been few reliable details about how it will all work, and at least a couple of questions need to be answered. First, what is it about the existing organization that is not up to facing the PLA in a great power conflict? Then, a corollary to this first question: What is it about the PLA that demands reorganizing? That is, besides the rapid expansion of China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), which is a capacity and capability challenge that probably won’t be addressed by simply reorganizing what we already have.

The Heritage Foundation, in its 2024 Index of US Military Strength, compared Air Force aircraft numbers in 2024 with those of the last time the Air Force was prepared to fight a near-peer enemy, 1987. 

“[T]he Air Force will have a total force that equates to 47 percent of the fighter (1,932), 43 percent of the bomber (140), 67 percent of the tanker (471), and 76 percent of the airlift assets (274) it possessed the last time the United States was prepared to fight a peer competitor,” the report stated. 

With the PLAAF growing at an accelerated pace and the US Air Force with significantly reduced numbers of combat aircraft, reorganizing may not be the most pressing priority.

Why the emphasis on re-optimization, anyway? There is an argument to be made that regardless of how the DAF is organized, there’s a shortfall in warfighting systems, aircraft, and the ability to sustain readiness. Air Force leadership needs to provide a compelling case for the re-optimization based on why the current construct isn’t optimized. The explanation from the Air Force is that the current environment is different than previous threat environments.

Great Power Competition Needs New Approach

In The Case for Change, General David Allvin, chief of staff for the Air Force, opens with an introduction titled “A Legacy of Adaptation.” The Air Force, over the years, has been optimized for different basic conflict environments. Optimization for the Cold War meant prioritizing stealth and precision technologies to offset the numerical inferiority in conventional forces. Optimizing for the “Unipolar Moment” after the success of the Gulf War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union meant a massive downsizing of the US military. After 9/11, the Air Force reoptimized yet again for the “Global War on Terror,” which called for innovations in technology and tactics focusing on on-demand power projection and sustainment accomplished by continuous rotational deployments.

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Unlike in the past, the Air Force believes great power competition entails a new set of warfighter demands – urgent threats, accelerated change, contested environments, and ascending domains. However, past Air Force leadership would argue they did prioritize urgent threats like the “complex security environment defined by the PRC…and the acute threat of Russia.” The Air Force dealt with new and disruptive technologies representing accelerated change. Precision-guided weapons of all types would fall into this category. There has never been a time in the Air Force’s history when it has not dealt with “state actors, aggressive and asymmetric actions.” Though more prominent today as threat environments, the Air Force has traditionally incorporated ascending domains like cyber and space into its defense calculus. The growing gap in aircraft numbers appears to be the most urgent of the warfighter demands.

More details are needed regarding the Air Force’s plans to re-optimize to justify a wide-ranging disruption to how airmen do business. Congress would like more granularity on what the US Air Force is proposing. The FY2024 Defense Appropriations Act report language states:

“On February 12, 2024, the Secretary of the Air Force announced an effort to re-optimize the Department of the Air Force to meet the challenges of Great Power Competition. The agreement notes that, to date, the Department of the Air Force has not provided thorough justification for this reorganization, a comprehensive implementation plan, or detailed budgetary information necessary for the Subcommittees to assess this plan.”

Once the US Air Force has provided Congress with a “thorough justification” of what it has in mind, we’ll have a better idea of just how and why the re-optimization will address beating China in a great power competition. After eight months, we don’t know much more than we did in February. However, if the threat is as Kendall describes, it will take more than rearranging the deck chairs.

The views expressed are those of the author and not of any other affiliate.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

