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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Manufactured Crisis – A Map Of The Cargo Ships Currently Incoming And In Holding Pattern Offshore Ignored By The MSM (Photos & Video)

By Kellyanne Richardson- 80 Comments

Dozens of cargo ships anchored off the coasts of Los Angeles and New York face shocking wait times of up to four weeks and railyards and trucking routes are hopelessly clogged due to the lack of manpower to unload goods – with an expert warning that the government needs to intervene or face spiraling inflation and unemployment.

The backlog of billions of dollars of toys, clothing, electronics, vehicles, and furniture comes as the demand for consumer goods hit its highest point in history as consumers stay home instead of spending money on travel and entertainment.

Supply chains have lagged far behind consumer demand due to a lack of manpower at American ports and the restrictions that came with the COVID-19 outbreak early last year. These constraints, which include social distancing and mandatory quarantines, have severely limited the number and ability of port workers to do their jobs.

That’s what we’ve heard on the mainstream media!...............To Read More....

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