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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Obama Presidency of Criminal Behavior Explained

Since the Democrats have already lowered the bar – for what constitutes offenses worthy of impeachment – therefore, using their new standards, a great number of actions by Obama and his administrators, were far more serious and worthy of prosecution, than any of those allegedly committed by the Trump Administration. Unfortunately, having been addressing issues pertaining to the USA for the last twenty-two years, I have come to the conclusion, especially in the last twelve years, that, in the USA, Lady Justice’s blindfold, does not represent Equal Justice for All, but almost total blindness to Justice… 

By May 11th, 2020

 After great deliberations, the Founding Fathers, ended up with a Constitution saying “impeachment requires treason, bribery or ‘other high crimes and misdemeanours’“, with some saying, that phrase at the least, implies malfeasance as serious as treason and bribery.

Since the Democrats have already lowered the bar – for what constitutes offenses worthy of impeachment – therefore, using their new standards, a great number of actions by Obama and his administrators, were far more serious and worthy of prosecution, than any of those allegedly committed by the Trump Administration.

During eight years of Obama’s presidency, the following acts of criminal behavior (not in time-line sequence) occurred, without a single member of his team ever convicted of any crime:

1/ In 2009, Fast & Furious investigation proved that Attorney General, Eric Holder was guilty of providing 2000 weapons to the Mexican Cartels. In reality, this operation was an Act of War against the Republic of Mexico; can one imagine, what any American administration would do, if any foreign power had been caught, shipping arms to American gangsters or terrorists?
In 2012, the House of Representatives held Holder in “criminal contempt of Congress” for repeatedly resisting Congressional subpoenas. This was the first time in American history, that the head of the Justice Department, has been held in contempt by Congress.
Ironically, the Mueller investigation and the Inspector General’s report showed, that Eric Holder supervised, the most partisan Justice Department in the history of the Republic
Obama, made sure, not only that Holder would not resign, but also, would not be convicted.

2/ The Democrats have been all over Trump with their delusional and now debunked ‘colluding with the Russians’, while very conveniently ignoring the outrageous conversation during the 2012 re-election cycle, when Obama was caught red handed, on an open mic, asking the president of Russia, not to make any waves before the election, so that he would have a freer hand, and promised to cut a deal with Russia.

Under the lowered standards imposed by the Democrats, this should have certainly warranted an Impeachment Process, because the sitting President of the USA was asking a favor from an enemy president to interfere in the US election process.

3/ Two agencies in the Justice Department, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), formerly renowned for their probity and non-partisanship, became stooges of Obama and the Democrat party.

The IRS targeted Conservative political groups and organizations, and delayed applications for tax-exempt status. Only now are we learning of the shocking partisanship and dirty tricks of the FBI leaders appointed by Obama. Is this NOT Misuse of Power?

4/ The Democrats have dropped charges of bribery against President Trump for lack of evidence. Nevertheless, under the new standards Obama should have been impeached for bribery, when he offered special deals to Senators and their states, in order to secure passage of the Affordable Care Act early in his administration. Under the new lowered standards of politics, this is now called Bribery.

5/ Democrats called President Trump’s targeted Execution of Iranian General Soleimani “a violation of the law against political assassinations”. Soleimani was NOT a politician but the military leader of terrorist organizations all over the world.

Former U.S. President Obama (AP)
When Obama assassinated the notorious Osama bin Laden, the terrorist was neither a military target nor did he present “imminent” danger at that time. Where was the outcry then? On the contrary, Democrats lauded Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who for once, enjoyed bi-partisan support. All agreed that it was good riddance. Why no accolades for Trump?
6/ Did not the termination of Muamar al Qaddafi, actually destroy the cohesion of Libya, turning it into a worse slaughter house than ever before, as a dysfunctional state leading to the Benghazi events?

7/ Obama’s response during the 2012 election cycle, to the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, and the murder of the ambassador and three other Americans, should most assuredly had called for an impeachment investigation not only under the new standards, but under any standard.

After all, to be fair, the attack itself could have happened under any president but the egregious cover-up that followed, was certainly designed for Obama’s political advantage. Republican Mitt Romney, who was running against Obama in the 2012 election campaign, very stupidly and of course unfortunately, did not press the Benghazi issue, much less call for Obama’s impeachment.

