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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Madness Continues: Pam Geller's Atlas Shrugs

Massive Diversity”: Documents Show Most ISIS Fighters Come from All Walks of Life, Highly Educated with MBAs, PhDs -  Further proof of all I have said and refutation of the popular leftist myth that Obama and co. traffic in — that jihadis are poverty-stricken, disaffected, illiterate youths.

“What it shows us is that it’s very difficult to determine who exactly these types of programs should be targeted towards because they come from all walks of life,” Brian Dodwell, deputy director of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, told NBC News.

Except they are all Muslims.

“The largest takeaway from these documents is the massive diversity of the population,” Brian Dodwell.

Except they are all Muslims.

Doctors, surgeons, affluent and Western educated, leave everything to join the Islamic State, blowing up Obama’s and every other Western leader’s delusional narrative about poverty, disaffection and illiteracy driving Muslims to jihad.

It’s Islam. Period.

Herdsmen in Nigeria, rappers in Germany, doctors in Glasgow, chemical engineering students in Canada, heart surgeons in Saudi Arabia, university students in Britain, imams in America and so forth – what brings these wildly different people together? Jihad. From the Sahara to the Kalahari, London to Lisbon, Manhattan to Madrid, Bali to Boston, Tiananmen Square to Thailand, Myanmar to Malaysia, Nairobi to Nigeria ….. no matter what the background, upbringing, schooling, wealth or poverty, color, what have you, it doesn’t matter. The understanding of Islam and jihad is the same, and it is the motive, the incitement to this monstrous war on the West and and the East and all points in between......

Obama’s Guest’s Ankle Monitor Goes Off At The White House - If this is not iconic of the Obama White House, then I don’t know what is.  A kidnapper, no less. After viewing Obama’s visitors logs — jihadis, racists, demagogues — is anyone really surprised?  Oh how we, the mighty, have fallen.  The 40-year-old rapper - whose real name is William Leonard Roberts II - was in Washington, D.C. to support the administration, My Brother's Keeper initiative, which aims to keep young black people out of jail....

US Covered up the Saudis’ Role in 9/11 Muslim Attacks - Every road in the 9/11 investigation leads back to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, as well as the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles.
The Saudis. They are not our ally. They have spread jihad by the Quran and the sword and the plane. They finance 80% of the mosques in US. And now this. Release these 28 pages. George Bush has a lot to answer for. We have long wondered why Bush’s FBI evacuated dozens of Saudi officials from multiple cities. And what about that family in Florida? The whole thing stinks.  There is a seditious pattern of covering up the role of Saudi Arabia in 9/11 by all of the agencies of the federal government which have access to information that would expose Saudi Arabia’s role in 9/11. When are we going to start...

Synagogue Attack Jihad Murderer To Judge: ‘Suck My C*ck You Nazi Wh*re’ - Such lovely people. As I said in a previous post, what would these believers do without their religiously inspired hate and violence? Cease to exist.  To quote Pope Benedict (before the Vatican conspiracy led to his ouster) quoting the 14th century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Palaiologos, “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”....

Pope brings 12 Syrian Muslim refugees to Italy - “The Vatican said in a statement that Pope Francis wanted to ‘make a gesture of welcome’ to the refugees.”  What about Christian refugees, the victims of persecution by Muslims? The Pope doesn’t care to “make a gesture of welcome” to them. It’s as if he wants Europe to be conquered and Islamized. And he is getting his wish......

Italy Pope Holy Thursday

Jihad in Jerusalem: Muslims Bomb Bus, 20 Injured - Islamic Jew-hatred — it’s in the Quran.  What would these people do without their hatred and violence? Cease to exist.  Worse is that the world smirks or shrugs. Will the UN, the EU and its member states denounce this act of Islamic act of Jew-hatred designed to indiscriminately murder Jews? Will President Obama leap to the podium to denounce this act of terror? .......

Canada: RCMP refugee screening a 16 MILLION DOLLAR FLOP, says internal report - This was a foregone conclusion from the beginning. There is no way to vet the refugees. ISIS tells its devout operatives to hide their Islam. They don’t recruit people with criminal records. Letting in large numbers of refugees means letting in jihadis among them. There is no way around that, no matter how much money Western leaders waste.

Clifton, New Jersey: Hundreds of Annihilationists CHEER as Palestinian Flag is Raised Over CITY HALL - What next, a Nazi flag?  This flag is a symbol of Islamic Jew-hatred. It’s the flag of Jewish annihilation.  “’I’m supportive of them as a group – they deserve to be treated with respect by the city,’ she said.”  Genocidal Jew-hatred and celebrations of the murders of Israeli civilians: respect it!....

Drone crashes into British Airways passenger jet as it comes in to land at Heathrow Airport - They are not ruling out terrorism. How reassuring. It’s only a matter of time.  Asked if the police had ruled out it being a terror attack, the spokeswoman said: “We are no commenting on that at this time. The investigation is on-going”.....

Belgian Interior Minister says many Muslims danced after jihad attacks - Just like the Muslims who danced after 9/11 and 3/11 and 11/26 …..You can deny reality, but you cannot deny the consequences of denying reality. I.e. Garland, San Bernardino, Chattanooga, Paris, Brussels, Jerusalem…Jambon sees that many Muslims in Belgium hate Belgium, and assumes that this must be Belgium’s fault. It never seems to occur to him that Muslims might very well hate the West for reasons of their own, based on Islamic texts and teachings and having nothing to do with the behavior of Western authorities. The ethnocentralism and paternalism of his assumptions doesn’t occur to Jambon,......

Muslim Migrants RIOT over Halal Food -  Did this sound like desperate “war refugees,” or like Muslim supremacists who mean to impose their brutal and extreme way of life in the host country by any means necessary?  Here’s my suggestion, have this gentleman cook for them — every meal. He’s halal.  Migrants at an asylum centre in the Austrian state of Salzburg rioted after being denied halal food last week.  The incident happened at a converted hotel in the small town of Unken, when a travelling halal meat salesman turned up at the centre in the middle of the night to sell his products to the residents.  Kronen Zeitung says the migrants quickly...

“Covered in fecal matter”: Muslim chef prepared food after wiping his bottom with his bare hands because he doesn’t use toilet paper for Islamic reasons -   Respect it! Now eat.  The devout Muslim cooking with his own feces was fined more than £5,000 last year for ten similar offenses relating to food hygiene. So why was he permitted to operate a restaurant?  Respect it! Now eat.....

‘Muhammed appeared in a dream, inspired me to kill Jews’ -  Female terrorist who stabbed an Israeli woman two weeks ago claims Muhammed appeared to her in a dream; planned bombings, shootings.  It certainly sounds like Muhammad.  Islamic Jew-hatred — it’s in the Quran.  “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews…” (Quran 5:82).  “Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses.” (Quran 5:78)....

London Muslim preacher hails devout Muslim who killed politician who fought blasphemy law in Pakistan as ‘hero and martyr’ - The killer, Mumtaz Qadri, is wildly popular in Pakistan and among Muslims worldwide. That ought to tell our leaders something, but they remain resolutely determined to ignore and deny obvious reality.....

Minnesota Muslim changes plea to GUILTY in Islamic State case - There are many, many others like Adnan Abdihamid Farah. Our government’s response? Youth basketball and job training programs for Somali Muslims in Minneapolis. This stupidity is going to get people killed.....

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