Read More From Dave Patterson

No Happy Ending

By Rob Pue @ Wisconsin Christian News
Complimentary Story
I was sitting beside a lake recently, admiring the beautiful autumn sunset and thanking God for the serenity of that place, the beauty of His creation and the peace in that tiny part of the world I was sitting in.  It was still warm out for this time of year in Wisconsin; an “Indian summer,” but the falling leaves will soon give way to falling snow.   And I believe the Holy Spirit spoke a single, simple word to me: “Remember.”
“Remember this time of serenity, beauty and peace in this place, because it won’t always be this way, and things can change so quickly.  The rest of the world is in great turmoil now, so appreciate and remember this blessing.  You have no idea what’s coming quickly.”
I can’t imagine the devastation people in our Southeastern states are going through and in just a few weeks we have the November election.  It’s been said that this is the most important election in all of American history.  I know they always say that, but this time, the outcome really is critical and will let us all know if our nation will be quickly cast down to hell or if God’s patience and longsuffering will be extended just a little bit longer.  Just a quick question: how is it that 2-5 million illegals registered to vote in November isn’t “foreign election interference?”  And those are just the illegals we know about that the Regime has already registered.  The actual number is most certainly much higher.
I’m under no delusion that there will be mass repentance in America, or that suddenly, the modern American Church will finally take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously.  Of course, some will — and a remnant already havehumbled themselves, prayed, sought God’s face, and turned from their wicked ways.  But the majority of those who call themselves “Christians” have not.  Like the rest of America, their hearts are hardened. They’ve chosen to believe the lies.  They’ve chosen the broad and easy road rather than the narrow way.  They’ve chosen apathy, luxury, comfort and ease.  They preferred ignorance rather than truth.  They’re of their father, the devil, and are the ones who will hear, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you,” as Jesus pronounces the final judgment.
Why do I believe that most don’t understand the lateness of the hour?  Isaiah 5:20-23, “Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!  Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink; which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!”  Read the rest of Isaiah 5 if you want to know what happens next.
We were so greatly blessed in this land of the free and home of the brave, but with our luxury, comfort and ease came complacency.  Though many watchmen on the wall were sent to warn us, few heeded the warnings and now this most blessed of all nations has been cursed with falsehood and lies, sexual depravity, unjust and tyrannical rulers, and though we may not see it with our human eyes, the blood of the innocent floods every street in every neighborhood in every city and town across this land.
Ronald Reagan once said, “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  The Democratic party, long ago, exchanged God for Satan in their party platform.  And while the Republican party gives lip service to the notion of “religious liberty,” they have, this year, disavowed all support of the right to life for the unborn.  I’m sorry, but you can’t expect me to believe you’re serious about your Christian faith if you refuse to adamantly defend and protect the very lives of precious babies.
Once again, it’s a case of “the lesser of two evils.”  On one hand, if Kamala Harris is selected, along with Tim Walz, we have an immediate straight-line expressway to full on Communism.  There’s absolutely no doubt whatsoever about that.  It will be immediate and drastic.  Harris is the daughter of a Marxist college professor. No one questions that.  That’s the ideology she was raised with in her “middle class home.”  The United States of America will be immediately turned over to the New World Order, under Globalist control.  Their first order of business will be to confiscate guns and abolish the second amendment.  Harris has already stated that’s essential for her.
Then, we’re talking crushing tax burdens, forcing even a majority of Americans into homelessness. Bankruptcy for countless corporations and Mom and Pop businesses.  We’re talking the further weaponization of the healthcare system and more purposeful depopulation of the “useless eaters.”  Add to that, “re-education” centers for adults and increased brainwashing in our public schools and colleges for children and young people.  
The end of affordable energy, strict travel restrictions, and of course, federally-funded abortions up to — and after — the time of birth.  You may as well add federally funded euthanasia and suicide, because if they aren’t able to kill enough babies prior to or at birth, or enough people with their mandated jabs and the poisoning of our air and food supplies, they’ll be happy to pay to end your life when you just can’t take any more of their tyranny and oppression.  
Of course, the insanity of “transgenderism” with an endless array of sexual “identities” will only grow more intense and idiotic and the majority will be forced to bow down to the cult of the growing minority of individuals with “gender dysphoria” — a condition of mental illness that is cultivated, nurtured and encouraged by the radical left.  Not to mention the acceptance and celebration of “minor attracted persons.”
Then there is America’s place on the world stage.  There’s no doubt that the US Dollar will become extinct as we join a new, One-World digital currency.  Our military will be placed under the control of a Globalist government.  The hated Christian White Male will be targeted in every possible way by every traitorous government agency.  America as we’ve known it, will be forever gone.
On the other hand, if Trump is allowed to take office, you can be assured there will be no “peaceful transfer of power.”  If that’s what’s been decided, then you can rest assured that every possible form of chaos, anarchy, discord, lawlessness, pandemonium, turmoil and mobocracy is, even now, being planned — to rain down utter destruction in every city and small town nationwide.  There will be nowhere to hide.

