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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, May 29, 2021

From the Desk of Paul Driessen

News, views and analyses ... toward global health, prosperity and environmental quality. 

You wouldn't think government officials, especially in the Biden Administration, would have to be reminded that abundant, secure, affordable supplies of metals and minerals are absolutely critical for the wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, electric vehicles, transmission lines and other Green New Deal technologies they are constantly promoting.
But that's clearly not the case. America is still dependent on China and other often less-than-friendly sources for some 80% of those essential raw materials "and this untenable situation is getting worse every year" largely because these officials and their environmentalist allies vigorously oppose exploration and mining in the USA for the materials required to make their "renewable" energy utopia possible.
In this article, A Viable Alternative to Chinese Minerals Hegemony, Duggan Flanakin presents the stark reality in a way that ought to spur action. Whether it will do so remains to be seen. 

Thank you for posting his commentary, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues. 

Best regards,


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