A federal judge late Friday blocked Seattle's new law prohibiting police from using pepper spray, blast balls and similar weapons that was passed following confrontations with protesters. The Seattle Times reports that U.S. District Judge James Robart at an emergency hearing granted a request from the federal government to block the new law, which the Seattle City Council passed unanimously last month......... To Read More....
My Take -As one of my correspondents wrote:
Utterly idiotic Seattle City Council voted unanimously to deprive city police of non-lethal force - thus leaving them with the only option of risking their own life and limb to a vastly greater extent, or using lethal force. At which point city police told businesses in Seattle they were on their own when it came to dealing with rioters. Seattle has voted in people who are grossly incompetent and downright idiotic. Apparently they've all undergone brainectomies.As Far as I'm concerned, Seattle is getting exactly what it deserves, because they got this disaster the old fashioned way. They earned it!
Kudo's to Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best who has warned that city council's ordinance on non-lethal force gave her 'no ability' to protect society. "This week, Chief Best issued warnings that the department would be unable to provide the same level of protection under the ordinance, saying “it would be reckless to have them [officers] confront this level of violence under the current legal restrictions imposed by Council.” In short, she's not sending her cops in to be a the mercy of madmen. Now let's see City Council protect society.
Let's try and get this once and for all. In a war between the barbarians and the wimps, the barbarians win every time. Why is that so hard to understand? This is a picture of Seattle's City Council Now do you understand? Have you ever seen a more clueless group of snowflakes in your life.

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