I have no doubt that Obama’s “private army,” which he’s boasted of so often, is already training.    Then, add in the millions of illegal enemy combatants that have already been settled into this country under the Regime, just waiting for the call on their government-issued cell phones to launch the attack.  There will be no escape.  It will be open season on all American citizens.
Trump will have no other option than to declare martial law to maintain some semblance of law and order, which of course, will then give the subversive mainstream media even more opportunity to openly declare him a fascist.
Trump has an ambitious list of things he’d like to accomplish, but if you think the Left — and those of his own party — are going to stop the attacks they’ve been piling on him for the past eight years, you’d be wrong.  
He wants to seal the border, stop the invasion and begin deporting the criminal illegals already here.  He wants to bring energy independence to our nation and end the nonsensical “Green New Deal” and all-electric mandates.  Also on his list: end inflation, bring manufacturing jobs back to America, provide tax cuts, defend the Constitution and bill of rights, restore peace in Europe and the Middle East, set up an “Iron Dome” defense system — like Israel has — here in this country and rebuild our rotting cities.
His plan includes strengthening our military, keeping the US Dollar as the world reserve currency, cutting federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content on our children.  He wants to keep men out of women’s sports, secure our elections and unite the country.
This all sounds great, but bear in mind, that as he struggles to achieve these goals, he’s going to be fighting for his life — against the Democrats, Republicans and the Global Deep State.  Their attacks will be unrelenting, and as I already stated, the country will be in turmoil like we’ve never seen before because of the mass violence that will certainly be everywhere...orchestrated by the demonic Left.
Of course, that’s assuming Donald Trump makes it to November 5th, and then to January  20th.  In addition to never-ending witch hunts by a weaponized justice department, FBI and CIA, he’s already survived two assassination attempts so far, and it’s been reported that there are now five separate teams of trained assassins hunting him, along with the nation of Iran.  He’s also been warned that these professional killers are armed with surface-to-air missiles, which could be launched from anywhere on the ground and aimed at his campaign jet as it leaves the ground.
And as I write this, I’m told that the Secret Service, which failed in its duties to protect Trump so miserably on July 13th, has only gotten worse.  Like so many other things, we have the traitor Mayorkas to blame for this too.
I must admit: Trump is an enigma to me.  Why would he want this job in the first place?  Why is he enduring so much personal trauma, for a goal that, even if he manages to accomplish, will leave him in an impossible situation with constant attacks for at least the next four years — or until he’s killed?
And I must also wonder why he went along with the scam-demic of COVID.  He most certainly had to know COVID was a psy-op, Fauci was a criminal and the jab was deadly.  Why did he continue to fund Planned Parenthood?  Why has he been so supportive of the LGBTQP+ agenda? He did do many things I agreed with during his first term, but others just left me wondering, “what in the world??”  Two things are clear... Harris is an express train to immediate Communism; and Trump is an enigma.
Today we stand at the brink of World War 3 — for real this time.  We’ve come close before, but it’s never been this close.  America has faced threats from enemies many times in the past, but never so badly from within, and the thing that enrages me the most is that our own government has imported these violent criminals, intent on our destruction and has made us pay for it.  And we should note that while the federal government has never been on the side of the American people, there’s never before been a time in history that it’s been this corrupt and traitorous...with every 3-letter agency now the avowed enemy of us all.
Americans just want to be left alone.  We want to be able to go about our daily lives, raise our families in peace, pay our bills and not be crushed to death by sadistic tax burdens.  We want to raise our kids ourselves, not have their health, their hearts, minds and souls stolen by Big Brother.  We don’t want to be forced to agree that 2 plus 2 equals five or that evil is good and good is evil.  We want an end to lawlessness, and we want to see justice prevail.  We just want to be able to go sit beside a lake sometimes, breathe in the crisp, fall air and admire the grand beauty of God’s handiwork of Creation and thank Him for the blessings of peace and tranquility.
We don’t want war, we don’t want injustice, we don’t want “gay” everything. We don’t want the murder of babies to be “normal” anymore. We don’t want Leftist and “transgender” rage and vengeance.  We don’t want racial hatred. And it would be nice if we could trust those we’ve hired to lead us.
But right now, I’d urge you to enjoy what you have.  In a few weeks, I dare say things are going to look a lot different than they do today.  And no matter what happens, there is no happy ending to the story of America in 2024.

Kamala’s Racism

@ Sultan Knish Blog

It was 2003 and Kamala Harris was making her closing argument in the race to become San Francisco’s district attorney. Her opponent, Terence Hallinan, the incumbent DA, the son of a Communist father, had been backed by George Soros as one of his first pro-crime DAs, had come out against the death penalty, for drugs and against the police, and that gave him impeccable leftist credentials. How was Kamala going to run to the left of a man like that?
The answer came in the form of a postcard mailer featuring black and white photos of the last ten DAs with the words, “It’s time for a change.”

What did her leftist opponent have in common with Charles Fickert: a tough Republican DA known for going after leftist anarchists in court and after their supporters outside it with his fists?

Not a thing except that they were both white men.

When all else failed, Kamala had one argument to fall back on. Race. It was the same argument that she deployed in the 2020 primaries against Joe Biden when she falsely claimed to have been saved from a life of racial segregation by being bused out of Berkeley. Not only did she know that her race baiting was a lie, but during the vice presidential search committee interview, she was unapologetic about pulling a racial hoax in the hopes of winning an election.

“She laughed and said, ‘that’s politics.’ She had no remorse,” a committee member recalled.

But there was more to Kamala’s racism than just rhetoric.

As California’s attorney general, Kamala boasted of imposing the country’s first ‘unconscious bias’ or ‘implicit bias’ training program for law enforcement. Based on the precepts of critical race theory, such programs blame police officers for higher crime rates among some minority groups and are premised on the racist idea that all white people are ‘unconsciously’ bigots.

