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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 21, 2016

ESPN Fires Curt Schilling Because He Thinks Men Shouldn’t Go Into The Ladies’ Room (So No More ESPN Sunday Night Baseball For Me)


ESPN has fired former MLB pitcher Curt Schilling as a color commentator on its baseball broadcasts because he reposted this meme on Facebook:
LET HIM IN! To the restroom with your daughter or else you're a narrow minded, judgemental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die!!!
And because Schilling saw fit to post this meme, the left-wing media basically called Schilling a narrow minded, judgemental, unloving racist bigot who needs be fired by ESPN. Tonight they got their pound of flesh. He had been in the Left's sights since posting a tweet likening Islamic terrorists to Nazis last September which earned him a suspension from the network.......To Read More

My Take - I always enjoyed sports.  Baseball, football, basketball - I enjoyed playing them that is. I never like basketball because I was lousy at it, but I played it with my childhood friends.  We even played a form of hockey on frozen ponds with sticks and tin least until the cans got so compacted they became deadly. 

For many years I never watched sports on TV or listened to it on the radio. I thought that was boring. Playing is one thing - sitting and watching it was another.  Then in my thirties I really got into following football.  I even got passionate about it.  I started watching the Indians, the Cavs ....and of course.... the Browns.  As time went by I got so sick of these spoiled overpaid brats we call professional athletes ( a big percentage of whom made massive amounts of money and then were bankrupt when their careers were over) I stopped watching basketball, then baseball entirely, and now.....I've pretty much stopped watching football.  Grown men being paid obscene amounts of money to play kids games and acting like arrogant, ignorant, stupid thugs. I'm back to thinking watching sports is a massive waste of time. 

I feel I have more important things to do, like taking a nap, and I wish more people would follow suit. Remember this - sports doesn't really matter - unless you're a South American soccer fan - then the outcome of a game can start a war.  

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