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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Top Republican calls on Biden banking nominee to turn over Marxism thesis from Moscow State

Top Republican calls on Biden banking nominee to turn over Marxism thesis from Moscow State
Sen. Pat Toomey, ranking Republican on the Banking Committee, has requested that President Joe Biden's pick for comptroller of the currency, Saule Omarova, hand over a copy of the thesis she wrote while attending Moscow State University titled: Karl Marx's Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in in The Capital.

Omarova was born in Soviet-controlled Kazakhstan and attended college on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. She graduated in 1989 before the fall of the USSR and is now a law professor at Cornell University. Her nomination has caused some controversy given her academic musings , including advocacy for ending banking “as we know it.” .........To Read More......

Biden Nominee’s Closet Swings Wide Open – She Was Educated In Moscow, And Has A “Radical” Plan For U.S. Banking - By Ben Dutka |October 4, 2021 - President Joe Biden has received a ton of criticism in recent months, and not all of it is related to one subject. Afghanistan, the southern border crisis, and rising inflation are all major issues. And Biden’s nominees haven’t received overwhelming support on Capitol Hill, either. In fact, one of his most recent nominees might be the most controversial pick yet.  That’s because she would oversee our country’s banks — and she was educated in communist Russia. ...........Now, Biden’s new pick for comptroller of currency wants to “federalize” more of the system.......To Read More......

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