Tom Tradup
Oct 23, 2021
Washington, D.C. has more leaks than a Viking River Cruise with a hull fashioned out of Swiss cheese. To his chagrin, our 45th President Donald J. Trump discovered that…starkly and early-on. But every U.S. President in the past century came to realize—some sooner, some later—that weasels within the Executive Branch or within our permanent Washington “establishment” exist for little more than to leak secrets to favorable media.
The Bay of Pigs failure under JFK..the Pentagon Papers in the Vietnam era…leaks within the Nixon White House during Watergate…the Benghazi tragedy presided over by Hillary “What difference at this point does it make” Clinton.. and many others all came to light to one degree or another because of leaks from those inside—or peripherally engaged with—the U.S. government........
Seeing this in print will astonish some Americans, and certainly will offend self-described “journalists” at propaganda mills like CBS, NPR, the comically named “Voice of America” and of course the venerable White House Correspondents Association..............When it comes to delivering “robust news coverage” of Joe Biden, the White House Correspondents Association is about as mushy as a Pecan Cluster Blizzard from Dairy Queen if you left it on the dashboard of your car for an hour in the middle of August. ..........most members of the White House Press Corps resemble Winston, my Goldendoodle…......who rolls over on his back and wags his tail when any family member enters the room, hoping we’ll toss him a treat or scratch his belly.
But unlike Winston, White House correspondents are content to sit politely in their cramped little posts waiting to be lied to…verbally kicked…and, increasingly, mocked by the worst Press Secretary since the post was created........To Read More....
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