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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Winners or Whiners?

Thomas Sowell | Apr 19, 2016

If there is one pattern that is emerging from this year's political campaigns, it is that rhetoric beats reality -- in both parties.  The biggest surprise among the Democrats is Bernie Sanders, and among the Republicans is Donald Trump. Although they are each seeking to be put in charge of the nation's government, does anyone know -- or care -- what their actual track record in government has been?

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Trump of course has no track record at all in government. If Sanders has anything to show for his many years in Congress, no one seems to know what it is. But both are great at rhetoric.

Hillary Clinton's biggest selling point is that she has lots of "experience" in government, having been a Senator and a Secretary of State. But what she actually accomplished in those roles gets remarkably little attention.  The foreign policies under Secretary Clinton have led to one disaster after another, whether in the Middle East, in Ukraine, or in North Korea. Where are her successes?.....To Read More

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