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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thinking the unthinkable: Could Sanders take the Dem nomination (and win the presidency, too)?

By Thomas Lifson

It’s been a very tough year for the political experts.  You know, the ones who scoffed at the very possibility of Trump nomination.  Well, another received truth of the expert class has been that Hillary Clinton is a lock for the top of the Democrats’ ticket.  (Just as she was in the early stages of 2008…)

Many of us (I plead guilty) have been gleefully reporting the trouble Bernie Sanders continues to give Hillary because he is exposing her as a phony, and because we are still fairly sure that the fix is in for her.  But there are starting to be some serious doubts about her inevitability.  A recent Fox News Poll confirms what some previous polls have indicated: Sanders is polling not just ahead of Hillary, but ahead of the entire GOP field.  While Hillary would lose to the unlikely nominee Kasich and is close to Ted Cruz, she handily beats Trump in polling.  But Sanders handily beats all of them......Read more

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