“We need to have an honest conversation that includes addressing the way implicit bias in policing undermines the public’s trust,” Attorney General Kamala Harris argued.

After the Ferguson race riots, Kamala described the BLM violence and its associated movement in her inaugural address as an “important conversation” about “injustice” to which she would respond by launching a “complete review of our special agent training on implicit bias”.

Kamala’s racist white people training courses for law enforcement was created in partnership with Jennifer Eberhardt whose dubious studies supposedly demonstrated that people were primed to see violence around black faces. However Eberhardt’s studies supposedly also showed that “if white or black people had been exposed to black faces beforehand they were a lot quicker to detect blurry images of apes” because “there’s this tight association between blacks and apes and there’s a racial imagery there that’s affecting our visual perception.”

The implicit bias training ushered in by Kamala was relying on the ‘research’ of a woman who claimed that white and black people subconsciously believed that black people were monkeys.

In her inaugural address, Kamala described herself “as a daughter of Brown v. Board of Education and the civil rights movement, I know we can make progress.” This was an implicit rehearsal of the same lie about attending segregated schools that she would later deploy at the 2020 campaign debate, but it was also an assertion that her support for ‘implicit bias’ training with its conviction that everyone is racist was advancing, rather than attacking, the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement had now come to mean that everyone was racist and secretly believed that black people were monkeys unless they were trained out of that belief.

Eberhardt’s bizarre ape research, conducted on mostly white graduate students, was used to demonize police officers and justify implicit bias reprogramming. “African-Americans are still dehumanized; we’re still associated with apes in this country. That association can lead people to condone the beating of black suspects by police officers,” Eberhardt had argued.

Even as crime was rising, Kamala doubled down on the deconstruction of public safety and law enforcement in the name of racism while weaponizing race in preparation for her Senate run.

In the Senate, Kamala pressured the FBI to stop monitoring black supremacist hate groups like the ones responsible for the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas and that went on to kill three people at a Kosher supermarket in New Jersey. As she prepared for a presidential run, Senator Kamala Harris rebuilt her political identity around racism and race-baiting.

“We must speak this truth: the very foundation of our country was built on the backs of enslaved people,” Kamala tweeted in praise of the 1619 Project. She appeared at the convention for Al Sharpton’s National Action Network hate group and endorsed slavery reparations. Kamala bizarrely claimed that black people were still having heart attacks due to the legacy of slavery.

Kamala’s racebaiting however failed to hold on to black support. After accusing Biden of racism to break away enough black voters to win the primaries, she still ended up polling at 2% among women and 4% among black people, but blamed her failure on sexism and racism.

“Is America ready for that? Are they ready for a woman of color to be President of the United States?” Kamala complained before being forced to drop out of the 2020 primaries.

The only lesson that she came away with was that she had not been racist enough.

While the BLM race riots were destroying American cities, Kamala praised the racist hate group’s rallies. “They’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop.”

She fundraised for a bail fund that freed rioters and criminals with the intention of putting more of the BLM rioters back on the street in Minneapolis and other parts of the country.

Before the election, Kamala tried to lay personal claim to the mantle of BLM. She hailed the racist hate group as “the most significant agent for change” then claimed “I grew up in protest” and had “been in marches since I was in a stroller”.

Kamala’s embrace of black nationalism and contempt for America evolved alongside her political career in the two decades since she had won an election by dismissing her opponent as just another white man. What had begun with a mailer turned into support for race riots.

What factors beyond political opportunism drove Kamala’s racism? Kamala has credited her pastor, Rev. Amos Brown, a friend of Obama’s racist and anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright, for inspiring her politics. Brown, a member of several reparations commissions, had defended Wright’s racism and allegedly spouted some of her own.

Rev. Brown had claimed that America was a racist country and that “America has not changed” since the days of segregation. “This sin of race is so deep, so pervasive in the body politic of America that if we don’t find a remnant to help turn things around, America is going to go down.”

Kamala praises Rev. Brown and appears to have absorbed his view of America, but there is also another less obvious influence driving her toward racism and hatred of America.

The irony of Kamala’s black nationalism was that she was not only biracial like Obama, but had often emphasized the Indian identity of her mother at least as much as her father’s race. The irony lay even deeper in that Kamala’s black father had rejected such simpleminded racialism.

Shyamala Gopalan, Kamala’s Brahmin Indian mother, had always been the bigger black nationalist than Donald Harris: Kamala’s Jamaican father. Harris, the Marxist professor whose academic career led to a split with Kamala’s mother, emphasized a classic Marxist understanding that prioritized class over race. His writings show not only a marked skepticism of what would become the fashionable tenets of critical race theory, but a willingness to dissect his own complex family history and ancestral connections to slave owners and slavery. This attitude is not atypical of many Jamaican intellectuals who see the racial interplay of the past as a matter of history rather than the eternal victimhood and crippling entitlement of the 1619 Project.

