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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, May 1, 2021

MSNBC Panel: Tim Scott Doesn't Know Racism, But Mayor Pete Does. Also, What?

Matt Vespa Apr 30, 2021

I mean, this is why MSNBC is funny. They’re so off the deep end you simply cannot take them seriously. How is it that a black man doesn’t get racism, but the white liberal does? Oh, sorry, the black man happens to be a Republican, so there’s the game right there. 

Yep, that’s what it all boiled down to on Joy Reid's show and her panel about Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) rebuttal to Joe Biden’s snooze fest of a speech to Congress last night. Now, Reid did not lead this discussion, but her guest host did. It centered on Scott saying that America is not a racist country in his remarks. You know that drove liberals insane.

“Uncle Tim” was trending for hours on Twitter. 

It’s a play on “Uncle Tom.” You all know this—and this MSNBC panel defended smearing Scott because—well—he doesn’t kowtow to the progressive narrative that all blacks must be woke. If not, they’re “Uncle Toms” or no better than Klansmen. Such intellectual richness with these discussions on the Left, huh? It’s almost as if a gun is always pointed at your head, right?............. To Read More..

  •  Nolte: Sen. Tim Scott Exposes the Democrat Party’s War on Black America - Tim Scott, a black United States Senator who in 2016 won 61 percent of the vote in the conservative state of South Carolina, who earned more raw votes and won by a wider margin than Donald Trump, has done more in just a few days to drag the racism of the Democrat party out into the sunlight than the feckless Republican party ever has.

Our Group's Take - They're insanely claiming that lily white Pete "Roads are Racist" Buttigeig who grew up with money and in one of the states with only a tiny percentage of blacks knows "racism" better than Tim Scott, who grew up in the deep south, poor, and is black himself! These people also actually have the gall to claim that Tim Scott grew up poor in the south because of Republicans!! 

They cannot be that ignorant. 

  • It was the Democrats that were in charge in the South when Tim Scott grew up there - they controlled S. Carolina into the 1990's! 
  • It was the Democrats that massively opposed civil rights, it was the Democrats that implemented Jim Crow and who lynched blacks, it was the Democrats that supported slavery. 
  • It was Republicans who opposed all of those things, and who ended slavery (in fact the party was formed specifically to oppose slavery!), passed civil rights legislation and ended Jim Crow!
  •  It's the left trying to bring it back today with outright segregation and critical race theory - only the target has now changed. 

Then these vile people are actually justifying using the term "Uncle Tom" against him, or a very nasty play on it "Uncle Tim"!! 

Left is never so nasty and despicable as when any minority - especially blacks - dare put a toe off the leftist ideological Plantation, let alone support Republicans or the right.

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