The politicized CIA and all the butts of Obama in the State Department, lied to the American people, that the attack was in retaliation to a movie insulting Muhammad, when in fact it was a pre meditated terrorist attack on American assets, followed by the most incompetent, dishonorable and criminally negligent response by Obama, Hillary and their associates. Had Obama not been Black and a Democrat, he would have been impeached and removed from office.

8/ When Department of Justice attorneys traveled to investigate a voter intimidation allegation against a black politician in Mississippi’s Noxubee County in 2006, one civil rights staff attorney commented, “Can you believe we’re going to Mississippi to protect white voters?”

To Christopher Coates, the former head of the Department of Justice’s voting rights section, the comment was more than just an attempt at irony – it was evidence that something was going wrong in the department.

Mr. Coates testified before the US Civil Rights Commission – a bipartisan oversight group – alleging that under President Obama, the dismissive attitude of that civil rights staff attorney, toward white claims of disenfranchisement at the hands of blacks, has essentially become Justice Department policy.

He said he had seen evidence, that Obama appointees in the Department of Justice had created a hostile atmosphere toward attorneys pushing to prosecute blacks for voting-rights violations – a charge the Justice Department denies.

9/ Again in 2012, 47 Inspector Generals minced no words: “Each of us strongly supports the principle that an inspector general must have complete, unfiltered, and timely access to all information and materials available to the agency that relate to that IG’s oversight activities, without unreasonable administrative burdens. 

The importance of this principle, which was codified by Congress in Section 6(a)(1) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended (the IG Act), cannot be overstated. Refusing, restricting, or delaying an IG’s access to documents leads to incomplete, inaccurate, or significantly delayed findings or recommendations, which in turn may prevent the agency from promptly correcting serious problems and deprive Congress of timely information regarding the agency’s performance.”

Billions of tax dollars are being lost every day to Fraud, Corruption and Waste in the Federal Government but Obama’s administration blocked Inspectors General — the officials who are most likely to find and expose such wrongdoing — from doing their jobs.

This should have been a most disturbing message given to the American people and to Congress, from a majority of the federal government’s 78 IGs. The blocking occurs when agency lawyers deny the authority of IGs to gain access to relevant documents and officials. Yet, Obama’s Democrats did nothing.

10/ Did not Obama, without Congressional consent, aid and abet, the terrorist Iranian regime with $150,000,000,000 plus 1.7 billion in cash? Was this NOT an act of Sedition? Should he not have been impeached?

11/ Why is the Muslim Sharia compliant Ilhan Omar, allowed to remain in Congress untouched, although she had broken every legal rule imaginable? Where is the American Justice, that allows such a treasonous creature remain unscathed, while a female hair dresser, trying to earn a living to feed her children, was instantly sent to prison, for NOT apologising to a corrupt judge?

I can add at least another six more items, each of which, would have sent Obama to prison using the deranged standards the Democrats have introduced to spite, and attempt to remove, the legally elected President, Donald J Trump.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome, the unhinged and Fascist like acts committed by leftists/ liberals/ Democrats, are the result of eight sordid years of Obama’s rule, that literally turned his followers into Irrational Zombies.

In eight years, Obama – using the slogan of “Hope & Change” – was able to destroy America’s Race advances, her Economy, her Medical system, her Military and Foreign affairs achievements, her Social, Racial and Ethnic cohesion and double her deficit, thus achieving what 70 years of Communism was not able to do.

The symbol of Justice in the USA is the figure of a female, blindfolded, with one hand carrying a scale and the other a sword.

Of course, the Blindfold, means that Justice does not discriminate because of Race, Religion, Colour, Social, Political or Financial standing, Gender or any other attribute.

The Scales represent the arguments put forth in front of the Judge to be weighed.

The Sword represents the final judgement and its execution.

All the above is, and should be, the foundations of a fair judicial system.

Unfortunately, having been addressing issues pertaining to the USA for the last twenty-two years, I have come to the conclusion, especially in the last twelve years, that, in the USA, Lady Justice’s blindfold, does not represent Equal Justice for All, but almost total blindness to Justice.

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