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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Madness Continues: Pam Geller's Atlas Shrugs

France: “Arabic-speaking man” slashes soldier in the face with a box cutter  - “Arabic-speaking man.” Who can it be now?
“France: “Arabic-speaking man” slashes soldier in the face with a box cutter,” By Robert Spencer, April 25, 2016 12:39 pm
Authorities in France are probably searching for a motive, since they deny the obvious. The Islamic State issued this call in September 2014:
So O muwahhid, do not let this battle pass you by wherever you may be. You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawāghīt. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. If you can kill a disbelieving American or European — especially the spiteful and filthy...
Canadian Tourist John Ridsdel BEHEADED in Philippines by ISIS-Tied Muslim Group - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the beheading “an act of cold-blooded murder.” Yes, and the sky is blue. But what is he going to do about it? Nothing. ISIS and this Islamic group, Abu Sayyaf, which pledged its allegiance to ISIS, have nothing to fear from this dandy. He has said repeatedly that Canada was not at war with ISIS. Well, ISIS is at war with you, damn fool.....

MUSLIM MIGRANT living in Platte County, MISSOURI threatens to KILL family that sponsored him, pleads GUILTY to two felonies - Obama wants to bring tens of thousands more of these savages to the U.S. He is sowing the seeds of our national destruction.

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