Kamala’s black nationalism did not come from her black father, but her radical leftist Indian mother who despised America and white people far more than Donald Harris ever did.

“I raised them in an African-American community, for a very special reason,” Gopalan, a successful cancer researcher, claimed. “It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference if your color comes from India or African Americans, because this country is racist based on color.”

Kamala was raised by her mother to hate America and see racism everywhere. Along the way, she also discovered that racism could be advantageous to her career. And from fake stories of segregation to subconscious apes, she embraced the hate and never looked back. Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.

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Robin Itzler's Points to Ponder

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK 


From my weekly e-newsletter Patriot Neighbors I have here eight bullet points which are a very small sampling that defined leftist thinking and what's wrong with this administration.

  1. Guns will only offend liberals until the day it defends them.
  2. Comrade is a gender neutral pronoun.
  3. God created man and woman. Democrats created all the other genders.
  4. "Calling abortion “healthcare” is like calling slavery “human resources.” 
  5. You can’t reason with people who believe that the woman who has done nothing for years is suddenly capable of fixing everything. 
  6.  1864—Presidential Debate Moderator: President Lincoln, you are running for re-election. What are your plans to end the Civil War? Lincoln: I was born in a log cabin ...
  7. Howard Stern doesn’t want Trump supporters to listen to his radio show, and conservatives along with Trump supporters didn’t even know Stern still had a radio show.
  8. “The United States has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it’s barely noticeable and barely matters because there’s a permanent unelected machine that runs the country.”—Glenn Greenwald,   Journalist and former lawyer, founder of a law firm that concentrates on First Amendment litigation.

Dementia in Chief:

It is heartbreaking watching a family member or friend mentally disappear before our eyes. They look the same, but their minds have become mush. In the early stages, they dance back and forth between dark and light. When asked questions, they cling to a few recognizable words and often respond without making sense. This describes Joe Biden, supposedly president of the United States of America.

 Two recent examples: September 29: Walking from Air Force One to Marine One Joe Biden took several questions on the tarmac about the MIDDLE EAST STRIKES on the Houthis in Yemen. Because of his dementia riddled mind, Biden focused on the word “strike.” 

He did not answer questions about the Middle East strikes. Instead, he answered about the dock workers strike saying that he has “spoken to both sides.” Biden told reporters he supported the “collective bargaining agreement” and that the “strike” would end soon. 

October 3: Joe Biden returns to the White House from a BRIEF visit to some of the most damaged Hurricane Helene regions of the nation.

Reporter: What do the states in the storm zone need, Mr. President?
Biden: Sorry? 

Reporter: The states in the storm zone. What do they need after what you saw today?
Biden: Oh, in the storm zone. I didn’t know which storm you’re talking about ... 

Like reporters would be asking about another storm! 

Biden: They’re getting everything they need. They’re very happy across the board. Did they look happy? Like they were getting everything they need? 

According to the Alzheimer's Association, nearly seven million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s. By 2050, it will almost double to 13 million. The organization estimates that health and long-term care costs for those living with dementia could reach $360 BILLION this year, and projects $1 TRILLION in 2050. 

 The U.S. government has provided Ukraine with $61+ BILLION in military assistance since 2022. In May 2024, the House Budget Committee held a hearing entitled “The Cost of the Border Crisis” and reported that the cost of the illegal alien invasion was $161 BILLION. And victims of Hurricane Helene get a paltry $750 per person!

Media Balance Newsletter (October 30, 2024)

Free... Twice-a-Month... What you won't find in one place, anywhere else. 

By John Droz, Jr.physicist & Citizen’s Rights Advocate

Enjoy the latest edition of our free, critically thinking Media Balance Newsletter...

We cover COVID to Climate, Elections to Education, Renewables to Religion — showing you what the mainstream media has revised or filtered out ... If you happened to miss it, here is the prior Newsletter.  

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We are continuously working at making this twice-a-month publication more interesting, more useful and more accessible to our many thousands of readers. Due to loyal supporters, the Newsletter has been published 15 years now — thank you! 

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Monday, October 14, 2024

Cartoon Roundup: Dear Kamala,

By Rich Kozlovich, Tags:


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More DOJ And FBI Corruption

@ Manhattan Contrarian

A couple of weeks ago I posed the question of whether the recently-initiated federal prosecution of New York Mayor Eric Adams is legitimate, or whether it is yet another instance of abject corruption by our Department of Justice and FBI, in this instance pay-back by the prosecutors for Adams’s criticism of the regime’s immigration policies. To help you as you ponder that question, it might be useful to look at a few other things that the DOJ and FBI are recently up to.

