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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, April 17, 2016

There is just so much wrong with Hillary

By David Lawrence

In 2008, Hillary hated Obama, bad-mouthed him, and ran against him in the primaries. She failed.

Now she praises Obama and says what a wonderful president he is and has been from day one. Was she phony when she attacked him, or is she phony now, when she tries to use him as moral support?

Hypocrisy, thy name is contradiction for the sake of votes. Why Hillary thinks Obama, who is not very popular, will save her, God knows.

He is not considered one of our best presidents except by racially homogenous blacks, liberal Jews, and the ideological blind. It's interesting that the two most famous people in the race, Hillary and Trump, are harsh and obnoxious.

Only Trump is honest and direct and has a record of accomplishment. Hillary is a feminist who has used her popular husband as a wedge into politics...... Trump is clumsy, bold, and outspoken.  Yet he has the integrity of the police compared to a criminal gang like the Clintons.

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My take - Trump is honest and direct?  What has he been reading and watching?  But he's right when making moral comparisons between the Clintons and ..... well.... anyone else, including Trump....."he has the integrity of the police".  But that's like comparing Joe Stalin to Salvador Allende.  Both stunk, but Stalin was a mad, homicidal monster.  That didn't make Allende a good man. 

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