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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

I'm Defending RFK, Junior. I'm Gonna Break Out in Hives!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. recently came under fire for referencing the Holocaust in a speech he gave on January 23rd at the Defeat the Mandates March in D.C.  After being slammed and shamed by his fellow travelers on the left -- including his liberal wife Cheryl Hines who called his comments “reprehensible and insensitive” -- Kennedy was forced into multiple apologies.  But what did he actually say that was so offensive?  
Like the boy who shouted that the emperor had no clothes, he exposed the Biden administration for its pernicious COVID policies -- and, in the process, risked losing everything from his stature as an elite, left-wing environmental activist to possibly even his marriage.  That alone should make everyone stand up and take notice of what RFK, Jr. had to say. ...............  If you didn’t know it was RFK, Jr. speaking, you’d think the words that follow are from Rand Paul or Josh Hawley...........

Like the author of this piece, I've never had any respect for RFK Jr., or for his father for that matter, and after getting over the infection of thinking JFK was a great man, I grew to pretty much despise the whole clan.  
I've always been a pro-vaccination guy, and like the author, I've never agreed with his insane stance on vaccinations.  I think he's a nut, and now I find myself in the same side of this loon.  I think I'm breaking out in hives already.......but here it goes anyway. 

His holocaust analogy is totally appropriate because the long term negative consequences of these forced vaccinations are going to be shocking, and the evidence all points to that.  Remember, this is being "forced" on society as an ideological movement.  The science doesn't support these mandates, which I've stated from day one, and it never did.  How is that different from the Nazis?  The fact he married a left winger like himself, who publicly criticized him, is really just a little bit fun.  Ya gotta luv that!  Now that's Karma!  I think the word Schadenfreude may be appropriate in this case?

The real reason for all this outrage isn't his Holocaust comparison, it's the fact he dares to expose the Biden administration and the corrupt deep state who have "lied to the public, undermined our democracy, and happen to have invasive surveillance and tracking technologies in their cache of weapons."   

He in effect took a stand against tyranny, and I had to admire that.  Of course that tiny bit of grudging admiration didn't last long.  He folded like a paper towel after about a nanosecond of massed criticism, groveling and apologizing.   I think we know who's wearing the pants in his house now.  I wonder if there's a prenup?

Kennedy operates a site called, The Defender, Children's Health News and Views, and before I move on, first let me say there's a lot of stuff on his site that's the same old crap about GMO's, energy, and the usual leftist horsepucky.  However, this pandemic mandates issue is one where he's right, and those views are confirmed by others who I respect.  So, I've cherry picked articles from his site where he and I are in harmony....ooohhh, Wow!  Just saying that really gives me hives.....and chills.... but...... here they are, and you be the judge.

 Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. right?

The government of India, Bill Gates, Indian vaccine czar Adar Poonawalla, and public health officials are facing criminal persecution for murder over the death of a 23-year-old man who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield vaccine.  The man's mother claims "he died that same day due to side effects brought on by the vaccine."

Will this be successful? No, but it's a start as more and more evidence comes to the fore.   This month there was a 40% Rise Nationwide in Excess Deaths Among 18- to 49-Year-Olds, CDC Data Show, saying: 

Death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show excess deaths increased by more than 40% among Americans 18 to 49 years old during a 12-month period ending in October of 2021, and that COVID caused only about 42% of those deaths.
Is there a correlation between these experimental drugs and these deaths?  Correlation isn't causation, but that never bothered these loons in the past when challenging pesticides and other chemicals, so why now?  But time and truth are on the same side, and those correlations will be proven. 
But it's not so easy to get to that information unless you're looking for it.  The media is absolutely censoring vaccine injury stories.  I posted this piece yesterday by Jeffrey Tucker, Kulldorff Deleted: Famed Epidemiologist and Early Opponent of Lockdowns Banned by LinkedIn.  This man is described as:
The legendary Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorrf, whose impeccable academic record includes writing statistical packages used the world over to assess vaccine safety, could not find a publisher for a piece opposing lockdowns. Finally, he decided to post it on his LinkedIn account
What happened to this world famous epidemiologist?  

Today, if you try to look at that piece, you will find that it is completely gone. Not only that, but LinkedIn, a platform originally designed to empower workers and professionals to network and find job opportunities to improve their lives, has deleted him as a person.

Tucker goes on to explain why this should be taken seriously, and pleads that everyone do so: 
Things are changing fast. The history is being rewritten. It seems designed to whitewash the lockdowns, pretending as if there was never any credible opposition. Great scientists are being made to disappear before our eyes. It’s no longer possible to believe that this is some kind of mistake, some fluke in the technology, an overly scrupulous algorithm accidentally targeting the wrong person. This is intentional. This is aggressive. This is being done by human hands with intentionality. 

And why? It’s about dogma, about rewriting history, about deplatforming dissent in all its forms, and about an attempt to impose an orthodoxy in which the lockdowners and mandaters are and always were correct. These platforms we once trusted as our friends, places that make our speech freer and our lives better, have become handmaidens of the forces that have taken freedoms from us. 

Almost 500 Service Members Discharged for Refusing COVID Vaccine, and yet it's known these fake COVID Vaccines are very likely causing miscarriages (increased 300%), cancer (increased 300% in 2021 over the previous five-year average) neurological disorders (increased 300% in 2021 over the previous five-year average), and that's from the Defense Department's own data, and there's more.

COVID-19 vaccines are causing catastrophic harm to members of the U.S. military..... “trifecta of data” from the DMED, the DOD’s military-civilian integrated health database, Project SALUS, along with human intelligence in the form of doctor-whistleblowers suggest the DOD and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention have withheld COVID vaccine surveillance data since September 2021..........“Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured and sometimes possibly killed"............ “acute myocarditis” resulted in 1,239 cases in August 2021, but the same search in January 2022 resulted in only 307 cases.......... it causes permanent heart damage and is life-limiting in most cases. The military did not take any safeguards for the most at-risk age group for vaccine-induced myocarditis — 18- to 24-year-olds.
In the  middle of that article they noted:
Following Renz’s presentation,  (Editors' Note:  Please go to the article to see the video presentationRK) attorney Leigh Dundas reported evidence of the DOD doctoring data in DMED to conceal cases of myocarditis in service members vaccinated for COVID.   
"Why Hide What Happens in First Two Weeks After Vaccination?
  Numerous studies conclude COVID vaccines protect people after the second dose, but those conclusions are based on data that excludes data on infection rates in people during the two-week period after vaccination. “Obviously, this is flawed.”
Are these America Mengele's walking this back?  No, they're doubling down, and on the group that's least likely to contract this virus, our children. Fauci Says FDA Could Authorize Pfizer's COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5 Next Month.
Was Kennedy wrong using the Nazi comparison?  Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist, noting her description of what happened in Nazi Germany is what we see happening over this pandemic fraud, and the truth has been withheld.   
Flawed CDC Study Wrongly Concludes COVID Vaccines Safe in Pregnancy.  As late as April 2021, the CDC still maintained there was limited data surrounding the safety of COVID vaccines for women who were pregnant or breastfeeding. The agency advised women who were pregnant or breastfeeding to consult with their physician before getting vaccinated. But were obstetricians made aware of the potential safety signals appearing in animal models?...... how were physicians able to decide whether or not a COVID vaccine was appropriate for their pregnant patients if the CDC wasn’t offering any guidance at that time?
Was Kennedy right?  Yes!   
I'm glad I have antihistamines in the house.

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