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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 3, 2020

Is a Backlash Coming?

By Rich Kozlovich

I just posted a piece about the McCloskey's and their stand to defend their property, and probably the property of their neighbors, although based on the relationship they have with their neighbors, that was unintentional.

Make no mistake about this. Americans are watching all these "reform" efforts that seem more like insurrection than reform, filled with murders, rapes, rampage and destruction. All in the name of social justice. And based on the actions of those promoting "Social Justice", I think we can easily conclude that if there ever was an oxymoronic term, that's it. America is scared, and rightly so, and America is arming!

One of my favorite writers is Andrea Widburg, who posted this piece on American Thinker today. 
Thirty-five American states have stand-your-ground laws, while the remaining fifteen require retreat only when it can be done with absolute safety (although none require retreat when the attack takes place in a person’s own home or “castle”). America strongly supports self-defense. Or does it? Recently, activist prosecutors seem to be criminalizing self-defense when whites use it against blacks. In 2012 in Florida, George Zimmerman, a half-Hispanic man whom the media labeled as white, killed Trayvon Martin.
Law enforcement knew that Zimmerman had been following Martin from a distance, that Martin jumped Zimmerman, and that Martin brutally attacked Zimmerman before Zimmerman shot him. Nevertheless, the Seminole County prosecutor charged Zimmerman with murder. Obama’s Justice Department also spent three years investigating Zimmerman for violating Martin’s civil rights. Eventually, a jury acquitted Zimmerman, and the DOJ stopped harassing him.
It later emerged that the prosecution and the Martin family had knowingly relied on false evidence against Zimmerman. He has since sued various people associated with the case for $100 million.............To Read More....

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