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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wells Far Gone

Mike Adams | Apr 19, 2016

 Dear Wells Fargo Customer Service:

Recently, a friend sent me a picture of your 54-story Charlotte headquarters lit up with the colors of the transgendered pride flag. I attempted to contact you privately to register my strong objection to your company’s decision to take the wrong side in the nation’s raging cultural war. Unfortunately, your website was not sufficiently inclusive. It only allowed me 1,000 characters of space to leave a comment. It’s going to take a lot more than that so I decided to make this issue the subject of my weekly opinion column........The First Amendment clearly protects the teller’s right to lobby for legislation against bullying. Whether the specific measures that flow from his advocacy pass constitutional muster is another matter. Whether it is appropriate to pursue this advocacy in the workplace with customers who are there to do business unrelated to politics is another matter still......A few years ago, Bank of America fired my friend Frank Turek from his position as a management consultant simply because he had written a book expressing opposition to same-sex marriage. The consequence of this kind of intolerance in the banking industry has become obvious: Your industry is now becoming an ideological echo chamber, rather than a place of true diversity.......could you please demonstrate real courage by flying that transgendered flag from another Wells Fargo building?

You can start with your corporate office in Qatar. ......To Read More

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