As a physician and as an American, it makes me overwhelmingly sad—and angry—that a treatable medical problem has been so weaponized by the opponents of our freedom that we have lost our most fundamental freedoms. 

Striving for LIBERTY is literally in my very DNA: my ancestor Thomas Gray was one of only 50 out of 600 colonists who survived the Starving Times at Jamestown 1609-1611, which was America’s first failed attempt at socialism. My other ancestors fought for liberty in the first American Revolution in 1776. My Quaker ancestors fought to end slavery. Others fought in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. I have fought for medical freedom for my entire medical career. Fighting for liberty is quite literally at the very core of who I am—as an American and as a physician.

Our Nation was founded by those courageous men and women who chose to fight for the freedom to live their lives without tyrants controlling their every move and interfering with their ability to worship God as they chose. For two hundred and forty-four years following the signing of the Declaration of Independence and then the defeat of the British at Yorktown, the American Experiment has carried out the quantum leap idea in human history: LIBERTY and LIFE are unalienable rights given to us by our Creator. Our freedom is not based on the whim of any human-created government. 

Yet 244 years after this momentous July 4, 1776, we are facing the most devastating and unparalleled assault on EVERY dimension of our independence and freedom as Americans. Suddenly, under the guise of “protecting” us from COVID-19, we have abruptly lost:
  • Freedom to travel and move freely around our communities and country
  • Freedom of worship – churches remain closed, while anarchists gather in groups of thousands to wreak mayhem on our communities
  • Freedom of speech: at work, on line, in schools, in print and broadcast media. The media propaganda and censorship are worse than I witnessed during the Cold War
  • Freedom to assemble peacefully for normal activities: exceptions of course granted for the thousands gathering for riots, looting, burning our cities, businesses, historical monuments, and terrorizing peaceful citizens
  • Freedom to work normally
  • Freedom to play and recreate  
  • Freedom to breathe freely without a mandated facial covering or mask when we leave our homes
  • Freedom to preserve our life with medical doctors and treatments of our choosing, such as hydroxychloroquine that has become a demonized and highly restricted medicine, previously widely available, cheap, safely used worldwide since FDA-aproved for safety and effectiveness in 1955. For 65 years, doctors in every country have been using this medicine for many different diseases, including viral ones
 Our own governors and mayors have become the NEW tyrants, little dictators over their fiefdoms, micromanaging every aspect of our lives and work and worship. They are worse in their destruction of our independence in daily life than British King George’s tyranny imposed on the early colonists. 
Like the British King, the political elite and their families are exempt from the controls placed on you and me............All of these are tactics of totalitarian governments throughout human history whether carried out by a king or dictator or an elected official suddenly gone rogue..................To Read More....