Iraq SHUTS DOWN Hillary Clinton’s Favorite Channel AL JAZEERA for ‘Instigating VIOLENCE’ - Al Jazeera has repeatedly come under fire from the Iraqi authorities for coverage too friendly to ISIS. I have long warned of the terror network’s propaganda to incite to jihad. But the left in America embraced it. Al Gore sold his failed network to Al Jazeera (refusing to consider Glenn Beck’s offer). Hillary Clinton lauded these bloody propagandists.
NPR: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went out of her way to single out the Al Jazeera TV news network….. “You’ve got a global — a set of global networks — that Al Jazeera has been the leader in, that are literally changing people’s minds and attitudes,” Clinton told members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.Muslim ‘Refugee’ Serial SEX ATTACKER – REPEATEDLY RAPES, Douses Woman with Lighter Fluid, NO DEPORTATION - This Muslim “refugee” made her walk on all fours like a dog, repeatedly raped and terrorized this young woman, and after he was through, doused her with lighter fluid, saying, “You can receive SEK 10,000 if you follow me home and I get to f*ck you all day.” Sweden’s sex slave stipend. The 34-year-old Muslim “refugee” has previously been convicted of dozens of offenses in Sweden, including domestic violence. And yet he is not deported. Instead, he will be given three hot halals a day and daily prison dawah. Sweden under sharia, eh? Under Islam, this is permissible. The violent taking of this Infidel woman is sanctioned in Islam, for the Qur’an allows Muslim men to have sexual relations with the...
Refugee Kids Get More Than American Kids - America in free fall. Who do those American kids think they are anyway? We all know that the first priority of our nation is not our children, but other people’s children.
“Islamophobic hate crime” is actually Muslims who MURDERED ‘deradicalization’ Imam - It turns out, as it almost always does, that the murderer of UK imam Jalal Uddin was not an “Islamophobe,” as had originally been thought, but other Muslims (one with terror links) who had opposed his “efforts to turn youngsters away from radical Islam.” CAIR was unavailable for comment —The above tweet is typical of leftist apologists for Islam. Where’s Sarah’s follow up tweet? How glaring is their malevolent agenda. Islamic supremacists and Islamic apologists immediately cry “islamophobia” when a Muslim or mosque is attacked, and they are almost always wrong. The perps are usually Muslims. And yet, in the near constant news reports of jihad, Islamic supremacists and their apologists never blame...Children born to refugees receive more government benefits like food stamps, cash assistance, and Supplemental Security Income than native-born children, according to a report from the Migration Policy Institute.
Muslim Council Of Britain Appoints Pro ‘Death To Apostates’ Imam To Investigate ‘Death To Apostates’ Group - Herein lies the rub – death to apostates is Islamic law. It is absolute. Any imam who follows true Islam is going to support it maybe not publicly but the two faces of Islam (one for believers, one for non-believers) is regular Islamic practice.
“Muslim Council Of Britain Appoints Pro ‘Death To Apostates’ Imam To Investigate ‘Death To Apostates’ Group,” By by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, April 28, 2016: The UK’s largest Muslim organisation has appointed a panel to investigate a sectarian hate group making death threats against alleged “apostates”, led by a man who has supported the group and believes apostates should be killed. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is the, “largest national representative of...Kansas DEFIES Obama on Syrian Refugees - We should all defy Obama on his invasion plot in order to “protect the safety and security interests of” all Americans. Kansas Governor Brownback and several other governors asked the White House in November of last year to share vetting information as President Obama pledged to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees. The administration refused to do so, citing the privacy rights of the refugees.
Italy nabs four Muslims in ISIS plot to attack Israeli embassy, Vatican - But the Pope washed Muslim migrants’ feet and has scolded Europeans for opposing the migrant invasion — and this is the gratitude the Islamic State (which said in February 2015 that it was going to flood Europe with 500,000 refugees) shows him. No amount of appeasement and surrender will suffice: the invaders are after total conquest.......
Bangladesh: After Muslims massacre atheists, 2 Hindu teachers jailed for defaming Islam - In the wake of the massacres of several prominent atheists and secularists in Bangladesh, authorities there are clamping down on…the “defamation” of Islam. Everywhere in the world, authorities bow to savagery and give it sanction......
Australia: Muslim teen, 16, arrested over ‘Anzac Day terror plot’ was in deradicalisation program - “Deradicalisation programs” are a joke. They don’t deradicalize anyone. They gave this boy a gym membership and thought that would turn him away from jihad. This comes from authorities’ not admitting what the source and appeal of the jihad imperative is in the first place......
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