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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, April 16, 2016

A Question for Comrade Bernie

By Jim Mullin

I actually have a simpler question that I would like to ask Senator Sanders that speaks not to his economics but to his politics.  I know that Bernie lately has a lot of (poorly-informed) Americans turned on by socialism, but I have a question about a prior, very revealing thing Senator Sanders did in the not-so-distant past. I’m a bit troubled by his desire to visit and stay for an extended time in the Soviet Union in 1988 -- for his honeymoon, no less! I took my new wife to New Mexico for our honeymoon and her family thought that was strange.

Bernie’s choice reminds me historically of the halcyon days of international communist fraternalism in the 1930s when misguided Americans in the hundreds marched off to join the “Abraham Lincoln” brigades in Spain to fight alongside the communists there. What troubles me, though, is that those deluded idealists of the 1930s were totally clueless as to the track record of the communist Soviet Union with regard to the state-sponsored deaths of millions of its own citizens in the Great Famine and KGB (NKVD)-led purges.   But Bernie, you knew of the millions murdered and of the Gulags and yet you still chose to spend your honeymoon in the real world equivalent of Mordor! ........Read more

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