As Item Number 1, Justice “Special Counsel” Jack Smith chose the date of October 2 — 34 days before the upcoming election — to file his brief laying out his reasons why ex-President Trump does not qualify for immunity from prosecution under the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling in Trump v. United States. Smith’s brief, which is 165 pages long, was then promptly unsealed by the District Judge in the case, Tanya Chutkan. I am not going to quote from it here, but it is fair to say that the brief goes out of its way to be as inflammatory as possible against the former President.

In a New York Times op-ed on October 9, Professor Jack Goldsmith of Harvard Law School raises completely legitimate questions about the timing of the filing. Note that Goldsmith is no fan of Trump. From the op-ed:

[T]he timing of the release should receive more scrutiny, because the Department of Justice should not have allowed the information to be disclosed so close to Election Day. This event is the latest of many examples of Biden administration officials paying insufficient public attention to executive branch rules that are designed to ensure that prosecutions are, in appearance and reality, conducted fairly and apolitically. . . . 

It is . . . vital . . . for the executive branch to take scrupulous care to assure the public that the prosecutions are conducted in compliance with pertinent rules. On this score, Mr. Smith has failed. . . . The filing is in clear tension with the Justice Department’s 60-day rule, which the department inspector general has described as a “longstanding department practice of delaying overt investigative steps or disclosures that could impact an election” within 60 days of an election.

Professor Goldsmith has used the gentlest possible terms to describe outrageous conduct by Justice. What Smith has done is to construct an overheated filing against the administration’s main political rival, and to orchestrate its timing, in a clear effort to achieve maximum impact on the election. I guess that the Times should get some credit for publishing the op-ed, although if this had been a prosecution by Trump of one of his rivals we would have been treated to six different stories on the front page.

For today’s Item Number 2, consider the case of Dr. Eithan Haim of Texas Children’s Hospital. TCH is the largest hospital for children in the country. In early 2022 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an opinion stating that gender transition surgeries for minors were a form of child abuse. Within days, in March 2022, TCH announced that it had halted all such procedures. (From the AP, March 6, 2022: “The nation’s largest pediatric hospital has announced it has stopped gender-affirming therapies.”). Thereafter, the Texas legislature began work on a bill banning such surgeries for minors, which bill was then enacted in 2023 and signed by Governor Abbott on June 2, 2023.

Dr. Haim was working as a resident at TCH in 2022 and 2023. Haim observed gender transition procedures on minors as young as 11 taking place at TCH shortly after the March 2022 announcement, and continuing thereafter. From Health Care News, July 8, 2024:

“The hospital had said unequivocally they were going to shut down their transgender program because of potential criminal legal liability,” Haim told Health Care News. “Because I worked there, I knew that this was a lie. Categorically, it was untrue. They not only continued the program but expanded it.” The documents showed TCH performed “gender-affirming care” just days after the announcement . . . . One such procedure done shortly after the announcement was performed on an 11-year-old girl.

Haim provided documents about the ongoing gender procedures on minors to Texas authorities and to investigator Chris Rufo, who published information on this matter in City Journal on May 16, 2023. All patient-specific information had been redacted from the documents to protect the privacy of the patients. From Rufo’s City Journal piece:

I have obtained exclusive whistleblower documents showing that, despite its public statements, the Houston-based children’s hospital—the largest in the United States—has secretly continued to perform transgender medical interventions, including the use of implantable puberty blockers, on minor children. . . . I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted.

In June 2024, the Justice Department issued an indictment not of TCH, but of Haim. What had he done wrong? Here is the DOJ press release announcing the indictment. The subject matter appears to be violations of medical privacy, but curiously the press release does not assert that any private patient information was improperly revealed. Rather, it states that Haim “obtained personal information including patient names, treatment codes and the attending physician from Texas Children’s Hospital’s (TCH) electronic system without authorization . . . [and] under false pretenses.” The press release does not mention what statute may have been violated, although presumably it must be HIPAA.

In other words, the theory is that finding out about ongoing illegal behavior and reporting it to the authorities and the public is now itself deemed criminal by DOJ when the behavior disclosed is deemed important to the progressive agenda. All people in a hospital who are not actually doing the gender surgeries themselves are to be prohibited from talking about them. If they can silence Haim and others like him, then TCH can go on engaging in its conduct free from concern from pesky Texas statutes.

Read some of the linked articles for more details on DOJ’s tactics of intimidation in the effort to silence Haim.

And for today’s Item Number 3, have you heard of the case of Brian Malinowski? This one comes from the August 2024 issue of Hillsdale College’s Imprimis. Malinowski was the manager of the airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, until the morning of March 19, when DOJ’s ATF conducted a pre-dawn SWAT-style raid on his house and shot him dead.

Malinowski was a gun hobbyist who sometimes bought and sold guns at gun shows. Federal law requires people “engaged in the business” of buying and selling guns to get a federal license. The statutory definition of “engaged in the business” is quite restrictive:

Congress has defined “engaged in the business” to apply to those who deal in firearms “as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit” as opposed to those who make “occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby.”

