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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Geraldo Rivera is a Disgrace

By Rich Kozlovich, Updated @ 7:55 AM

On October 27, 2021,  Pam Key posted this piece on Breitbart news, FNC’s Rivera: ‘Nasty’ Cruz, Hawley, Cotton ‘Make My Skin Crawl’ Disrespecting AG Garland", saying:

Fox News co-host Geraldo Rivera said Wednesday on “The Five” that Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) were “nasty” and disrespectful to Attorney General Merrick Garland during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Rivera said, “I have to say, watching Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, they’re so nasty, so snarly. They make my skin crawl. It really is. The way they were so disrespectful. And Tom Cotton? That attack just now? That doesn’t make Tom Cotton look like a real serious senator. That looks like an ideological warrior trying to score a cheap point.”

Here's the video, Tom Cotton tears into Merrick Garland.  One thing is clear, someone is lying, and if we're to believe Garland's comments he's incompetent, possibly corrupt, and either lying or hs no idea what's going on.   Now tell me if you think this challenge to Garland and what he's doing is inappropriate?  It was pointed out Geraldo must not have been paying attention to the Kavanaugh hearings.  Geraldo's comment was this in retaliation for those hearings.  Really?  So let me see if I got this right.  

Fairfax mom says Feds came to local school board meeting - When Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before the House Judiciary Committee last week, he told Rep. Jim Jordan that FBI agents will not be attending school board meetings. However, an activist mother in Fairfax, Virginia says the feds did show up at a school board meeting last Thursday, the same day Garland made his statement to Jordan.

It bothers him the Attorney General of the United States - who has declared war on American citizens exercising their Constitutional rights in challenging insane leftist polices being imposed on our nation's schools are "domestic terrotists", and is siccing the FBI on them - is being powerfully attacked by Republican Senators defending the Constitution against those attempting to destroy it?

Did I get that right?  Did I miss anything?  No......I don't think I missed a thing.  All of which clearly shows if you take away all the interruptions, logical fallacies and outright falsehoods Geraldo spews out, he speaks two languages fluently.  English and stupid.  

Well, Geraldo and I finally have something in harmony. He makes my skin crawl, and he always has.  

I've watched those confrontations with these Senators intelligently challenging all the insanity coming before them these last 10 months, always demanding the truth and calling out those who are destroying the Constitution.  Let's try and get this right.  The truth isn't disrespectful, it's just the truth. 

For a man with Geraldo's personal qualities to have a moral judgement about anyone is mind boggling.  This is a man who has played fast and loose with his hands with women, who wrote a biography naming all the women he allegedly slept with including the 60 year old wife of Jacob Javetts, a prominent and well respected attorney and politician of the day,  Margaret Trudeau, wife of Pierre Trudeau, 15th prime minister of Canada, Judy Collins, all of whom have denied it.  Supposedly cutting a sexual swath across the nation cheating on his wives all the while.  And, supposing all that was true, he just had to share that with the world?  What kind of man does such a thing?

He's been married five times.  He cheated on his third wife with the woman who became his fourth wife, to whom he swore to the world, while promoting this piece of trash book, with whom he would evermore be monogamous.  What was wrong with her mind? Did she really believe that?  Now, I have to wonder what's wrong with the mind of wife number five? Why would anyone marry someone who'd been married four times. It should be obvious to the most casual observer, he's not very good at it. 

As for his credentials as a reporter, he "lied about being at the scene of a controversial friendly-fire incident during the War in Afghanistan in 2001; was kicked out of reporting in Iraq after he accidentally gave up U.S. military positions on-air in 2003". 

How can a man with his character, who competes with Jerry Springer for the title the "King of Trash Television", have anything make his skin crawl?

Believe it or not, Geraldo is a registered Republican, but with allies like Geraldo, do Republicans need enemies?  A man who's ego is so out of touch with reality he actually considered running for the Senate in 2022 after Rob Portman announced he wasn't going to run.

Yes, Geraldo is an Ohioan, it's a Constitutional thing, we aren't allowed to keep the riff raff out. Geraldo lives in Shaker Ht's., Ohio, a wealthy suburb just South of Cleveland, all considered part of Cleveland, in a $2.8 million 12,784 square foot home.  Who ever said promoting skin crawling sleeze didn't pay well?

 Have a really good day!

Update:  Here's the view of this hearing by someone rational, AG Merrick Garland’s outrageous Senate testimony sparked ringing denunciations from GOP senators, saying what I saw:

 Attorney General Merrick Garland yesterday demonstrated that he is unfit for office..........basically stonewalled on all the difficult questions that he faced. He defended his now-notorious memo to the FBI.........[no] straight apologies... used the “I can’t remember” or “I didn’t know” dodge...... he defended the letter and failed to answer the basic point of why he called for the National Security Division of the FBI (which handles terrorism) to investigate those who complain about school boards.

Apparently we we need to ask Geraldo why that didn't make his skin crawl.  Remarkable.

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