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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, January 15, 2021

This Week's Most Gaggable Moment By Rich Kozlovich

First let me state this as clearly as I can.  Joe McCarthy was right. He was a drunk, he was a liar, he accused people of being communists without one iota of evidence, General Marshall being one of them.  But, he was right.  The federal government was filled with communists and traitors.  The problem was he just never knew who they were or how many.  

But we now know with the release of the VENONA top secret intercepts declassified  in 1995, which McCarthy knew nothing about, and the opening of the Soviet Unions files after the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a lot of them.  However, we still don't know how many or who they all were.  We have a lot of code names, but they've never been identified, only their code names.  

The VENONA Intercept project covered a period of 37 years and intercepted somewhere around 3000 messages, most of which have never been decoded, hence the code names were never connected with the many spies in America, including those in the government, media, academia, unions, Hollywood, etc. 

Recommneded Reading:   

It did however show the Rosenbergs really were guilty of handing atomic secrets over to the Russians, exposed the Cambridge Five espionage ring in the United Kingdom, Soviet espionage of the Manhattan Project in the U.S., and more.   If McCarthy had just stuck to the facts, and things that could be proven, versus unfounded accusations he might have actually accomplished something, but he used his committee to attack innocent people who offended him. 

His star rose meteorically and when it started dropping he became unbalanced and irrational accusing the Army of being soft on communism, screaming at witnesses, and accused a member of Joseph N. Welch's firm, the attorneys representing the Army, of belonging to a group that was the legal arm of the Communist Party.  Welch was stunned, but this response by him was the straw what broke McCarthy's back:

Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?” 

McCarthy sat stunned in silence, he was finished and was later condemned by the Senate.  By the way, contrary to Hollywood's version of reality, they were investigated by HUAC, (the House on Un-American Activities Committee) run by the Democrats, not Joe McCarthy's committee.

This brings me to today's gaggable moment.  

Nancy Pelosi is claiming President Trump incited an "armed rebellion:" saying it's "the duty of the patriot in an hour of decisive crisis for the American people" to defend the Constitution.  "We know that we face enemies of the Constitution," she said. "We know we experienced the insurrection that violated the sanctity of the people's Capitol and attempted to overturn the duly recorded will of the American people."And we know that the president of the United States incited this insurrection, this armed rebellion against our common country"........

And just like McCarthy, her star is waning.  She fears losing power to the far left in Congress, so like McCarthy, she's become irrational and unbalanced, hypocritically spouts statements that are in fact lies and misrepresentation of the facts in order to still be considered relevant, important, in charge.  

And then Pelosi, straight faced, claims "It breaks my heart' to impeach Trump".  Even the Democrats must be gagging over that, and Republicans have rightly defined this whole escapade as "petty, vindictive and gratuitous. Her real views?  "'Nancy Pelosi, for her part, went full-fascist when she declared, less than four months ago: “We can impeach him every day of the week for anything he does.”'

Between praying for the President and breaking her heart for impeaching him, I think we need to ask the same question Joe Welch asked Joe McCarthy:

Madam Speaker, I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.  Have you no sense of decency, madam, at long last?

 Answer: No! 

Nancy Pelosi is a Cancer on the body politic. If you doubt that, please review my file, especially my January 7, 2019 piece, Pelosi in Review: The Gift That Keeps on Giving.

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