ATF took the position that Malinowski was “engaged in the business” of buying and selling firearms, despite the restrictive definition and the fact that Malinowski had a rather responsible day job. Anyway, rather than, say, writing Malinowski a letter, or issuing some kind of summons, here’s how ATF chose to proceed:

Multiple undercover ATF agents were sent to observe Malinowski selling firearms at a gun show, a GPS tracker was secretly placed on Malinowski’s car, and a search warrant was obtained for his home. Malinowski wasn’t home the first time ATF agents showed up to serve the warrant, so the second time they left nothing to chance. 

Dressed in SWAT gear, together with Little Rock police, they showed up in ten vehicles at Malinowski’s house before dawn on March 19. They cut the power to his house and put a piece of tape over the doorbell camera so that Malinowski couldn’t see who they were. Less than a minute later, after an exchange of gunfire, Malinowski was dead. And in violation of both ATF and Little Rock police policies requiring body cameras, not one of the law enforcement agents involved in this deadly raid was wearing an activated camera.

Your federal government in action. The chances of any of the personnel involved facing any consequences is about zero.

Death to America Isn't Just an Islamic Chant, It's The Democrat Party Agenda

People live against their own best interests, why wouldn't they vote that way? - By someone named Curt. 

By Rich Kozlovich,  Tags:

On October 13, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. published this piece, about Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who at a pro abortion rally staged what can only be considered a deliberately disrespectful to Catholics saying:

It’s Sunday morning, and my guess is that a few friends at Mass will say something about Governor Whitmer of Michigan.  Honestly, we don’t talk a lot about the governor of Michigan down here, but what was she doing, giving a young woman a Dorito in something that looks a lot like Communion?.............  I’m not sure what the point here is, but it does look to some of us Catholics as though they are mocking our faith.  As you would expect, the Michigan bishops didn’t like the comedy, either........ It didn’t occur to the governor or the young woman kneeling that they were offending Catholics?  Would they have done a similar joke mocking another faith?  I think we know the answer, or just Google Charlie Hebdo for a quick history lesson..............

I really think this act of disrespect needs highlighted every day in some way by the conservative media, and here's why. This singular act is foundational to who the members of the Democrat party are, what they believe, who they support, and why.   You will notice, at least as far as I can tell, not one member of their party has come out and condemned her for this. Unlike so many feckless Republicans who crawl out of the woodwork to apologize over some meaningless act that offends one of the cults of the Church of Wokeness.

Ask to the nation this over and over again.  Would she be this disrespectful with Islamic practices?  We all know the answer to that, and we know why.  As Canto points out, if she did that they'd riot.   That's business as usual for the barbarians, and in a war between the barbarians and the wimps, the barbarians will win every time. 

They're supporting a violent hate filled political movement masquerading as a religion that regularly runs into the streets chanting death to America and Israel, and they mean it, and if anyone protests their violence and radicalism, the left calls it .   

Yet they think it's just fine to disrespect members of religions that were foundational in America's formation, and if they protest, they claim they're trying to destroy "our" Democracy. 

They want to make the murder of the innocent unborn legal right up until the moment of birth, and then murdering them if they survive.   Defining the moral values of the left is easy. They don't have any.  If this was a Muslim or Marxist controlled nation there wouldn't have been a Constitution and there most certainly wouldn't have been the Ten Amendments. 

So what should we conclude?  Death to America is more than a chant to the Democrat party, it's an agenda.  

Whitmer has now come out with phony clabber of how she "would never do something to denigrate someone’s faith", but isn't that what she did?   How can any rational person view this as anything except a planned intentional insult to Catholics?  Mark Tapson calls this, "A sulfuric whiff of the demonic."

Which must bring us to this foundational question.   

Why do Catholics support those who violate what is supposed to be the moral positions of their faith?   Paraphrasing Kevin Finn who asks how anyone can claim to be a "devout Catholic and support abortion, open borders, other harmful governmental practices and the open mocking and derision by politicians", ..... practices which are "diametrically opposed to their beliefs", supporting  "people who openly loathe them?"  

He calls this kind of thinking for what it is, cognitive dissonance!  That's believing two diametrically opposing views are both correct,  and says "when such people tell me they support Democrats I say, “Are you also a carnivorous vegetarian?”


Only Tyrants Fear Free Speech

By @ Sultan Knish Blog

“It’s really hard to govern today,” former Climate Czar John Kerry complained at the World Economic Forum. “The referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn’t a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self-select where they go for their news, for their information.”

And when it comes to a source that Kerry, the WEF and their political allies don’t like, “our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence”.

Four years ago, Obama offered a similar complaint that, “if we do not have the capacity to distinguish what’s true from what’s false, then by definition the marketplace of ideas doesn’t work. And by definition our democracy doesn’t work.” Obama and Kerry’s definition of democracy is a system where everyone agrees on what’s true and what isn’t.

