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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression

Heather Hackman of the Hackman Consulting Group apparently is a big deal in educational circles concerned with denouncing “white privilege.” School districts all over the country spend big bucks sending teachers and administrators for indoctrination into White Privilege Theory. The St. Paul public schools, for instance, have spent millions of dollars on this mission.

Blake Neff of the Daily Caller News Foundation has been attending the 17th Annual White Privilege Conference in Philadelphia, where Hackman enunciated a set of ideas that sound suspiciously close to white supremacy, and which made explicit the notion that teachers in government schools are now expected to be political indoctrinators more than teachers of any useful knowledge and skills.
A  professional education consultant and teacher trainer argued at the White Privilege Conference (WPC) in Philadelphia that great teachers must also be liberal activists, and described in detail her goal for destroying the “white supremacist” nature of modern education. 
On Friday, Hackman was given a platform at WPC to deliver a workshop with the lengthy title “No Freedom Unless We Call Out the Wizard Behind The Curtain: Critically Addressing the Corrosive Effects of Whiteness in Teacher Education and Professional Development.” The long title masked a simple thesis on Hackman’s part: Modern education is hopelessly tainted by white supremacy and the “white imperial gaze,” and the solution is to train prospective teachers in college to be activists as well as pedagogues. 
In fact, Hackman argued teachers shouldn’t even bother teaching if they aren’t committed to promoting social justice in school.
Translation: Sign on the far left ideology or get out! Remember that this woman receives larges sums of money from educational administrators, who do the hiring. And grant tenure.....To Read More....

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