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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Club For The Galactically Stupid

Obama’s Security Advisor: ‘Promoting Sustainable Development’ Will Help 'Defeat ISIL's Ideology'

By Staff

Susan Rice, who serves as National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama, told the Air Force Academy on Thursday that the United States is in a “battle for hearts and minds” against ISIL and that to “defeat ISIL’s ideology for good,” the United States must “offer a more compelling vision.” “Around the world, countries and communities—including the United States—must continue working to offer a better, more compelling vision,” Rice said.  “We must demonstrate, as President Obama has said, that the future belongs to those who build, not those who destroy.  That includes promoting sustainable development and economic opportunities.” ....To Read More

My Take -  Try to ignore the stunningly irritating  girl introducting Rice and focus on one thing - being prominent, being well educated and being in positions of major responsibility have no bearing on intelligence.  I find most of the Galactically Stupid are over educated, under smart and constantly being deluded by leftist ideology that bears no resemblance to reality.  Her testimony on the cause of the terrorist attack on the Libyan embassy. 

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