This regime of facts was very much on display when ABC News moderators crudely intervened in the last presidential debate to support their chosen candidate. CBS News was barred from having its moderators intervene directly in the debate and instead resorted to showing promos for its website where its activist reporters will ‘fact check’ the vice presidential candidates.

Having debates is a curious thing under a government of facts whose premise, as Kerry and Obama argued, is that there is nothing to debate. Candidates for public office can state their views only to have the public be told which of those views is correct and which is wrong.

And then it’s the moderators and the agenda they represent that is really running the country.

Obama argued that there can be no democracy where there are disputes, but it’s actually the other way around, where there are no disputes, there is no democracy. The greater the disputes, the greater the democracy. The fewer the disputes, the less democracy there is.

Democrats claim to want to uphold democracy. They chant about the power of the people. But if what they really want is to implement the popular view, why are they so terrified of it?

The problem, as Kerry and many others have already explained, is that they are not doing what the people want, but convincing the people to want whatever the government does. Their version of democracy requires harnessing the will of the people and then disregarding it where it differs from their will. There’s a name for that sort of thing and it isn’t democracy.

Democracies can be justified by the will of the people but tyrannies rely on some abstract virtue. In a secular society where religion is a diminishing force, Democrats claim that their tyranny is based on the absolute truth of their beliefs as proven by science, by experts and the facts. Both science and facts however arise from a trial and error process not authoritarian assertion.

What the Democrats offer isn’t democracy, nor is it science: it’s dogma propping up a tyranny.

Scientists and democracy proponents don’t fear dissenting ideas. Democrats and tyrants do.

Ever since Hillary lost the election, Kerry has been the latest in a long line of Democrats complaining about social media. “”The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing,” he moaned at the WEF because it undermines any governing consensus.

“The First Amendment doesn’t require private companies to provide a platform for any view that is out there. At the end of the day, we’re going to have to find a combination of government regulations and corporate practices that address this,” Obama had threatened.

A year later the Biden administration was regularly intimidating Facebook and Twitter into taking down speech, including jokes, that it found objectionable in the name of fighting misinformation.

California’s Gov. Newsom just signed bills into law cracking down on AI generated memes. Congressional Democrats are mulling new forms of action over what they call ‘deepfakes’. These serial tech panics invariably relate to speech and the empowerment of individuals to dissent from whatever artificial consensus has been imposed on the public by the authorities.

The common denominator is a fear of ideas. If speech is decentralized then it can’t be controlled. And if speech can’t be controlled then, as Kerry put it, governance is impossible.

The purpose of government then becomes to control speech by controlling technology.

Big Tech monopolies that centralize technology allow for direct integration with the state. Wealthy Democrat donors fund media outlets which act as official censors through their ‘fact-checking’ operations. Tech platforms are pressured by the government into censoring whatever the media objects to and paying the media for the privilege of its censorship.

Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover and Mark Zuckerberg’s disinterest in continuing to prop up Facebook censorship have crippled the technological end of the public-private censorship regime which has infuriated not only Kerry but many other members of his political movement.

NBC News claims that “misinformation” about the election is “running rampant” on Facebook. Misinformation, disinformation, deepfakes and other similarly constructed terms treat speech as a dangerous thing. Misinformation “spreads” like a virus, it “runs rampant” until it’s censored. Its existence threatens the governing consensus through which the regime rules the people.

The obsession with stamping out “misinformation” has so overridden the liberal DNA of free speech that the ACLU now fights ‘misinformation’ rather than upholding free speech and PEN America urges that it is “important to correct misleading or false information”. It’s important because by controlling information, their political allies and agenda control the people.

John Kerry has a point. It’s hard to govern when everyone is free to speak their mind. That’s why America was a bold experiment in freedom whose purpose was to be hard to govern. Americans being hard to govern is not, as Obama and Kerry think, a bug, but a feature.

Pundits have been complaining that America is ungovernable not just for the last twenty years, but the last two hundred years, and being ungovernable is what makes us a free people. In the haze of trigger warnings, warning labels, hate speech mandates and speech crackdowns, it becomes all too easy to forget that free speech is our natural birthright as Americans.

And the establishment wants us to trade that birthright for some fact checking pottage.

European powers were terrified of a country where anyone could say anything. And they still are. Because a country where people are free to say anything is also free to do anything.

America’s accomplishments would not have been possible without its freedoms.

The war on speech is always carried on in the name of some imaginary crisis, hate, social justice or climate change, that requires the government to override those freedoms. Kerry and Obama object to allowing people to debate whether the crisis is real because the crisis is the source of their totalitarian powers. And if they lose the debate then they lose their tyranny.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.  Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation. Thank you for reading.