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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Jews Need to Jexit from Democrat-Left Racist Poison

July 30, 2020 By Howard Sachs 

I am a proud American.  I am also Jewish, and equally proud.  I'm particularly proud that Judaism gifted to the world the first anti-racist notion when it said all men are created in the image of God.  Black lives indeed matter to me as a true liberal (now called a conservative Republican).  They matter, as all lives matter in their essential humanness.  That means they matter deeply because each of us, from conception to death, is imbued with the spirit of God.  It also means that humans matter especially based on their humanness, their character, behavior, virtues, and values.  The essence of their being is not material.  It is certainly not the concentration of skin pigment, of oxidized tyrosine in their dermal cells.  Nor does the essence of their humanity come from hair texture, genital makeup, height, strength, portfolio size, where their grandpas immigrated from, shoe size, or their body mass indices.

The Democrat, the man of the left, disagrees.  Skin color is a defining characteristic of one's humanness.  Such a notion is the mark of a foul, pre-biblical, illiberal, and regressive ideology.  Such a view is tragically now rampant on our burning streets, in our classrooms, on our news feeds, on leftist blogs, in sports stadiums, and especially from the mouths of Democrat-leftist politicians.  Such a view is an existential threat to America.  Such racism should be repugnant to an American Jew's value system.

But the majority of my fellow Jews embrace this Democrat-leftist party — where, now, the only vestige of true systemic racism remains in America.  It's beyond shameful.  I don't know if it is willful ignorance or just sheer brainwashing from our media and schools that has so distorted the minds of so many good people.........

Our Democrat left inform us that citizens rioting, burning, and looting must not be held to basic standards of self-control and restraint because of skin shading. It's why Democrat-left mayors and governors have barred police from doing their job. The radical leftist Obama education department told our poor beleaguered teachers to cut out disciplining American kids disrupting our classrooms if their skin melanin levels are too high.

Just last week, leaders of the National Museum of African-American History, each a hardcore Democrat leftist, told the world that people with dark skin in America do not and should not embrace basic Western and American norms like self-reliance; rational, objective thought; delayed gratification; the nuclear family; progress; and respect for authority. Such values, they say, are inherent to people with low levels of skin pigmentation — white folks.

The Democrat-leftist leadership of the University of California have told the country that if a man says there is only one race — the human race — he is a racist. The implication is that there are two separate essences in humanity, black humans and white humans. Now topping the Holocaust-denying, Ukrainian Holodomor–denying, and Russia hoax–pushing New York Times list is the White Fragility book. John McWhorter, a professor and citizen with dark skin, noted in a recent op-ed that this book teaches us a whole new permutation of raw racism. It argues, he notes, the obnoxious and immoral notion that our humanness is intricately entwined with our melanin pigment levels.............To Read More

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