By Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist ——Bio and Archives--October 2, 2021
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The United Nations is once again putting its nose where it doesn’t belong. It continues to weaponize so-called “international law” and “international norms” to challenge national sovereignty. The most recent example is a joint statement issued on September 30th by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) regarding the treatment of the huge waves of Haitian immigrants entering countries illegally, especially the United States.
UN’s top refugee official, Filippo Grandi
These UN agencies called on “states to refrain from expelling Haitians without proper assessment of their individual protection needs, to uphold the fundamental human rights of Haitians on the move, and to offer protection mechanisms or other legal stay arrangements for more effective access to regular migration pathways.”
Earlier last month, the UN’s top refugee official, Filippo Grandi, had the audacity to scold the United States for expelling some Haitians who had illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in recent weeks.
Referring to the federal executive branch’s use of emergency powers conferred under congressional Title 42 authority to expel migrants entering the United States who have recently been in a country where COVID-19 or other communicable diseases were present, Grandi said, “The summary, mass expulsions of individuals currently under way under the Title 42 authority, without screening for protection needs, is inconsistent with international norms and may constitute refoulement.”
Grandi didn’t say a word about screening illegal immigrants for COVID-19 or requiring vaccinations for all Haitians and other migrants seeking to enter the United States.
Grandi seems to think that all migrants entering a country illegally should be considered potential refugees entitled to special protections until their requests for asylum are fully considered on an individual basis. He has obviously not listened to the Haitian migrants themselves, many of whom have admitted that they made the long trek to seek better economic opportunities.
They weren’t fleeing persecution
They weren’t fleeing persecution. In fact, many of the Haitians who have recently arrived in the United States haven’t lived in Haiti for years. They came from South American countries such as Chile where they resettled years ago. Only recently, after President Joe Biden put out the welcome mat, did they decide that it was time to leave their adopted countries and pursue their economic dreams in the United States.
Grandi’s pronouncement accusing the United States of violating fuzzy “international norms” is a direct challenge to America’s national sovereignty. Such sovereignty certainly includes a nation’s sovereign right and obligation to protect the health of its own citizens. Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas himself admitted that 20 percent of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S. southern border are showing up with an “illness.”
Mayorkas added, “We did not test that population of individuals. We do not know, I do not know, I should say if I may be perfectly accurate, I do not know if anyone was sick with Covid.” Yet many of the illegal immigrants are being allowed to stay in the country and released from detention anyway. Even then, Grandi and his fellow bureaucrats at the UN are not satisfied.
United Nations bureaucrats have no business chastising the U.S. government
United Nations bureaucrats have no business chastising the U.S. government for trying to keep Americans safe from the coronavirus, which may be spread by hordes of illegal immigrants entering the country who are untested and unvaccinated. So-called “international norms” do not override the authority of the legislative and executive branches of the United States government to protect Americans’ health under the powers granted by the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States.
In any event, Grandi has little reason to complain so long as the open-border Biden administration is in charge. Unlike its predecessor, the Biden administration is not fully exercising its Title 42 expulsion authority. Thousands of untested, unvaccinated Haitian migrants who entered the U.S. illegally have been released and dispersed to communities throughout the country.
UN’s blatant attempt to interfere with U.S. national sovereignty
Putting aside the UN’s blatant attempt to interfere with U.S. national sovereignty, which is bad enough, the UN lacks any moral authority to serve as the Haitians’ advocate. In fact, the United Nations should be the last organization to lecture anyone about protecting Haitian lives or human rights.
UN peacekeepers caused a massive cholera outbreak in Haiti in 2010, which killed close to 10,000 people and sickened hundreds of thousands more Haitians. It took six years for the UN to even admit, as a factual matter, that its peacekeepers were involved in triggering the deadly cholera outbreak. Even then, the UN has continued to hide behind so-called “international law” to assert absolute immunity from any legal liability to fully compensate the victims and their families for the gross negligence of UN peacekeepers in Haiti.
Philip Alston, the former UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty & Human Rights, was appalled at how the UN bureaucracy treated the Haitians it was supposed to care for. “The tragic and deplorable fact is that 10 years after bringing cholera to Haiti through the negligence and mismanagement of its peacekeeping troops, the United Nations has still never acknowledged its responsibility, never apologized for having caused the cholera outbreak, and never provided direct compensation to the families of the more than 10,000 people who died as a result,” Alston told the Miami Herald in 2020
“There are as many as 60,000 migrants — mostly Haitian — poised to make their way north to the U.S.-Mexico border”
The current crisis involving Haitians seeking to enter the United States en masse is far from over. According to Panama’s Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes, Axios reported, “there are as many as 60,000 migrants — mostly Haitian — poised to make their way north to the U.S.-Mexico border.” That’s on top of the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 Haitians who have already made it to the U.S.-Mexico border during the recent wave, at least 12,000 of whom were allowed to stay in the U.S. and released into the country.
This has become an invasion, with the devastating possibility of illegal immigrants super spreading the coronavirus to Americans with whom they come into contact.
Here’s some advice for Filippo Grandi and other UN officials: Mind your own business and do not interfere with America’s sovereign right and obligation to protect its own citizens from the entry of illegal immigrants, many of whom may be carriers of COVID-19.
Joseph A. Klein is the author of Global Deception: The UN’s Stealth Assault on America’s Freedom.
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